faith in God
How Happy the Universe Will Be
What I AM, you are. I have given you Myself. I have given you everything. What is your excuse now, beloveds? What excuse do you have now for not revealing My glory? What excuse do you make now for not surrendering yourself to My very heart which is yours? When are you going to stop playing the zany comedian who trips himself and wonders how he fell?
What meaning will you attach to what I say when I say you are My child, when I say that you are not orphaned, when I say that you are not left outside in the rain? What will you make of what I say? Will you just shrug your shoulders?
You Are on a Treasure Hunt
Remember My promise to shower blessings upon you. When it rains, remember this pledge I make to you. When the sun shines, remember My vow to you. Let everything be a reminder to you. Think of Me. Remember Me and the blessings I will inevitably pour upon you. Know this. Know this more than you know anything else.
The Heart Is Different from the Mind
Limitless are the recesses of your mind when it listens to your heart. When the mind listens to something else, someone else's thought or an amassed world thought, it is not using its head. It may exercise a particular skill but unless your heart is in it, the mind repeats or recites an exercise that keeps you in place.
Thrust your heart forward. Honor it. Accept it. It is a leader of you. I entrusted Myself to your heart, not to your mind. The mind is a receptor of the heart. It cannot bypass the heart and still find what the heart desires.
The mind thinks.
God's Unbounded Love
Faith is a theme. It is like an emblem on a T-shirt smack in the middle of your chest.
Faith is also a winding pattern as on the hem of a skirt.
Faith is interior and exterior. If we look at you as a round globe, the outer line of you is the center amplified.
Faith is not something you hunt. You do not achieve it. Allow it, and it will be there, a full assemblage of faith.
Early Faith
You are learning to trust. Trusting is greater confidence in your own heart. It is not something out there that you have to trust in, but your own self and the Great God within.
Your life is built on trust. You put one foot down and trust that the other will follow. You put a flower in the sun and water it and trust it will grow. When you go to bed at night, you trust that you will wake up.
The Openness of Innocence
It's a good thing when you don't know what to do, when you don't know what to say or what to write. It is good because then you offer openness. When you know, or know for sure, you offer closedness. And closedness is control. Openness is not.
Of course, openness has to be true. An appearance of openness while you are sure inside that you know the answer is not openness but a manipulation of it.
Innocence is unknowing. Innocence is openness. Innocence is the greatest knowledge of all. It is a clean slate. It is openness. It is freedom.
It is not controlling.
Godwriting, Godliving
When you write My words, you do not know where they are going. But you write them anyway.
I may say, "There are three points to consider." Having no idea what the three points are, you nevertheless write down: "There are three points to consider." Boldly you write down what you hear Me say. You have trust that that is what I said, and you have trust that you heard it. You have trust enough so that you write it down.
You follow My words. You follow My thought. You follow My Will. That is Godwriting.
And this is the way to live life.
The Possibility of Faith
You who are My beloveds wander away from your belief in Me. You wander away from My love, and wonder where it has gone. You have been following kites and clouds in the sky and bouncing balls and sidewalks at your feet, and you have forgotten the wholeness that is yours to follow. You may believe I exist somewhere somehow, but you no longer believe in My ability, for you look at toys and you see nothingness and woe. You certainly have been walking on a side walk when you walk without your awareness of Me.
You Are the Universe
I stand at your side. I am always there. Put your awareness on Me. Attend to Me Who is at your side. That one bit of awareness will change the concept, content, and the culture of your life. Arise, arise!
There is attention put on a country's culture and corporate culture. Now culture some attention on your own radiance. Be the beacon light that shines in the darkness for all to see. Be a culture medium for Me. I need your help. There is mass sadness in the world, and I need you to break it. I will use you to break it.
Let God's Answers Come to You like Quiet Snow
How do you know when a thought that comes to you is Mine or yours? No bell goes off. No light flashes. No angel appears to point a sword to a sign that reads "God's thought" or "individual thought". And so you try to discern and make life harder than it need be.
Sometimes you just know, and sometimes you simply don't. But when you do know, it is not from analysis.