A question to our Chinese translators friends
We are more than happy to see Heavenletters penetrating into China through beautiful souls like you who have the will power to bring the winds of change into China as well as into the world.
It would be beneficial for the global team of translators and for the readers of Heavenletters forum to hear a bit more about how the four of you (Innerpeace, Xiyangyang, Lirouzi and Nick Chan) are working as Heavenletter translators. Do you work as solo translators or do you already have a coordinated plan when you choose the Heavenletters to be translated?
There are not many "teams" of translators of Heavenletters for each language. In french, we are a team of 3 translators (Chantal, Jean-Christophe and myself) and we work in a totally synchronized mode focused on the daily Heavenletter published in English. This is a choice we made but they are so many other choices to diffuse Heavenletters. There is also a team of 2 translators in the Dutch language (Luus and Anneke) who also work chronologically as the french team. We would like to hear about choices you made or plan to make.
Ultimately, Heavenletters don't belong to space and time. They are holograms. Each Heavenletter IS the Whole in every other Heavenletter and at the same time is the part as a Whole. Because there is only One Heavenletter. In every part of each of them, no matter if they were transmitted 12 years ago or today, you can discover the Whole. Every choice must be the right choice.
We would like to hear from you.
Normand, you not only
Normand, you not only translate for Heavenletters, you do some technical tasks for us, and you express an overall vision for Heavenletters. We are so grateful. I love this that you say:
Ultimately, Heavenletters don't belong to space and time. They are holograms. Each Heavenletter IS the Whole in every other Heavenletter and at the same time is the part as a Whole. Because there is only One Heavenletter. In every part of each of them, no matter if they were transmitted 12 years ago or today, you can discover the Whole. Every choice is the right choice.
I believe I have offered translators to translate the Heavenletters they choose to translate. The least we can do is give translating angels their freedom of choice. With no recompense, they give their all. And it is for God that they do it.
As in your case, when there are three French Heavenletter translators, naturally there has to be some coordination. And you are the coordinator. And Chantal and Jean-Christophe are happy with the way it is going! There is something wonderful about the same Heavenletter going out on the same day all over!
It's fine with me that the translators of Heavenletters into Chinese choose the Heavenletters they translate as they like. We have 6,000 or so Heavenletters! And there's at least one new one a day! We won't run out of Heavenletters for a while!
The very first translator who came forward to translate was Paula Launenon who translates Heavenletters into Italian. She is the sole Italian translator all these years. Paula has translated faithfully every day for eight years. And, like now, when, when she is traveling to visit her family in Finland, she has done a bunch of Heavenletters in advance. And you do the same as well, dear Normand, when you travel.
(I just want to make an interesting note. Paula grew up in Finland with Finnish as her native language! When she married, she moved to Italy. Her grasp of the Italian language is so impeccable that no one would know that Italian was her second language! I love this story!)
Meanwhile, the team of Chinese translators is also translating the Heaven book into Chinese. It is my understanding that it is customary for translators in China to find a publisher for their translations. I can't wait!
God bless all the translators. They are a great gift. Thank you all.
May the means come when Heavenletters can treat all the volunteers, and we can meet all in one place for a Godwriting workshop and for a wonderful time. It will be a dream come true.
We cooperate together very
We cooperate together very well! May be more later.
*****Is it not a joy to have like-minded friends come from afar?-Analects of Confucius 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?-论语*****
*****Our hearts are open. There is no closing them. My prodigal son has returned--Heavenletter #4184*****