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Translating Bounty Main in Heavenletter #4380 And Your Heart Can Sing

written July 1, 2012 And Your Heart Can Sing
Heavenletter #4380 21.11.2012

You are not to stand in one place. You are to walk and walk again. Life on My ship is not a statemate. On My ship, We ride the High Seas, and the waves lap, the surf is white, and the sun is bright, and clouds are pink and the sky is blue and there is shore ahead and love ahead. You sail the Bounty Main. From shore, you sail again.

Dear translators,

searching the web for the meaning of Bounty Main I came across this entry on a blog:

I thought it was "bounding main", not "bounty main", with "bounding" meaning "leaping", as if the waves were leaping.

There is this lyric that I learned as a folk song. I am afraid I don't know if it is attributable to a specific lyricist:
Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main,
For many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again.
Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main,
For many a stormy wind shall blow ere Jack comes home again

This song helped me to translate Bounty Main in Dutch as Milde Zeeschuimer.

Maybe it can be of help for you too?


Thank you so much, dear

Thank you so much, dear Anneke! Interesting what you found! I always heard of it as the Bounty Main! Bounty could be a New England way of saying Bounding, or it may have been that I mis-heard Bounding as Bounty. And, there, too, I could have mixed up the book title that had the name of a ship called The Bounty Main. I think it was Mutiny on the Bounty.

You suggestion sounds just right! Leave it to someone from The Netherlands to help me mind my P's and Q's about English! (Is P's and Q's easily understandable?!!!)

Love, Gloria

My turn... on Hl # 4380 and its "Bounty Main"

Dear Anneke,

It is my turn to come accross the "Bounty Main" ...

I found the same forum you did, but it did not give me a clue about the appropriate meaning. I translated your translation in Dutch "Milde Zeeschuimer", which means : "sweet, or nice, pirate". Am I correct ?

I would have had the idea of translating "Main" as the main ship in a fleet, and "Bounty" as generosity, abundance, accepting the phrase as a play on words relating to the original song ... and it would be in french le "Navire Amiral de la Générosité"...

Now, of course, I am requesting some help here if you can. Gloria also, help, please!

Love to you all


Dear Chantel, There is so

Dear Chantel,

There is so much controversy over this phrase! "Bounty" vs "Bounding"

Since main can mean "high sea", then bounding main meaning "leaping ocean water"

From an issue of Journal of Maritime Law & Commerce:

As with the names of the principal characters, a fiction writer of even mediocre quality could hardly have imagined a more compelling name for the ship. "Bounty" denotes goodness and quantity; it also denotes the "Bounty Main," a nickname for pirates at sea; and, of course, it denotes the price on the head of a fugitive from justice.

I'm inclined to agree with the following statement:
Since at least 1814 the phrase has been "the bounding main", and it means the open ocean.

But, of course, we have to consider that Gloria heard this as Bounty Main. I'd go with this simple meaning, "the open ocean". This definitely is in alignment with the gist of this Heavenletter.

Thank you for your input

Thanks you so much for your explanations, I still feel that I missed something, but your right, let's go simple!
I know I have lost the play on words in the translation, but for once, I can accept that. It's part of the "translating job" I guess, knowing to be humble!

Love to you all.


Bounty Main

Dear Chantal,

Milde Zeeschuimer means Mild Pirateship. I think "Navire Amiral de la Générosité" might be right; what do you think of 'Navire Amiral Douce' or 'Douce Navir Amiral'?? I don't know of this translation is good in French...

Hope it helps a little!!....

love and light, namasté, Anneke

Beloved Chantal, bounty main

Beloved Chantal, bounty main or bounding main could be translated, to make it easy, simply as Ocean! It seems to me that bounty and bounding main are poetic archaic expressions that, when all is said and done, mean a vast briny sea.

It is beautiful the conscientiousness of translators and how they help each other.

Bounty Main

" Main" is short for the " Spanish Main". The isthmus of Panama and area Spain first took in the New World. All the "Booty" from the Americas went first to the Spanish Main before transit to Spain. Large Armadas of Merchant and War Ships transported the booty, or "bounty", to Spain. The Spanish Main was a target for English Raiders because it was "Bountiful" with treasure awaiting Transit. Sailing "0'r"(over to) the Spanish Main was a dream of every Schoolboy in England. Adventure, Treasure, defeating Papists while gaining Treasure!

Dakota, this is wonderful!

Dakota, this is wonderful! Thank you!

We have another wonderful old seaman on this forum. His name is Jack or J.

You both have a certain spark!