There Is Vastness
If you could let go of the little things that stick in your heart, how blessed the world would be. I am speaking of the little peeves, the little events that capture you. Perhaps someone snubbed you, looked at you in a way you didn't like, didn't hear you, didn't talk to you, talked too much, and so on.
If You Could Sit on the Crescent Moon
No longer are you to be a complainer, a griper. No more crabbing about life in general or your life in particular. Eliminate all complaints. Do not voice them any longer. This is for your sake as well as for the sake of others, and for the world at large.
Complaints, no matter how accurate, pull down your energy. Simply complain no more. That's it. When you catch yourself complaining, stop.
In the Fiction of World Thought
If you knew not the word "calamity", what would you make of undesired events? Imagine the enormous control you would let go of! Imagine how free you would be!
Heretofore, in the fiction of world thought, you have decided what to make of things and what category to put them in. Perhaps you have had the unconscious thought:
Cleanse Your Heart
Inner turmoil comes because there is a block in your heart. You think something outside you caused concern. Something occurred outside you, and, concomitantly, the heart is blocking itself. When the heart is clear, nothing is a stumbling block.
The Human heart is clear in love. It is murky when its aorta is pinched by sense of anything other than love.
Your heart registers its dismay at being out of love at any moment. Of course, this is a mirage, and this is what your heart wants you to know and tries to tell you.
Be Your Own Prince
Beloveds, rally round yourselves. Be your own best friend. Give yourself all the support you wish others would give to you. Whose opinion really matters but yours and Mine?
Let People Learn Their Own Lessons
Do not spend your life trying to improve other individuals in their personal lives. Do not know better than another what they should do and how they should do it. A need to improve others is your need, not theirs. Do not need to improve others, for it is always for your sake, not theirs. Furthermore, you only try to improve others because you have made judgments. You found the others lacking. You found yourself superior. You found your judgment and exalted it.
Do not always know better than someone else.
When you try to improve another, you invade their territory.
Love Yourself More
You have judged yourself the most harshly of all.
Even when you extol yourself, you extol yourself because you think you have to make up for something. You feel you need to accrue worth to you because you have judged yourself not worth much.
Judge yourself anew.
Lift your shoulders high. Remember Whose creation you are.
Love and Vision
You see as far as you love.
Your vision extends to the extent of My love that you allow.
Vision and love go together. You love as far as you see. Or We can put it this way: Your vision blocks expression of your love.
You Are Made of Stardust
How can I not be pleased with you? I see well.
It is you who is not pleased with yourself.
It is you who finds fault, not I.
If you did not find fault, you would not make fault.
Let go of fault, and you will be more of what you are.
Oh, the glance of fault — let it go! The superiority of fault. No less superior is the fault you find in yourself — let it go! Enough faultfinding! It leads you nowhere.
Be a joy-finder. Be pleased. Be pleased.
Laugh at yourself a lot.
But do not mock yourself.
Make yourself true.
Align with God
The fault you find with anyone is your own. Faultfinding is your greatest fault. Instead of finding fault, see the innocence of one who commits a fault, and you will emulate and reveal Me.
I do not find fault. I see Truth. I see the truth of you.
No matter how it seems, no one is trying to displease you. Whatever someone does, they are trying to please themselves. They feel they are unworthy, and they want to make up for it. If they think they are unworthy, then they are not seeing themselves as they are, and they will not see you as you are either.