You Are a God Being

God said:

In line with your being authentic, I would like to suggest that you stop apologizing for how you think and how you live and all that. You are a God Being who comes from strength. Not bravado, beloveds, but simple strength. When you think about it, why should you be timid about who you are and how you feel? Being you is the best thing you can be. You are not here to playact.

When I say to stop apologizing, you know I don't mean that if you knock your cart into someone else's cart at the Super Market that you would not apologize. Of course, I want you to say, "Excuse me." You didn't do it on purpose. You are sorry. Always be a lady or gentleman. But when you choose a deliberate action or comment concerning your approach to life, do not apologize for it. Don't apologize as a habit.

When you state an opinion or you live a certain lifestyle, there is no need to explain, no need to justify, no need to take away from your opinion or lifestyle. What is there to be sorry about? That someone sees and lives differently from you? What a drag on conversation if everyone is obsequious about where he happens to be!

Do you apologize for being tall or short, man or woman, shy or bold? If you really think you have to apologize for being shy or bold, then don't be so shy or bold any longer. Would you apologize for the color of your hair? It is the color of your hair.

The apologizing I am speaking of takes away from who you are.

If you believe in Me, there is no need for you to apologize that you believe in Me. And if you do not believe in Me, there is also no need to apologize.

If people in the world did not hesitate, if people did not always have to think what's the smart or wise thing to do under certain circumstances, if people would get right to the point and say what they really feel, would this not be a different world? If people did not feel they had to sell their points of view and if people did not feel they had to buy someone else's point of view, what would the world look like, and how would you feel? I think you would be relieved. Relieved of what? Not having to be what you are not, not having to look like you are anything at all but what you are.

This doesn't mean you can't listen to what someone is saying. In fact, I am showing you a way you can really listen. I am taking you away from assumption, obligation, and freeing you to see as you see and say as you say, and also to be free to change. You neither must stay the same, nor must you change. You are changed when you see differently.

You will change and you will grow, and you always only have to be who you are. If you don't like cooked carrots, don't eat them. If tomorrow you want to eat them, eat them.

We are removing a layer of judgment, beloveds. Your way is good, and someone else's way is good, even when the twain don't meet. You are obliged only to speak for yourself. You are obliged to think for yourself and to be yourself. Even when you see that someone is smarter than you and you want to be like them, you have to come from where you are now.

Honesty, beloveds. We are talking about honesty and not lessening the value of who you are right now this minute.

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Listening to who you are

We are so used to hearing our EGO that it very hard to get quiet enough to hear the higher vibrations of the inner self. This takes growing, knowing and learning what "being" is all about.

When you try to think for yourself you are tempted to put your earth name in the place of the one who is supposed to be thinking.

Let Gloria and the Heaven Letters teach you that your real name is written in your forehead and represents your identification with the divine.

This sounds far away to some of you and some of you take this for granted. For instance when my darling wife died I softly told God how grateful i was that Adaire was in heaven. He spoke quickly to me that her frame was named Adaire. That was only form. The real being that wore the form named Adaire was eternal and never really left the Spirit realm.

Don't try to work that out by reason, just look at flowers, how they grow, they don't toil or work, yet even the richest person can't be clothed as beautiful as that. We are not who we think we are. We are the radiant glory of the celestial DESIGNER. Give yourself time to grow. Learn how to fall in love with you. Try it you'll like it.

George loves looking in a mirror

WOW! I love the wonderful

WOW! I love the wonderful wisdom of today's heavenletter. Authenticity and honesty are Godliness themselves.

Jo tells it like it is!


You say in two lines what I tried to say in half a page. Thanks

George nodding his head

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said Being you
Is the best thing you can be
A God Being you

God said be yourself
And come from where you are now
In all honesty

Love, Light and Aloha!

Wow, God

I do not understand how it is possible for a website on the Internet to be so accurate and ON TIME! Heaven Letters is not an ordinary website. It is extraordinary! I know You know this, but I still want to write it to show myself what is happening!

I asked You to teach me to be an independent thinker, this is what I have been thinking about today! I was thinking about us all having unique viewpoints, and having different maps of the world, and here You are! Dear GOD, how is it that You are so wonderful! And also, I was thinking that I "need to think for myself" and here You are telling me the same thing with Your Eloquent Words and Loving Energy behind them!

Heaven Letters is a MIRACLE! Unparalleled. Heaven Letters is Heaven Letters and there's nothing like it!

I am so blessed to know about it! Thank You God