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Welcome, New Translator!

Welcome to Cecilia, another star in the firmament of Heaven translators!

Cecilia is new to Heaven Khanyi. Along with Pablo, Mauro, Jordan, and Santhan who work iat Khanyi and Mojah Media, she is helping to bring Heavenletters out into the world.

When I think of the many beautiful souls who have come to help make Heavenletters #1 in the world, I am delirious with joy. (And a tear or two as well.)

I thank God for all of you.

And I thank all of you for the blessings that you are and give.

With enormous love,


Hello Gloria! And thank you

Hello Gloria! And thank you very much for your welcome! It is my third day working with this group of people, and I'm really glad it is! I really enjoy it! And it is wonderful to keep in touch with you...

With love,
