Heavenletters Bring Changes

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, Karen talks about releasing, whereas I'm used to saying unstressing, though I believe they are the same. Then I thought, what is it that is released but stress? And what is the incipient cause of stress? Control. So it is control that we release.


Furthermore, any control keeps you out of present time. Control is opposed to faith. Faith keeps you in the moment. Control keeps you out. Control pressures.


I suppose that all the programming people have is also a form of control.




Is freedom the opposite of control?


Allowing freedom is opposite of control. Freedom has no pressure.


Planning is control?


Yes. Figuring out, expecting, and demanding. When you turn your life over to Me, you stop controlling. Serving Me is opposite of control. Surrender is the opposite of control.

Control contracts. Surrender expands as love in the heart expands. Who would want contraction when they can have expansion? Who would choose lie when they can have truth?

Your are like children who choose a nickel over a dime because a nickel is bigger, or a penny because it is shinier.

But choosing less is a temporary choice because truth is sought nevertheless, and, sought, it is found.

How to live human life is the question. How to get the most out of life.


I suppose I have thought how to get by in life with suffering the least.


That reveals your thinking of life as a field of suffering.


My mother certainly thought so. And she had a lot of suffering.


She emphasized the suffering. She suffered, and then relived it. Her focus was suffering, hardship, and pain. Some would say that was reality, but it was her reality, sanctioned by her. And now you, her daughter, want a different reality.

Look at the flower or complain about weeds.

Choose what you notice.

Create beauty by virtue of your focus.

You still want to get away with life; you want to escape as easily as possible. You want to get off with a light sentence. Do you see how old thinking surrounds you?




What would be the next step for you?


Not to do harm.


Noble, but still in the mode of suffering. Go higher.


To do good. To love You and Your creation. To get closer to You, to express You more, to exchange joy. God, what is the most a human can expect in life?


A human can expect not to expect but to savor what he meets along the way. The more he thinks about savoring, the more there will be to savor.

Sooner or later each man stumbles on Me and finds a Paradise in his heart. Lo and behold, he has been walking in Paradise all along.

It is like he has worn glasses that see only black and white. He removes them, and he sees color.

He sees the light of love illuminating all, and he is in love with reflections of himself everywhere.

Let's face it, Gloria, you fell in love with Me. You fall deeper the higher you rise.

How wide open your eyes are now. They still stare sometimes without seeing, but they are looking.

You have moments of pure Isness. These are not moments of "big deals". Can you think of some moments that are pure being?


Talking to You.

Moments in meditation.

The time when Bev said to me, "I like HEAVEN. I mean, I REALLY like HEAVEN", and our eyes met.

When Jon calls to read the heartbuster lines from HEAVEN.

When my daughter reads HEAVEN and comments on it.

With Sunshine and Ginger.

With Karen.

When talking about You.

Thinking about You.

When I read A Course in Miracles.


Put your heart where your heart is. Don't put your heart where it is not.


What does that mean, dear God?


Don't waste your time in pursuits that are not meaningful to you. Choose your life. Pursue Me.


I do.


Claim Me as your own, for that I am. Compare no longer your life with another's. Yours does not have to be like any other. Do you grasp what I am saying?




You still wonder why you don't love all the things that other people seem to. Wonder about what you love.

Remember that statement. Wonder about what you love.

Walk in your shoes. Tie your laces. Follow your path. Grasp your truth, even if you are the only one.

Clues have been strewn along the way for you. They are magic clues that urge you forward. Be proud to see them and follow them. Overlook none.

You feel you play a waiting game. Get off the bench then. Start walking. Take bigger steps, bigger breaths.

Get out of old-way thinking. Follow My thoughts. My thoughts are not of aging or of hurts or of others who look askance at Me or ignore Me. My thoughts are on what I love.

Today your assignment is to think of what you love and nothing else. Think in every situation today: "What do I love here?"

Pursue your heart today. Tell Me what do you love right now?


The silence with You. The hope you give. Your kindness and patience with me. The vastness of Your love, and the waves of Your love.


Everything in human life is the waves of My love. Look for them. Find My love in every moment. Look for it. It is there, and it is yours to have.

Seek out My love today.

Transport it.

Ride on it.

Stir it around.

I have delivered the whole world to your door. And now you open the door. Be not afraid. It is I who stands here, bearing the treasures of Heaven in the world, laying them at your feet, offering them to you with My blessings and with My love and with My instruction to enjoy.

Do you want to give Me a gift today?


Yes, of course.


Then enjoy this day I have left at your door. Enjoy it the way you enjoy this time of Ours together. It is no different. I give you these moments, and I give you this day. Enjoy all gifts from Me. Be gracious. Smile at your day, hand-delivered to you by messengers of God to a messenger of God.

My thoughts are My messengers. You are a message I wrote. You are a Heavenletter addressed to everyone. And that is what My children are, Heavenletters sent to earth to be opened there.

Read your mail. Deliver yours.

You know there is not a moment that I am not with you. Let there be no difference then between when you are writing My words or living your life. Receiving and passing on are the same.

Be continuous as am I.

Be ever present.

Accept and shine My love. Beam My rays. Bless My universe with your joy in it. Be kind and patient with My universe. Let your love be vast, and may your waves be felt like My blessings.

Continued during workshop…

Gloria to God:

What a good time I'm having, dear Father! You are right. Angels have come. What will You say to us now as everyone is writing down what they hear?


Congratulations. The teacher and the learners are the same.

This is a kindergarten class. This is high praise I give, for kindergartners are innocent, and innocence is of Me.


I thought I wouldn't able to hear You in a group.


You never tried it before.


What else would you like to say about this workshop?


I have sent Archangel Michael to attend to this workshop.


(I didn't know what to say in response.)

Bev asked how my corresponding with You has changed my life? I didn't know what to say, though I know it has.


You do not need to have an answer for every question. I know how you have changed. You are less anxious, less frittery, more together, and more confident in yourself.

Readers of Heavenletters have also changed. Every day you change, like the day itself. The sunlight moves, the horizon shifts. You have all shifted. You are going up in the elevator.

I want to contradict what I said previously. You have not changed at all. You have become clearer about the you who does not change, and you cover a greater expanse of the world. You are swimming to Heaven.

The exercise of Heavenletters clears the way for you. More and more I am paramount in your life as you discover who you are. And who you are is Johanna, Bev, Caroline, Joyce, and Priscilla.