Follow God, He Is Faith

God said:

You moan about the past.

Gloria, you see the months of wonderful Heavenletters based on questions and My answers to those specific questions — and now I interrupt. I say, Put them aside. I interrupt your planned course and give you another, and you hold on and think: "What about all of God's messages written down? Who is going to see them? Where will they go? All of God's beautiful words of love and wisdom…" You long for the world to see them, and you weep for their anonymity.

My love is not lost. My wisdom is not lost. Words written down are not yet seen. That is all. But they were written and their love directed, and the world lit up. But that was yesterday, and today is today.

Have My love now. My attention has moved on, and so must yours. It is a question of My attention, and My attention now is on your speeded-up growth, not on your holding on. Holding on to what you thought, even if from last night, is nevertheless holding on to the past. Holding on to what you expected yesterday is the same as holding on to a former love. Everything has moved on. What you wanted yesterday is no more relevant than what you wanted ten or twenty years ago.

You are digging up the present, not the past. Do not keep digging in the same place.

When you follow Me, you have to move fast, because I move fast. My vision encompasses entirety and does not get stuck anywhere.

Now you walk faster through life. Now you don't hold yourself back anymore.

You are skipping past the illusion of time and entering the present.

Stick with Me. Don't stick to the past of even yesterday, not even to the past of an hour ago. Your past vision is not your security. Your security is My vision, and you are opening up to it, to My vision, to My expansiveness. You are stepping out of your enclosures.

This is a red-letter day. Today is.

Do not ask yourself what your attention has been on. Ask yourself, "Where is God's attention?" Then say to yourself, "That's where I will put mine."

You know that My attention is not on what Susie said to you yesterday or what Donald did or on the keys you lost or the toe you stubbed. My attention is on you on a far larger scale.

I am opening your life right now. I am not closing it. I do not pause. I walk swiftly, and I say, "Come with Me."

Do not meander. Enough of where you have been. Now comes more. Now comes your beautiful heart beating next to Mine.

Think of My progress, and help Me help you progress.

Be My willing companion of this moment.

You do not know where I will take you. You do not need a designated route. You do not need to ask questions. You do not need dates of arrival and so forth. The date of your departure is right now. This is when you come with Me. Don't worry. I know where We are going. I know Our destination. I know Our stopping-off places. You will know when We get there. Must you know beforehand? And must you keep looking back to see where you have been?

Keep your eye on Me. Follow Me. Faith is your holding My hand and keeping up. You know I can see.

You tend to think that where you have been is safe. You don't even know what safe means. With Me is safety. The Unknown is your haven. But, in truth, there is no Unknown. There is just your fear of stepping forward.

You do not have to see ahead of time anymore than you have to see the past. Certainly do not look at the past over and over again. Have you not spent enough time on the past? Come forward now. I call you.

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there is no Unknown

You do not know where I will take you. You do not need a designated route. You do not need to ask questions. You do not need dates of arrival and so forth. The date of your departure is right now. This is when you come with Me. Don't worry. I know where We are going. I know Our destination. I know Our stopping-off places. You will know when We get there. Must you know beforehand? And must you keep looking back to see where you have been?
Keep your eye on Me. Follow Me. Faith is your holding My hand and keeping up. You know I can see.
You tend to think that where you have been is safe. You don't even know what safe means. With Me is safety. The Unknown is your haven. But, in truth, there is no Unknown. There is just your fear of stepping forward.


I feel so happy to use exactly the same original title, because it is what I think, say and believe that God is faithful.

Today I was invited to speak before more than 300 people

and my topic was: God is good, God is faithful and He is All-Powerful.

I have decided to emphasize the fact that God is faithful. I thank God because the Heavenlleters are so faithful like God Himself.

Up to now I have never contradicted any Heavenletter statement. This shows a perfect harmony with the writer and the author of HEAVENLETTERS.
I have been immediatelly and always blessed for that .I used to search a lot for the truth.Thanks to HEAVENLETTERS, I am more restful and more peaceful.

Thank you, beloved Timoteo.

Thank you, beloved Timoteo. What you write is especially meaningful in that you are a theologian, and you give talks to many about coming closer to God. You are faithful.

God tells us to listen to our hearts. And that's what you do.

You are a leader. You are the first one to subscribe to Heavenletters™ from your country -- Angola.

It is happiness to be listening to God along with you and so many. We have close to 10,000 thousand subscribers plus we don't know how many readers who read Heavenletters™ directly from the web site and from other publications who so generously publish Heavenletters™ all from the desire to share God's love.

Do I remember correctly, Timoteo, that you found Heavenletters™ through a Google Search?

God bless you.


Yes. I found the Heavenletters by pure providence through Google Search.I had no clue about and suddenly I began thinking about the letters of the Universe and then I found the Heavenletters.

You have been teaching us through God´s writings that we are what God is.He is love.We are love.He is Omnipotent.

I knew it theoretically, but it was not part of my convictions.This is so wonderful !

Thank you for loving God's

Thank you for loving God's words in Heavenletters.

Beloved Timoteo, I teach nothing. God is the Teacher.

Please remember that this site is for people of all religions and of none. It is necessary to stay on the subject of God here and what you find here that is meaningful to you and at the same time away from religious beliefs that may not be someone else's. This site is spiritual but not religious.

The guidelines for this site have to be followed. No exceptions.

God is found nowhere but Now-Here

This Heavenletter reminds me of a saying: God is found nowhere but Now-Here
Now is the Auspicious Time & Here is the Sacred Space to Follow God
My Heart-Felt Thanks to God & Gloria.

Very nice, iamnaagaraa! I

Very nice, iamnaagaraa! I was looking for a comment from you!


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