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Spiritual retreat progress

Querida Gloria,

Don't think we've forgotten you or your uplifting letters, in fact I have to sneak out of the office to read them everyday and not be bothered, ha, that's what I have to put up with for now while the project is completed and I can finally detach myself from the routine and move back home to nothing but detachment and living the moment. Now that I've seen some of those cases of I shouldn't be alive on cable and seeing what some people went through before being rescued, all that suffering made them a completely new person with a whole new point of view on life, all that suffering made them realize of how great life really is and how ignorant we really are when we complain because it is raining and our clothes will get wet or how worked up we get because energy prices go up. In that same manner I think of the sacrifice I'm doing by continuing to stay here; which gets shorter and shorter as we progress.

I spoke to Renzo and a lot has been done already, the land has been flattened and leveled in terraces, water and sewer has been installed also, and the first duplex bungalow is being erected. We're on the right track and everything has manifested with no resistance from us.

I'll be taking a trip in March to start the second and final part, as long as God continues to allow me the honor to create in his name to serve my purpose and his.

Thanks for your support and keep wishing us success in every way, Renzo and I would love to have you there someday if you wish when it is finally completed.

Bendiciones (blessings)


Spiritual retreat progress

Dear Pedro,
You and your cousin Renzo have dared to follow your dream. What a beautiful thing to follow your dream.  And such a beautiful dream, to create a spiritual center in Peru. From your photos, I see your spiritual center is right on the blue ocean. You and Renzo are such an inspiration.
Please keep us posted on all your progress.
With love and blessings,