One Sound

God said:

The same way as your thoughts reach the world, so do Mine. Heard or unheard, My words still reach. My words speak for Me, as it were.

We can say that I made one sound at the beginning of Creation, and that sound continues. It certainly hasn't stopped. You are hearing the hum of My voice now.

I do not speak in any one language, and yet I am heard in all languages. Of course, I AM, for I AM beyond language.

I do not speak in tongues. You hear Me in the language you are familiar with. It is like you hear a familiar tune, and at first you can't place it, and then in a thrice, the words of the song come to you. I am the song not quite submerged within you. I am the song forgotten but yet hinted at. And then you have a breakthrough. Beloveds, We speak the same language, even as We are far beyond language.

Language is a tool to dig up the meaning, yet meaning is not dependent upon language.

There is a lot about Me that comes from your memory, beloveds. I am stirred from the depths of you. You can consider Me the lion's roar. You may not hear, and yet you can know that a lion is roaring. I use the word roar as an example, for, of course, I do not roar. I sing, but I do not roar.

I am the hum of the Universe, and I reverberate through you. You are never without Me, and I am never without you. Break the word without in two. I am not out of you. I am not with out you. I am not outside you any more than you are on the outside of Me. We are One yet with what you might say are interchangeable parts, and yet We are not in parts whatsoever, for We are One. We have never parted company.

Hear Me. Hear the magnificence of yourself. Hear your lion's roar. The lion's roar I speak of is friendly. It is the sound of Our One Heart beating.

As to the question of whether one hand can clap, well, of course, it can. Clapping wells up. Delight doesn't even need one hand! It doesn't need hands at all. Delight rises from deeper than any hand. Clapping is inevitable because a great appreciation of the Universe is your natural expression. Less than appreciation is unnatural.

Beloveds, a blind man does see. Seeing is beyond the eyes. In the ancient literature, it was indeed the blind who could see. They were not so distracted. They more than saw. They knew. Because of their blindness, they paused to see, for all the knowledge is within every reflection of the One Heart that pulses throughout the Universe. All seeing is seeing within. The light that goes on is not outside you. There is no outside you.

Yes, yes, you can touch that which is seemingly outside you, and you can draw pictures of it, even diagram it, make specifications for it, and yet that is perception. Your perception. Perception comes from within you. Perception does not exist outside you. You perceive hot and cold, yet hot and cold are relative. What you perceive is the relative world which exists only as you see it. If you did not perceive it, where would it be? You are the beholder, and yet your eyes are lidded.

As you grow toward your greater awareness of Our Oneness, the less of your attention that goes to the particulars. Your attention goes more to the Wholeness that exists. And where does Wholeness exist? Why, it exists within you. And yet, even so, there is no with out you. There is one Song, and it is I, and I keep singing it.

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Hello All,

About a year Ago, i was at a book store, reading a book on the subject of what was art. I thought the book would be interesting and maybe it is, but that day it was dry to me. Anyway, while i was flipping through the book i asked Dad (God) what art was, and in pretty short order i recieved the thought, Appreciation. At the time, the definition was so simple yet it was perfect to me, WOW! thx, Dad.
Fast Forward yesterday morning, i was reading the letter here entitled, "You Work for Me". I had read this before and had it in my favorite places, so when i read the first paragraph, i decided to not read the rest right away and go ahead and try to apply it while i got a cup of coffee. while i was pouring the cup i was asking Dad, you mean just filling this coffee is working for you? how can this be? again, i got appreciation as my immediate thought. Appreciation? uh, thats working for You, Dad? my wife and I try to walk with Him everyday and usually its a matter of listening for instruction and following it, or trying to do this. So i explained to Dad, uh i'm having a hard time believing this, but if it is Truth, You need to help me know this is true, then a scripture came to mind, "Do all things with thanksgiving" and another scripture i remembered it saying,"giving thx always" so needless to say i thought it would take a while to accept this, Not!
I thought i would share this since this letter today again points to appreciation.
I have appreciated this website for a while now and the comments of all those who have commented and to Gloria and those who have this site possible, especially Dad.
Thank You to all of you. Have a Great Day!


dear God,
take time for me to think what my heart telling me
of your sound,
yes it very trught i hear your two time
whit out worsd whith out language,
im pirceive cold and hot in my body,
and com a question of my mind what about
God he feel like i feel,
oh God im so greatful to give me a birth
awarenes of your spiritt

One Sound

Sweet Heavenly Father/Mother God,

My heart swells each time I read about You.
I cannot but feel Your Love.
The Love that encompasses everything,
The Love that helps us to sustain faith in our lives.
It is so very true that as we grow toward our greater awareness, things that used to bother us before, seem so trivial now.
We are One and yet, when we get caught up in the little things in life, we stop looking at the big picture.
We stop feeling the Love within simply because of the choice of our focus.
The only way to learn to live as One Sound, is to live in the Now.
Time stands still, it feels like eternity.
Every senses(sight-hearing-taste-smell-touch) are accutely developped then,
Every cell in our bodies are filled with The Pure Divine Love when we take time to live in the Now.
That is the only real connection to Our divinity.
That is the only way to live, with Gratitude in our hearts.
So thank you Father/Mother God for reminding us everyday who we are.
Thank you Gloria for being such a faithful Human Being.
Wishing you all the most delightful and enchanting day.

Your posts blow me away!

I mean it. So much love and appreciation -- how does one ever absorb it all. I am talking about your posts. I read posts such as these, and I do wonder -- are we appreciating God or is it God Who is appreciating us. What spectacular beings wrote these posts -- or did God write them Himself.

All I know is that I am in awe in the wonder that God has created, the wonder that has God has created here on the forum.

for give me,

my dear freind Gloria,
godt mornig,
alow me my worsd
i am big surprise your post,
am also wonder evrymoment when am
reading God father words,
and i thougth and wonder God spiritt
tranper in you because no one can writteng
this words of God, what i dont understand
som of comment absure, ensted thankfulnes
of God words, and love hem, just like to love
hes humanbeing,
for give me my express felling,
and my worsd

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said it is I
I reverberate through you
Our One Heart beating

Love, Light and Aloha!

I thank God for You.

I thank God for You. Love&Light.


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