Choose Freedom

God said:

You are a seeker of freedom. You long for it. Not only those in prison long for freedom. Everyone does. What you seek is freedom from intervention. You don't want someone telling you what you can and cannot do. You don't want to be chained anywhere to any degree. You want to come and go as you please. You don't want to be limited by anything. You want the freedom of wealth and the freedom to make any choice you wish. Alas, the world does not always give you the freedom you desire.

There is one freedom that is yours, guaranteed, and that is the freedom to love. How much, when, where, how — that is up to you. Regardless of circumstance, this is your choice. Of course, you have the freedom to despair, retaliate, give up, cry, moan, but never are you without the choice to love.

Of course, you do not see love as a choice. You probably see love as something that arises in some situations and not in others. There are circumstances under which you cannot even imagine feeling love. Beloveds, if you find yourself in an unwieldy situation and you cannot direct love to others, then at least give some love to yourself. Rather than give yourself despair or anger, reward yourself with love. If you were to live life with your best interest in mind, what would you give to yourself? And that which you give to yourself, can you not share it with another?

In unwieldy situations, who needs love more than one who withholds it? Is not their avowed distance from love a sure sign that they need more of it? If you are not to be stingy with love, then what can you do but give it? Obviously, We are not talking about hugs and kisses. We are talking about silent intention. Intention is a direction, and silently you pause a moment and let your attention fall on love. Locate your heart of love. It has to still be there.

The secret to that cove of love in your heart is to remember Me. Do not project your anger onto the other or Me. Instead, project love. Accept My love. Your heart can step out of the shade into the sunlight of My love.

You are not to fake love. No, never. Pretense of love is a dismissal of love, and never would I advise you to dismiss love. I ask you to truly admit to the love that is in your heart.

The love in your heart knocks on its walls, asking to be let out. You who may feel imprisoned in life have imprisoned your heart. There is no one to cast blame on for what you do with your heart of love. You are the only one who can thwart your heart. You are the only one who can free it.

Your heart is greater than any circumstance. Your heart is the greatest thing in the world, and it must be freed of any bonds you have put on it. You have a heart. You cannot be heartless.

Less than love is bogus. Love can shine through anything, everything. It must shine through, or life would be but a tennis match. You are one who rises above circumstances. That means finding love in your own heart, no matter what, even when love from another is denied you.

Until you love, do not kid yourself that you are doing the best you can. The best you can do is to love.

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Connecting the dots

How many times I have said something to the effect of: “Geez! Give me a break! I’m doing the best I can!” I’ll bet you have said something like this, too.

When I have said this, it has been true, but that was before reading this Heavenletter and letting it sink into my mind and responding to it with my heart. Now I have another tool, like one of those gadgets you see advertised that fits all nuts and bolts no matter what size.

A good friend of mine has a favorite expression, she says: “You must connect the dots.” What she means is that I must step back, look at situations from a distance, see the spiritual layer beneath the obvious physical, and become aware of how it really works. This letter is like a “connect the dots” all-purpose tool. As I have read and re-read this letter, meditated on it and carefully considered its implications, I have felt its importance grow. I did this for me, of course, but I thought I would share some of what I came up with for those who may be interested.

First, let’s consider the “unwieldy situations” mentioned in this letter. We are told: “There are circumstances under which you cannot imagine feeling love.” We all have them. I will start here in the dot connecting process.

Next, we come to our response to the unwieldy situation. I know I have spent most of my life just reacting to these types of situations, my reaction was always simply my reaction. I had always thought my reaction was the only natural response. Whether my response was “despair, retaliation, giving up, crying, moaning,” I saw the cause of the emotion I was experiencing as the event or just bad luck or the fault of others. In this letter, God affirms that this is true for most of us: “Of course, you do not see love as a choice. You probably see love as something that arises in some situations and not in others. There are some circumstances under which you cannot even imagine feeling love.”

In the last few years, I have come across this message, that our emotional reactions to our life’s situations are potentially under our control, from a number of sources. The message rings true in my heart. I’m sure this is not new to any of us. Never, though, have I previously seen the truth of this so clearly and directly stated nor with the dots pointing to and connecting the next steps.

Here is a new “best that we can do”: “There is one freedom that is yours, guaranteed, and that is the freedom to love. How much, when, where, how – that is up to you. Regardless of the circumstance, that is your choice.” This applies even to the most dire of circumstances. “Beloveds, if you find yourself in unwieldy situation and you cannot direct love to others, then at least give some love to yourself. Rather than give yourself despair or anger, reward yourself with love.”

Now we get to the tough part. In my most “unwieldy situations,” and I have had a number of bad ones, I have never even vaguely considered the possibility that giving myself love is an option. But the voice of my mind loudly objects, here, and tells me that this is not so easy. God, in this letter, even warns us that: “You are not to fake love.” We are given some real help, though, to get past this objection, our line of dots are connected in this letter to some very specific directions, a sort of conscious lever we can pull.

“Obviously we are not talking about hugs and kisses. We are talking about silent intentions. Intention is a direction, and silently you pause a moment and let your intention fall on love. Locate your heart of love. It still has to be there.” Finally, the dots are connected to: “The secret to that cove of love in your heart is to remember Me.”

So there we have it! We have been given an all-purpose gadget with a lever on it that is controlled by our “silent intention.” What we intend is always a simple choice. We turn the lever toward the side of the dial that says “your heart and love.” In case our vision is blurred by the emotion of the moment, there, printed in big gold letters is a spot that says GOD. Just turn your “silent intention” lever to God.

I have emphasized the conscious control aspect of the content of this letter for a specific reason. Over and over again I have felt in reading Heavenletters, and I believe I have been hearing others commenting on, how God seems to be entreating us to feel differently and to raise our awareness, but we want to know: “How?” Here we have been given a simple, clear process to follow, a process that we can easily activate.

The net result of the use of this gadget is clearly implied, here. We will sense that our awareness of Truth is rising and that our responses to the events of our lives will be retooled to be more joyful. Perhaps we may even find ourselves less often in these “unwieldy situations.”

In any situation, there is always something positive and constructive we can do: “The best you can do is love.”

With love to everyone, always…..Chuck

Wow Chuck

Thanks Brother. Your comment made me see some things I "missed" while reading the first time. God bless you. Love to you as well.

And thank You God, for this Letter, and Heaven Letters, and Life. Thank You for Your Instructions, Your Insights, Your Words that resonate in the heart. The mind does not always catch up with the magnitude of what You are pointing to, what You are sharing with us, but the heart nods yes. Love You Father.