Let Desires Work Their Magic

God said:

There are matters that you simply have to leave to Me. There are matters you can try and try to solve and resolve yourself, and all your efforts will come to naught. Sometimes it seems that the harder you try, the less you succeed. There is merit in that recognition, beloveds. Let go of trying so hard. There is no need for you to run uphill. Walk, don’t run, is good advice. Perhaps stay away from uphill.

I know it’s a balancing act, to know when to push and when to leave something alone.

Always you have the power of your attention. Let it work for you. Hands off is often good advice. You can only try so far.

When something becomes difficult for you in the relative, back off a little or a lot. Desire the outcome you desire, and let your desire take root. When you want a plant to grow, you don’t keep hammering at it. In difficult situations, use kid gloves.

Look at it this way, beloveds. Consider that your desires are more powerful than your actions. Your intentions are more important than your actions.

I do not mean that everything in the relative world will come to you of its own accord. I am saying it does not behoove you to always cut against the grain. Sometimes struggle itself is a sign to let go. In your letting go of what you see as a difficulty, you release it. You release your attachment to a specific outcome. Allow a situation to make its own settlement. Allow others to come to the conclusion you want on their own. When you have spoken your piece, you have spoken it. Give your ideas a chance to be heard. Sometimes, beloveds, silence works wonders.

When you pour a liquid through a funnel, it doesn’t reach the bottom of the jar immediately. You have to allow the liquid to flow. It has to carry its own weight. The same way, often you have to let your view of a matter sink in.

Once you have expressed your point of view, allow it its space. You have been direct, and now you let the idea do its work.

This is hard for you to do. You may feel it is retreating from a battle field. It is a retreat from your having to do everything yourself.

On Earth, machines have been devised to do the work of your hands. Now, there is a natural mechanism that will allow your thoughts to perform and take form. You cannot be everywhere at once. You cannot do everything all at once. Whatever outcomes you desire, give your desires a chance to work their magic.

This is soft sell, beloveds. Soft sell often works better than hard sell. Give other parties an opportunity to incorporate your point of view. Do not take a hard and fast position because then you are immoveable, and that locks the other in place as well.

When you want movement in a situation, leave room for it to move. In any case, not all matters in life will take the course that you insist on. There are no hard and fast rules for life. Although there is good value in being firm and sticking to your guns, there is also good value in listening, in pausing, in allowing, in giving others their say. Their say has to be their say. It cannot be your say until others see differently.

You are not looking for a victory. You are looking for a resolution. Sometimes you cannot compromise, but you can listen and watch and wait and have trust.

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On a day when the day's

On a day when the day's Heavenletter does not seem to hold much for me, at least not at the moment, the Generator comes to my rescue, reminding me of things that simply (and strangely) have not yet made their way into my day-to-day interactions.

Consider that your desires are more powerful than your actions. Your intentions are more important than your actions.

Nothing could be more important for me, and with the helping hand that is extended to me through Heavenletters, I hope to eventually learn keeping top priorities top. There is the miser aspect, the banker aspect of myself, strange and faceless people who automatically shake their head at my desires. At least I don't believe in them as universal superpowers out there any more. At least I have been shown they are only I. If they are I, nothing is lost. I can change. I can negociate with the banker and intend a better outcome.

So beautiful:

You are not looking for a victory. You are looking for a resolution. Sometimes you cannot compromise, but you can listen and watch and wait and have trust.