Shining Light

God said:

When you carry resentment in your heart, you are not free, for resentment lugs you around. You are at its mercy. Resentment carries you over its shoulders and bumps you into walls and bruises you.

You have a heart that is meant for love, not resentment. You have a heart meant for softness, not hardness. This is true even when someone, in her own distress, seems to despise you. Her distress is contagious, and she would like to pass it on to you. It is a hot potato.

You need not accept everything that is handed to you. Another's rough edges do not have to rub off on you. Do not latch on to another's hard-heartedness. It doesn't belong to the other person either, but for convenience, let's say it belongs to them. They will dispense with it by and by. It is for you to dispense with now. Dispense with it now and forever. You want to be free, don't you? Give up resentment then.

The person who resents you wants to give you her resentment in exchange for your good will. She wants to steal from you. You have something she wants. It could be your good name. It could be your good fortune. She will not like the person she wishes to steal from. Do not allow yourself to sit on the seat of the other person's teeter-totter.

Do not steal your good nature from yourself. Do not give it away. It is precious. Do not let someone knock you down from your perch. Do not let them walk all over you either. You do not seem to know how to balance such difficulties. Meanwhile, you fall down. Now pick yourself up.

Do not give one resentment toward another. Do not amass resentment. Do not hold it close to you. You are more wonderful to refuse to accept another's judgment of you than you are to forgive. Get the one who resents you out of your mind. Let them go. If someone wants to resent you, let them. It is their business. Dirty looks do not have to hurt you.

The only person who can hurt your feelings is yourself. When someone is unfeeling or negative toward you, you don't have to burn in the fire.

You don't want anyone to shove you aside, nor should anyone try. Most of all, do not let anyone shove aside your peace of mind. Do not give another a piece of your mind. Do not tell them off, not even in your mind. Do not fragment yourself because someone else is fragmented. Do not cut your heart into little pieces. Your heart is precious to Me. It is, indeed, My heart. Would you stab My heart?

Get anguish out of your heart.

"But how," you say. "How do I do it? My heart is stubborn. It won't let go."

Your heart is willing to let go. Your heart wants to let go. It does not want to collect debris. It is your unrelenting mind that will not let go. Free your mind and your heart will be absolved of resentment. Free your heart from the past. Shake it loose. Think of other thoughts instead of the tormenting ones that have been going through your mind ad infinitum.

Find a way to escape thinking of yourself as wronged. Or, acknowledge that you have been wronged and walk away from it. Otherwise, you wrong yourself. You undercut yourself. You sentence yourself to despair. You override yourself. You eat poison. You can help yourself. Do not drink that last drop of bitterness. Toss it away. You are greater without it. Be My shining light.

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Tamil Verses of this Heavenletter

Resentment carries you over its shoulders and bumps you into walls and bruises you.

You have a heart that is meant for love, not resentment. You have a heart meant for softness, not hardness.

You want to be free, don't you? Give up resentment then.

Your heart is precious to Me. It is, indeed, My heart.

Free your mind and your heart will be absolved of resentment.

Be My shining light.

Please click the link below to read the Tamil Verses of the Quoted Passages of this Heavenletter.


Precious Indian Sage! I love you.

My old eyes can't make out your name, but my heart delights in what you always say. We are all brought to a new level of God's infinite Grace by you and your work. We bless you precious One.


George, You Are the Sage & I, Your Healing Fragrance, We Are One

Your Ever-New Ageless 'I', Lovely Single Eye, Feels Me in Your Heart, the One We Share with God. Thank You George for Your Love & Blessings, You may call Me "naagu".

George, You Are the Sage & I, Your Healing Fragrance, Inseparable We Are One.


absolved of resentment

So quickly?

The image of resentment carrying me over its shoulder like a rolled-up carpet and bumping me into walls and doorways, swearing under its breath in its bib overalls, is quite amusing – until I remember that resentment and intense dislike are not a slapstick scene, at least not while they last. Whatever got me into resentment, dislike and hate, one day the pain they inflict even on myself gets bigger than the enjoyment of that coveted sense of righteousness could ever be. Now all the soul searching, breast beating, self-suspicions and hair tearing have been dutifully performed and resentment, harbored from what feels like time immemorial, turns out to be so highly addictive that it simply persist through all those obvious or intelligent-looking solutions. A most formidable opponent resentment is, playing such ugly tricks on me that I can't bring myself to acknowledge I'm him.

Dear Author of Heavenletters, this looks like a good beginning. Even if I still don't know how letting go is achieved, at least I don't feel quite so alone and hopelessly outgunned any more.

Dear Jochen My eyes water as

Dear Jochen

My eyes water as I read your letter. I felt EVERY word. I guess we can begin a journey of healing by first ceasing the cycle of resenting our past resentments and accept the past as it has been, knowing that for some reason perhaps it was part of what we had to go through to reach a level of realisation. We all share this journey dear Jochen. We are all in this together.

thank you for sharing your beautiful comment - it touched my heart and has taught me much.

With love

Dear Heart,

"...ceasing the cycle of resenting our past resentments" sounds like a tall order, but more than that it is a stunningly powerful and concise statement, a true mover. Thanks for lending a hand.

Jochen talks about hurts that can't be let go?

Precious, beautiful Jochen, no one can let go of a wound until it heals. Sure we cover it with balm of Gilliad or some concoction of our EGO but only healing takes care of a deep wound. But, you say: "it may have been when i was a child, or little kid and i don't even know where the wound is", the sweet one calls.

Then, in quietness you ask God, or you ask your LIFE to tell you where the negative energy is located down deep out of sight. God will show you or your life will show you how to speak to it in "love language" so that, over time, you place it in Gods Garden of love and it no longer bumps into walls or corners to hurt you on the inside. Gloria knows. So do I.


Darest thou now, o soul...

Yes, George.

But I would prefer the shortcut of being your son any time.

"Get anguish out of your heart."

God, through Gloria goes on to tell you: "But how," you say. "How do I do it? My heart is stubborn. It won't let go."
It's not hard at all; It's impossible. You can't do it. Only God can. Read the Heaven Letters that tell you how to surrender your hidden will to the Spirit of Life hidden deep inide you. This will show you the place of your "thinking", the habits of thought that need to be changed and how to change them by reading Heaven Letters and other good things that will help your consciousness to enlarge and expand. Learn how Precious you are to God so that you can become precious to you. That's how I do it.



Resentment and love cannot go together, so love more and resentment falls away. But yes I love the person but what polititions do at times can make me shake my head in disgust. Could it be that more lessons are needed?
Of course that is it, so lets get on with LOVING and all will be fine.Oh yes I did have a lot of strive in my live. But now even stupidity and burocracy cannot make me unhappy. This here is a nice place to learn from all my new friends. Thank you All Love Jack

So glad that you are back

So glad that you are back from vacation, dear Jack!


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