What Can Be Greater than God

God said:

What is it exactly that you let distract you from Me? Must you? Must you allow interference?

Consider for a moment what I offer you. Why would you let anything disturb your perception of Our Union? We are so close. Let Me surround you in your awareness and let this circle of My Presence deflect anything in the world that would unsettle you.

Really, can worry of one sort or another, take My place? Must you allow worry to set Me aside? Of course, it is illusion that I can be set aside. I suggest that you acknowledge the Reality of Our Oneness and let nothing in your imagination put Us asunder.

In My Silence, what loud noise can disturb Me? In Our Silent Meeting, what can disturb Us? If something does come between Us, then it must be you who allows it. I would not.

A loud noise, inner or outer, seemingly takes your awareness away from Me. You forget about Me momentarily, and you believe in something else. You let something come before Me. You let something take away the Eternity of Our Oneness. You let something lift you out of My arms. You let something jar you. It may be a boulder of old thought. It may be a thunderbolt.

How is it that you can let anything startle you out of your remembrance of Me? What can compare to Me? It is like you accept dimes in lieu of Golden Moments with Me. You cheat yourself. You let something intervene. You let fear intervene, or excitement intervene.

What we have is a precious gift. It is eternally My gift to you. Of course, it is a gift to Me as well.

Do not lay the gift of Myself down somewhere and then forget where you left it. Do not get out of the comfortable seat beside Me, within My heart. When you leave, I go with you, and yet I am absent in your awareness. Be aware of Me. Stay awake with Me. Remember Me. Remember you.

Awake in Me, do not forget Our Oneness. Do not forget from when you came. Remember your lineage. It is a noble lineage. You are descended from Me. Believe in your spiritual DNA more than in the limits of your physical DNA. Your spiritual DNA is more like it. Your spiritual DNA is also embedded in your physical spiraling helix. It has always been so.

The Silent Stillness always exceeds the physical representation.

Beloveds, what more can you gain than My Presence? When you come down to it, is there something more? Only in your imagination, and why would you imagine anything greater than I? I Who made you, what can be greater than I? I say this in all humility. I stick to the Truth.

There must be something that fools you. What has fooled you, and what are you fooled about? I am no fool. What makes you think that you are to be deceived? And not only deceived once but again and again as though being fooled is somehow your duty. You have free will. You have the freedom to be with Me always in Truth and in your perception.

Honor Me with your presence. Stand tall at My side. We are beholden to love, and, yet even love, is not to presume that We, you and I, are anything but Love Supreme. Of course, love is not snobbish. Love welcomes all, and loving all does not leave Me out. Let Me in. Let Me stay with you forever, or, at least, a while.

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The world's greatest is truth and true love.

The world's greatest is truth and true love.

Tamil Verses of this Heavenletter

Let Me surround you in your awareness and let this circle of My Presence deflect anything in the world that would unsettle you.

In Our Silent Meeting, what can disturb Us?

Do not get out of the comfortable seat beside Me, within My heart.

Be aware of Me. Stay awake with Me. Remember Me. Remember you.

Awake in Me, do not forget Our Oneness.

The Silent Stillness always exceeds the physical representation.

I Who made you, what can be greater than I? I say this in all humility. I stick to the Truth.

Honor Me with your presence. Stand tall at My side.

Love welcomes all, and loving all does not leave Me out.

We are beholden to love, and, yet even love, is not to presume that We, you and I, are anything but Love Supreme.

Please click the link below to read the Tamil Verses of the Quoted Passages of this Heavenletter.


THank you for your love

Dear Heart,

Thank you for sharing such wonderful and heart warming passages from heaven letters everyday. Your love shines very brightly.

With love always xo

Thanks kika for Your Lovely Appreciation

Thanks kika for Your Lovely Appreciation. We Are Love's Bright Sun-Shine in the Heart of God.


I clicked on the "link below: WHAT A BEAUTIFUL VIEW!

I can't begin to imagine the time this must take. I say THANK YOU so much for the love and the time taken to give us such wonders! Oh, how I love you.


Thank You So Much George from the Depths of Our One Heart!

Oh George, What a Beautiful Soul You Are! You clicked the "link below" and wow! Linked Us Above to the Beautiful View of Heaven!!! In the Three Colors of Tamil Verses, You have Seen the Love, Light & Life of God! You Teach Us to see the Self-Same Beautiful View! Thank You So Much George from the Depths of Our One Heart!


Hi George and all

Hi George...Just to say hi and wishing you the most love-filled day ever! Jim.

Today's Heavenletter Tamil Verses as a biligual pdf file

Today's Heavenletter Tamil Verses along with the Corresponding Heavenletter Passages as a pdf file attached


Heavenletter3956-Tamil-Verses.pdf28.33 KB

Silent Meeting

"Why would you let anything disturb your perception of Our Union?"

Having that perception, one second of it, I would not. I would not. It's not possible.

Looking for the next fingerpost that says "Silent Meeting".

Beautiful Lord, let me stay with you for a while

Let Me stay with you forever, or, at least, a while.

God is Street-Smart kika

God is Street-Smart kika, He knows the Equation of Eternity and has Lovingly Given Us through this Simple yet Profound Passage. I Remember having read this in another Heavenletter recently.

a while + a while + a while+.............. = FOREVER

FOREVER Is Embedded within every "a while" moment with God.

The More "a while" moments that We allow God to Stay with Us Ultimately Leads Us Staying with Him Forever!

Every "a while" moment with God is a Highly Concentrated Forever! Let Us Grab "a while" moment & Stay with God Forever!

Let Us Allow God to Stay with Us at least for "a while" & the Great Miracle Maker, He will Transform "a while" into FOREVER.

A little opening into Us, "a while", is enough for God! Let Us give that little opening to God so that He Transforms Every One of Us into a Grand Portal of Love!

Thanks kika for Quoting this Beautiful Passage from God.


Your spiritual DNA is also

Your spiritual DNA is also embedded in your physical spiraling helix. It has always been so.

Thank You God for Reminding Us that Spirituality is the Foundation of Our Materiality Always.

" Let Me stay with you forever, or, at least, a while."

God's invitation is unconditional with conditions that are all related to our mental conditioning. How easy to think that we are in a human body by ourselves. God is so quiet that we hardly know that He's inside our heart and soul. Sure, we let noises obscure His gentle voice but only for a while. Read this Heaven Letter many times until you begin to feel His Presence along with your presence. Then his heart will beat with yours. Ask Gloria.


The Silent Stillness always

The Silent Stillness always exceeds the physical representation.

We walk together in the Silent Stillness NOW, joining our Hands and Heart as One,
And when I go out into the world, may I bring others into the Sacred Silence where ALL HEARTS unite in You.

With Love and unending gratitude,

Return to Forever...

Greetings fellow infinite, immortal, spiritual beings- sons and daughters of light. Today and forever more may we all share in the presence of HIS infinite divine love and light as in having a personal, one on one, relationship with Father, Mother, God, Creator, ALL THAT IS, Himself as Your humble servant. Pass it on, Thank you! "P"

Dear Paul, love the heart of

Dear Paul, love the heart of your comment.

Dear One, please read the guidelines for the forum, will you? I have had to edit your beautiful posts several times.

God bless you.

With love, Gloria