When You Love a Rose

God said:

You do not have to mourn a passing love. It is a dream that is passing. How fortunate you are to once have had that dream blossom in your heart. You had the dream vibrant in your heart. You had the dream circulating in your heart. The dream was passed to you even if it were only for a while. In the world, love comes and love goes. Be glad for love given and love received. Cherish every moment of it, and if a loved one seems to have passed you on his way out, let the love stay in your heart. Keep the love. Why deny your heart love because someone is travelling another road?

The path of love weaves as it weaves. The world itself is a passing fancy. There is no map to it. There is nothing that must be.

If a loved one has passed you by for any reason or no reason, the love in your heart does not have to be removed. Keep the love, yet do not carry a torch. You are free to continue love. Treasure all love that was given to you, no matter how long or short it was given. Would you hold it against someone for having loved you? Let the loved one go. Keep the love in your heart without holding on to the lover.

When you love a rose, even though the rose is a passing thing, kiss the now faded rose goodbye. It is this way in life on Earth. A rose is not meant to stay in bloom. You do not blame the rose for being a rose. You had the moments of the rose. The rose gave you all it had to give. It loved you. You cannot say that the love did not love you back. You cannot say that the rose was supposed to stay longer. You cannot say that a loved one is always to stay in love with you any more than you can say that a rose must stay in bloom. I know you want that rose, and it seems that no other rose can do. That was your rose. Kiss that rose goodbye.

Everything in the world is fleeting, didn't you know that? One way or another, a loved one will leave. Or you will leave. What is the difference? Because a loved one leaves, you do not have to oust the love in your heart. The sun rises and the sun sets. The sun is wonderful anyway. The sun has not betrayed you.

Because a baby does not stay a baby forever, your heart does not fall away. How grateful you are to have had your precious fleeting time with your baby. Must you be sad because a baby has grown or a bird of love has taken wing?

Who can stem the tide of life or the seasons of love? Is there someone to blame that there are seasons? There is spring, and there is autumn. There is summer, and there is winter. And yet winter is a blessed preparation for the flowering of spring and summer. One season follows another. You have no choice but to let the seasons depart as they will.

Who says your heart has to break? Where is it written that you are to take your heart and break it in two as you would a stick for kindling? No one breaks your heart. You are the only one who can break your heart. What makes you think you have to? It is not a good idea to break your heart. Keep your heart intact. See how big your heart is. See how it encompasses all the love in the world and in Heaven too.

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how big your heart

"See how big your heart is. See how it encompasses all the love in the world and in Heaven too."

I found the love of this life ten years ago when I was fifty-five. We had known each other for almost twenty years, there never was any marked attraction. Now there is. So how about parting and leaving?

No, no more parting and leaving. Out of the question! Leaving is a painful illusion we create to ensure we will prod ourselves back into clear awareness of our wholeness which is Oneness. All is you. All are you. Everyone is everyone. It can be seen and experienced. At the very least, it can be longed for and, from there, posited. Yes, do insist on all pains being soothed, on all seeming problems having the simplest solution imaginable: Oneness. You are both sides of your relationships, you are your leaving or staying partner, parent or child. Seasons, how beautiful they are in their nonexistence.

Funny and lovely how this Heavenletter brings to life yesterday's. It said: "We are so close. Let Me surround you in your awareness and let this circle of My Presence deflect anything in the world that would unsettle you." I, perhaps you too, tend to protest, "But God, I don't see and feel You surrounding me." The answer I'm sensing now sounds like: "Then project it, demand it, posit it." Has something like this been said in Heavenletters?

Beloved Jochen, if anyone

Beloved Jochen, if anyone knows where to find a Heavenletter among the four thousand plus published Heavenletters™, it's you. So, I ask you, dear one, has something like this been said in Heavenletters?

something like this

You are assigning me some task, dear Scribe! I love it, though I'm not sure I'm equal to it. The challenge is to stay close to current Heavenletters and not make it an essay.

In all things Heavenletters I usually come from a predominantly instinctive angle, often feeling as if, in saying what I say, I'm following some groove like the gramophone needle on a record. Of course, that's not convincing to anyone but myself, and rightfully so.

So, on the more objective side, the first thing that comes to mind now is something about "demanding". We are not speaking about demands of the small self.

There is a most beautiful Heavenletter on "demanding", it is #2582, "The Lock and the Key". Let me quote some of its wonders:
•Yes, there is one thing that serves you well to demand of Me. Now I will tell you what it is. Say:

•“Look, God, I want to know You for myself. I don’t want to read about You any longer. I don’t want to hear what other people have to say. I want You, and I want to know I know You. I don’t want faith any longer. I don’t want the faith that You are by My side. I want to know that You are by my side. I want to know for myself that You are deep in My heart. I want to know the love You give me firsthand. I don’t want to take anyone’s word for it anymore but Yours. I want to hear You for myself. I don’t want any more reports about You. I want You right here. I want You undeniably right where I want You. With all respect, God, give me back My awareness of You. Give me My awareness back once and for all, and never let me lapse my contract with You again.”

•This demand I accept. I am indebted to you for this demand. This is a demand that is My Will for you to demand of yourself. It tells me of your sincerity and your fixity of purpose, and it tells me of your readiness.

•Demand or request, in a loud voice or silently, I like to hear this from you. It tells me your desire is strong. It tells Me that you know what’s what. It tells Me you want your life to be filled with My Presence. You want unshakeable awareness. You don’t want a hint, a clue, a supposition. You are telling me this is your true desire, and that it will be fulfilled. You will fulfill it.•

Perhaps more to come, I don't know yet.

Jochen teases us by saying: "Perhaps more to come, I don't know-

Jochen is the waiter, the table, the food, the menu and IS.
What a man!


the passing time of dreams ( or the reverse)

"No, no more parting and leaving. Out of the question!" This has been my first reaction this morning when I read this Heaven Letter.
Men will always mourn here, in the illusory realm of time. Yes, Jochen, seasons are beautiful only if I know they are a passing fancy.
"You do not have to mourn a passing love. It is a dream that is passing."
No more passing dreams, then, soon I will be grounded in Eternity.

Tamil Verses of this Heavenletter

Be glad for love given and love received.

No one breaks your heart. You are the only one who can break your heart.

Keep your heart intact. See how big your heart is. See how it encompasses all the love in the world and in Heaven too.

Keep the love in your heart without holding on to the lover.

Because a loved one leaves, you do not have to oust the love in your heart.

Please click the link below to read the Tamil Verses of the Quoted Passages of this Heavenletter.


Heavenletter3957-Tamil-Verses.pdf37.49 KB

Everything in the world is fleeting

How can we prepare ourselves for the departure.....

When you know that other has given freely and became your role model of LOVE.

It's easy for another to cover words over your hurting empty missing piece.

Even now contemplating the eventuality of our parting is.causing tears and pain to well in my heart.

Can my mind and heart accept that I have no choice in the matter but to surrender?

This is one heavenletter I need to look away.

Let Our Love pour to all Hearts.
Let peace ripen in all Hearts
I Love all Human
I love all women.

your son

Victor, I think that we are

Victor, I think that we are not asked to surrender to our parting, rather to the Truth that "all Human" do not belong to death ( I guess also women).

A rose is a rose by any other name; it's kind of like you

Yes, roses whither too! Read this Heaven Letter very carefully.


the seasons of love


It's beyond words to have the Human Experience.

Blessed be the Human !

And blessed be the one who found Human Love!

George, your posting tells me you are close to being a mystic. But remember: Words never cooked the rice.
