Garden of Eden
The Garden of Eden Regained
Imagine that you carry the globe of the world. Your arms encircle it. You carry the world in your arms.
What Do You Say "So What!" To?
Do you realize that you live on Earth where birds are singing, moisture is in the air, and growing greenery rises to the sun, and each day heralds the dawning of life? What is there to be unhappy about when such a creation as this exists? My children, you are in the Garden of Eden. Lush is the universe, and there is nothing you have to do but receive. All has been given to you to wrest joy from. You do not even have to wrest joy, just be open to the possibility of it. Be open to the possibility that joy is inviting you right now to come to her. Joy has her arms out wide to receive you.
A Vagabond of God's Heart
Whether you seek Me consciously or not, I seek you. It is like I am panning for gold. In My search for the loveliness of your soul, I never get tense or edgy as you may do while panning for gold, for I know exactly where the gold is, and I know with the confidence borne of God that I will find it and claim it for My Own. This is not selfishness on My part.
The Power and the Glory
When will you believe and accept that you are My beloved? When will you stop seeing yourself as some kind of outcast of Heaven? I really did not send Adam and Eve out of the Garden, and I do not cast you out. That is an impossibility for Me. I do not cast anyone out. I do not dismiss anyone. Beloveds, I am the Great Includer, the Great Embracer, the Great Uniter. I am One Who loves you with all My heart. This is easy for Me. So I ask again, why is it hard for you to believe that I love you?