Beings of God

God said:

All My children are God Beings, only on earth you are called human beings. Uncapitalized is how you are described, and lowercase is how you have thought of yourself. I would have you think of yourself as Human Beings, for I would have you think more highly of yourself. If it were up to Me, I would call you God Beings, for you are Beings of God. This is not aggrandizing you. This is simple fact.

Where do I reside? Within you. That I am within you may be hard for you to believe because you have been off track for so long.

We have been in this enterprise together from the beginning of the illusion of time. We have been in Beingness together since before the beginning of the illusion of time. When illusion falls to the wayside, what is left but you and I? And what does it mean that you and I are One? It means We Oneness are. Oneness is. The Truth is that God Alone Is. Yet you run around on Earth as if you were a separate Being.

We are united. We are the United God. You are One with Me. You are My Being. I included Myself into each Human Being on Earth. There is no apartness. That is the fantasy. Oneness is the Reality. Am I the only One to love Myself? I am teaching you to love yourSelf.

You have had glimpses of Reality. Reality means Truth. You are learning to rejoin with Me in your Consciousness. You are returning to awareness of your identity as Self. There is One Self. There are many Human Beings. Made of the One Self, you are representative of the One Self. Once you settle down and are not so involved in the frenzy of life on Earth, you go deeper into the Reality. You find that there is nothing in Heaven or on Earth but the holiness of Our One Spirit. You are My creation. You are not your own.

Your life never was yours. It was always Mine. It is My breath I breathe into you, and it is My breath you breathe.

At the beginning of the illusion of time, everything was set in motion. The sun and moon and stars were set in motion. And you were set in motion. The motion is illusory, because there is no place to go except in your thinking. The physical is illusory, because all is My Light.

It is My desire that you think more highly of yourself. You have had enough of thinking less of yourself. Often, to you, it seems that you have been condemned to a body and life on Earth when you have been blessed.

Oh, would that you consider yourself a blessing, and then you would begin to bless. A Knower of Truth can only bless. You are in the company of God. Would that you would accept the Greatness of Human Divinity on Earth. At least consider that what I say is possible.

Humility does not mean to belittle yourself. When you know Who you are, what can you be but in awe, and this awe is your humility.

You become the first sound. Say, "Ah!" Say, " Ah, I am Divine! I am Greatness personified. I carry God on Earth. My body is mortal, but I am not. I am surged with the strength of the One Divine God, and this beautiful God desired that I be here in this physical form in order to glorify His Creation. I am a God Being. That is All I Am. That is The All I AM. I am God's grace on earth. I rise above mortality. I am an Eternal Being of God. I am on Earth for a moment to remember my Oneness with All That Is."

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Where does God start and where does He stop?

Can there be more clear statements of what we human beings are?

"All of my children are God Beings, only on earth you are called human beings."

"If it were up to Me, I would call you God Beings, for you are Beings of God. This is not aggrandizing you. This is simple fact."

If all that exists is indeed, Oneness, the fact that we are Divine in our basic nature must be true. This is a Truth that we must somehow invite in, accept or allow to seep into our awareness......if it is not already there.