A Vagabond of God's Heart

God said:

Whether you seek Me consciously or not, I seek you. It is like I am panning for gold. In My search for the loveliness of your soul, I never get tense or edgy as you may do while panning for gold, for I know exactly where the gold is, and I know with the confidence borne of God that I will find it and claim it for My Own. This is not selfishness on My part.

You are Mine, every last one of you. Never were you otherwise, except in the outskirts of your mind. You were never cast out of Heaven. Only your mind elected to leave. You diagnosed yourself as lacking, and so you denied yourself Heaven. You walked out in search of yourself. I never felt you were unworthy. It was you who thought you were unworthy. Your mind told your heart to vacate itself and be on the periphery. At any time, you could have recognized your existence and its belonging on the Mainland.

Oh, beloveds, you didn't accept where you were. You disbelieved. You didn't know where you were, you didn't know where you were going, and you didn't know what you were doing. You made yourself a vagabond of My heart. A centrifugal force of yourself forced yourself out from the warmth of My heart. Never did I exclude you. Never would I.

Will you ready yourself to come back to Me in your awareness? Will you make even a tentative gesture toward Me in recognition of your worthiness? Will you look into My eyes and find yourself, and no longer find yourself wanting? All you are wanting, beloved, is to know that you are stationed deep in My heart. Can you imagine the difference to your life this will make? Can you imagine the lightness with which you will swirl across life? You will untwirl yourself from the imagined bonds you set up to keep yourself away from Me. It was not really I that you feared. You feared yourself, beloved. You feared you did not belong. You feared you couldn't live up to your promise, and so you ousted yourself from Heaven rather than possibly risk finding yourself unworthy to be in Heaven.

What I make is worthy, and I made you, My beloved. With My own hands, I fashioned you. I made you perfect. Short or tall, I made you perfect. Whatever My hands touched turned to perfection. I never could make anything imperfect. I don't care what dent or scratch you find as defect. You are mistaken. That is the whole trouble with you — you are mistaken.

You have mistaken yourself for a poor imitation of yourself. You thought you were a rip-off when, all the while, you've been the original in all its glory. You never were a copy. You were never besmirched. My hands never slipped. I did not bake you in the oven too long or take you out too soon. No, I always did just right.

This is just the problem, that you have yet to know that you are My perfect gift to Myself. You are exactly what I wanted. All I have to do is to desire. It is no work at all for Me to desire one such as you, and then My desire is fulfilled. What I have put together, you cannot take asunder.

You do not have to patch yourself up. There is nothing to patch. You are My perfect love just as you are. Unfurl yourself from the shrouds of ignorance you have clothed yourself in. Let down the braid of your hair. I will climb it, tug on it so you will know My Presence, and then I take you with Me.

Read Comments

... you ousted yourself from

... you ousted yourself from Heaven rather than possibly risk finding yourself unworthy to be in Heaven.

Yes, that is so, dear God. No one likes to do this to themselves. But many of us were told by others like themselves that they were unworthy, in some cases even unworthy to be on earth. And we are teaching it, though hopefully to a lesser degree, to our children again. It is not that difficult to intellectually understand there never was unworthiness, not even in theory. But it appears to be much more difficult to dispel the illusion of unworthines once you have bought into it. I have no idea why we did it. It is like an alien language we were force-fed, a language overlaying our mother tongue more and more until we hardly remembered it. You, God, must be speaking this original language, for reading Your letters always feels like remembering another facet of what seemed lost. There must be many of those facets or we would be back in Your embrace, and our own, by now.

You ousted yourself...comment

Sweetest Jochen:

The following words you wrote send chills up my spine. How good, how original and so very true:

"God, must be speaking this original language, for reading Your letters always feels like remembering another facet of what seemed lost."

You say it as God would have me hear it. Thanks good friend


George, thank you for making

George, thank you for making me read this Heavenletter and thread again.

I am His perfect gift

You do not have to patch yourself up. There is nothing to patch. You are My perfect love just as you are. Unfurl yourself from the shrouds of ignorance you have clothed yourself in. Let down the braid of your hair. I will climb it, tug on it so you will know My Presence, and then I take you with Me.

I give You all that I have made so I can remember myself as You created me! It is as if life has been a school to teach me that even death has no power over a Son of God! Now as I begin to learn of Oneness I am bathing in Your Light. To KNOW Your presence God is all I desire.
Who is the part of me that tries to trip and cloud me in darkness. BEGONE from me!
I cannot begin to express the wonder and beauty of this HL. It brings such JOY to my soul!

Glory and Praise to God,
Much love to all,

My response to Johanne

Sweetest One:
I wish I could say and did say exactly what you wrote or that God wrote through you. It's really all the same. You blessed me by your words that reflect His precious face to me.

Comment on VAGABOND H.L.

I love the idea of God panning for gold, picking up a perfect nugget and discovering that it's me.
It so good to hear HIM say : "What I make is good, very good and you are a product of MY production line. This makes you worthy."
In many years of reading great books I rarely see such clarity, such love. This was the perfect invitation to knowing God and in that dear process getting to know my self. Thanks sweet one!

science/religion, imaginary lines of separation, shrouds of igno

What sweet, powerful and glorious words these are in today's Heavenletter. Again I thank you for miraculously disseminating them, dear Gloria.
I wrote a little paragraph this morning on the Forum, (at your urging, Gloria! ) and it was a little bit about how for many years so many of us thought ourselves to be unconnected to God. In fact, we didn't use the word "God" at all. We so completely dismissed the idea of God. How incredibly foolish! How absurd! And what error this dismissal created, and pain it caused in the process! And just now I read today's Heavenletter, which --of course!-- addresses this very issue. Our shrouds of ignorance.

Yesterday I had lunch with my son Jonah, who is just entering a program for a Ph.D. in Mathematics (forgive a mother for boasting!). He turned me on to a wonderful physicist, whom many may know about, called Nassim Haramein, and since our conversation, I've been looking at his website, which is all about scientific discoveries of today that are truly and for the first time perhaps erasing the line that we used to think separated "science" and "religion." These beautiful ideas on the site will, I am sure, help many who mistakenly believed that "Faith" alone could connect us to God, and mistakenly believed that they didn't have "Faith." Yours is another, more direct way, Gloria. They're two sides of the same coin, you might say, and as a Humanities/English major type, I'm partial to yours. And I'm so looking forward to the Godwriting workshop in September, by the way!

You have three great sons!

You have three great sons! Who wouldn't be proud?!!

We like what we like. We are drawn to some things and not to others. What is is!!!

The gentleman you mention does indeed sound interesting. You were so kind to ask. We are cautious about promoting anyone no matter how wonderful. What one dear person does gets multiplied. It's different when you simply put an URL for your website under your name after you've finished what you're saying. That's what I think anyway. Hope this is okay with you, dear one.

September is just around the corner! Just to think to be in Chicago again! And you live there all the time! I am so looking forward to the workshop too and seeing you and Hannah again.


Hello Gloria & all on this blog...or forum... : what you wrote to me makes sense, Gloria. And indeed, I haven't known you not to make sense yet! Meanwhile, I hope you enjoyed this beautiful weekend...the weather in Chicago was gorgeous, anyway!

Beloved Laurie! This is the

Beloved Laurie! This is the forum!

There is another dear lady who lives in Chicago who may be interested in a Godwriting workshop in Chicago. I cannot for the life of me find your earlier comment about the workshop.I wanted to give her the link.

May I ask you to click on Heavenletter Forums on the right margin here? Probably under Heaven Announcements would be a good place. Entitle what you post something like Godwriting Workshop in Chicago, and include your email address the way I had written it down (so you won't get spammers.) As time goes on, you can keep adding in the same place.

If you will kindly do this, then I will know where on the forum I can refer people to you etc.

I am so happy that you and Hannah are making it possible for us to have a workshop in Chicago! You will be our first stop on the Oneness Tour on our way to Mt. Shasta and then on to Argentina. Thank you so much.

5 Heavenletter Haikus for

5 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said I seek you
Whether you seek Me or not
To claim for My own

God said you are Mine
Never were you otherwise
My gift to Myself

God said Beloved
Come to Me in awareness
Of your worthiness

God said with My hands
I made you My Beloved
I made you perfect

God said as you are
Let down the braid of your hair
And untwirl yourself

Love, Light and Aloha!

Dear Karen, sooooooooo

Dear Karen,

sooooooooo beautiful these Haikus !!

Much love

What I make is worthy, and I

What I make is worthy, and I made you, My beloved. With My own hands, I fashioned you. I made you perfect. Short or tall, I made you perfect. Whatever My hands touched turned to perfection. I never could make anything imperfect. I don't care what dent or scratch you find as defect. You are mistaken. That is the whole trouble with you — you are mistaken.

So now, can we accept that we are worthy, to be ONE with our Father, can we choose to change our thoughts and know that we already are where we wanted to get ? If our Father tells us we are mistaken and that we are perfect and that we are the original and not a copy, can we finally take Him at His word and know and live and become this Truth ? Now, right now, in this very moment the change can be made.

Amazingly beautiful this Love Letter - Thank You !

Much love

raspuns la mesaj

Simt nevoia sa-mi exprim dragostea mea fata de Dumnezeu, sa-I spun ca Il ibesc din toata inima mea, cu toata forta si puterea mea si as dori sa povestesc lumii intregi, cum mi-a schimbat viata dar , este o poveste lunga care se intinde pe parcursul mai multor ani. A inceput prin anii 1993-1994, in primii trei ani nu am constientizat ca mi se intimpla ceva special dar citind foarte multa literatura spirituala si rugindu-ma ,mai bine zis tinindu-ma cu dintii de credinta ca doar Tatal nostru ceresc, Mintuitorul nostru Iisus Christos si Duhul Sfint ,adica Sf. Treime ma poate ridica din ; groapa din haos din tenebre din incilceala mintii mele ,din iluzii din desertaciuni din boli din suferinte si nu in ultimul rind ,din moarte. Ii multumesc Domnului Dumnezeu ca m-a ajutat sa ajung mai aproape de Lumina Lui, printr-o intelegere mai profunda a lucrurilor, ca mi-a luminat mintea inima si sufletul, ca mi-a dat liniste si pace sufleteasca,incredere in mine, din momentul in care mi-am predat Eul individual Sinelui meu superior. Acum stiu : cu Dumnezeu sunt puternica si pot sa fac totul, asa cum stiu ca fara Dumnezeu nu pot sa fac nimic. Am inteles ca nu suntem separati si ca trupul meu este Templu al Duhului Sfint. Acum, am sa scriu incontinuare R UGACIUNEA DE INTOARCERE LA DUMNEZEU,dupa Soloviov.Tatal nostru Ceresc, Tu, Pricinuitorule in noi a vietii celei noi, Sfinteasca-se Numele Tau adica Adevarul , prin credinta noastra. Vie Imparatia Ta , Intreaga nadejde a noastra, Faca-se voia Ta care uneste numai prin Iubire pe toti si pe toate, Faca-se, nu numai in lumea duhurilor supuse tie, ci si in natura noastra, care s-a separat de Tine. De aceea, ia viata noastra paminteasca si curateste-o , Prin Duhul Tau de viata facator. Ia drepturile noastre si indrepteaza-ne prin adevarul Tau. Ia toate puterile noastre ,Si toata intelepciunea noastra, Pentruca ele nu ne sunt de ajuns , In lupta impotriva vicleniei nevazute , Si condu-ne Tu, Pe adevarata Ta cale, spre Desavirsire caci; aTa este : Imparatia,Puterea, Marirea, Cinstea ,Slava si Lauda acum si pururea si-n vecii vecilor AMIN! sLAVA CELOR DE SUS! Si buna invoire ,respect reciproc si intr-ajutorare intre oameni pe Pamant, Liniste si Pace , Lumina si iubire neconditionata si prosperitate pe Pamant. Asa sa fie!

Beloved Roca, many thanks

This is my translation of Google Translator's translation of what this dear lady wrote:

I feel I need to express my love toward God from all my heart, with all my strength and power and I would like to tell whole world, how changed my life, but is a long story which stretches over several years. He started by the years 1993-1994, in the first three years we constientizat me that something special happens. I read a lot of spiritual literature. I thank God that God has helped me get closer to His Light. He gave me peace and quieted my soul. Now I know: God is powerful and can do everything, as I know that without God we can not do anything. We understand that we are not separated and that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.

With good intention and mutual respect in assisting the people on Earth, Peace and Quiet, may we have light and love unconditional and prosperity on Earth. So to be!

My response in English and then translated into Romanian with the help of Google translator:

Beloved Roca, many thanks for your most beautiful postings on the Heavenletter Spiritual Community Forum. I am using Google Translator to read your beautiful words and to answer you now. It is lovely to have Romania represented here. We are seeking a real Romanian translator. Then we can really express our hearts, and all will understand. God bless you. With love, Gloria
Beloved Roca, multe mulţumiri pentru dvs. cele mai frumoase mesaje de pe Forum Heavenletter spirituală comunitară. I sînt folosire Google Translator pentru a citi dvs. cuvinte frumoase şi de a răspunde la tine acum. Este minunat să avem România reprezentate aici. Vă doresc să se facă o adevarata română traducător. Apoi, ne putem exprima cu adevarat inimile noastre, şi toate vor intelege. Dumnezeu sa binecuvanteze. Cu dragoste, Gloria

Roca 's note & Gloria's response

No wonder these are called Heavenleters This beauty is breathtaking as was your response, Gloria

George, you my friend, are

George, you my friend, are second to none in the heart department.

reply to precious What's her hame

Talk about raising vibrations! You have made simplicity of expression an art form that's designed to make my heart stand still in wonder at the working of God's love through you. Flowers don't hold a candle to you. More than ever:
George whose birthday was yesterday and all my kids came to love me.

Who could not love you, dear

Who could not love you, dear George, you who art love yourself?

Does your birthday mean that you are one year younger and wiser?

I am love itself??????

Holy Mother of HIS funship:
When you're marching to Zion the 'thing' happens
When you stop trying to make 'things' work.
It's as simple as turning on a LIGHT switch.
I awoke this morning and SURPRISE, SURPRISE!
I was love all wrapped in skin but my eyes had changed.
Every thing was beautiful. Your note took my breath away as they always do.
I see them as HIS FUN Self expressing what He intends for butterflies, bees,
And all the trees especially the BRANCHES of his Holy Vine. What a Branch
You turned out to BE! You have to be staggered when you look into
The mirror of his Wonderful Face laughing at your every move.
George, the saber tooth mouse who can't tell if it's a year of growth or moss.


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