See What Happens When You Let Go

God said:

In the relative world where you spend most of your awareness, everything is relative. One thing depends upon another. It is as if nothing is self-standing. There is hot and there is cold. The same temperature may seem hot or cold depending on how you feel. In the spring, a temperature of 50 feels warm to you because in spring, the air is warming up. In the fall, 50 feels cold to you because the air is cooling down. This is the fluctuating relative world We speak of. It is transient and changeable.

So are sadness and happiness two ends of one process. There is an invisible scale that weighs the contents of your heart at any one moment. You are so versatile, that you can even be sad and happy at the same time. You can even weep for joy and be tearless in misery.

In the relative world, nothing is marked in stone. And if it were, even stones erode. You live in the relative world, and yet there is no ground under you. There is no solid Earth, beloveds. Everything is in flux. You run upstairs, and you run downstairs. The world is like a piano played. So many keys come from one piano, and your fingers move them up and down.

Yet even in the relative, there are many matters that cannot be defined. Politics do not stay in one place. The word has many meanings. Money, which seems like the most overt thing there is, is a piece of paper that means a lot, and yet means different things depending upon who you are and what your situation is. To some, these pieces of paper are wealth, and to others, they amount to poverty. Money is credited with much, and yet Kings would give all that is in their coffers for immeasurable good health.

And so, in relative life, We are talking of values, perceived values. To some, money is power, and yet it is a piece of paper with words, numbers and pictures printed on it. What is the difference really between dollars and Monopoly money but the value set on it? Even gold, when you are lost in a storm, doesn't buy you a map or food.

All that you rely on is unreliable.

Of course, you may think that I am unreliable, for you do not always see the blessings I pour upon you. You may have even been known to think I take away from you.

Life itself has a life of its own. Its ways are unfathomable. And so you feel adrift in what sometimes seems to you to be a loveless place.

And yet, love is all there is, and even love has been made relative in the world. You may even go around in the world with a begging bowl, as it were, desperately seeking love when you have all the love in the world and, coincidentally, all the love in Heaven.

Do not go around in life in imagined abject poverty of love. If you want to find love, if you feel in need of love, then the only thing to do is to start giving it. Where do you find love but in your own heart? As you give love, you begin to see how much love you have. Beloveds, you are full of love. You ask others to fill the space in your heart when it is already full. Full but yet untapped. So now you tap your heart as you would a keg of beer, and start filling up steins of love in your heart and passing them out.

Beloveds, when you feel no love in your heart, that is when you most need to spend it. If you want more love, this is what to do.

And if you have only a dollar left in your pocket, give it away. Giving is the same as letting go. See what happens when you let go.

Read Comments

let go

daer God,
i am so glad your explanition words,
hot and cold,
am thankfull of explanition your words to as
and also of mydaylife,
am always reliable to you
is that im always be,,
and let go,,

the threshold

If You invite me to give away my only dollar, then You are telling me to let go of EVERYTHING. We cannot serve two masters. I am on the threshold, unbalanced forward.


Dear Maestro, I understand that today is a day of meditation, it's 8/08/09 and
all of us are asked to sit and feel the GRACE of your LOVE for an hour. We are all in the
mood to meditate today and to realize the Christ Heart of Love looks on all things with a still mind and with Your GRACE in our Hearts.

Today, we let go of the relative world and remember the stillness and quietness of UNITY.
Of Oneness. We find that we could even walk out the door today and be able to look at the eyes of the tiger in stillness and quietness and Grace and thus we find that the tiger which
we feared so much can now only roll over in love and joy. Does fear have any reason to
live in our hearts any longer? We collectively think NOT. IT IS BY YOUR GRACE THAT

Our Sweeheart God

Ah! It is such a relief reading such wonderful comments....Knowing that we are able understand and trust our Dearest God more and more :) God is Sweetheart isn't he the best One :) I Love you thank you

God is indeed the sweetest

God is indeed the sweetest sweetheart!

The comments here are totally irresistible! (But I must learn to resist them, or nothing will get done!)

God bless you beautiful people.

Really letting go

The issue of 'letting go' keeps coming back and back at me throughout numerous places in my life. Although the very idea of totally giving away something that I really need (money, love, etc,) without any expectance in return feels somewhat wrong, at the same time I have a feeling with unprecedented certainty that it is THE way to get better things and more in return. To me, this is the real circle of life. And one that blinks at us with a cheerful smile...

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
If you want love then give love
And see what happens

Love, Light and Aloha!