Youtube Channel Idea
Warm Namaste/Greetings/Salaams from India:)
How is everyone doing today?
I was wondering if I could just read 1 HL's from the book
Gloria sent me or the latest one,in my personal Youtube channel,
Radiantgodlight and of course put Gloria's name and site
in the credits.Is that ok with you,Gloria?
The idea is to get more *new subscribers*
to our Beloved HL Site.
I have seen many people make a written presentation
about HL's but I havent seen anyone reading it out
on video or has someone already done it?:)
Maybe you could make a New HL Youtube channel
or Dear Santhan could do it?Once you
amke the New Channel,perhaps interested
subscribers around the world can send
in their videos to you reading out their
fav HL and you could upload it
itno the New HL Channel?
Maybe I shouldnt do it since HL maybe the best
when read and easier to understand rather
than someone speaking it out.Also I AM
not sure if people will understand my Indian
accent when I read out these HL's.But
anyways I definitely desire to read out
1 HL for my youtube channel.
I would also like to know if anyone knows where
I can get Royalty free instrumental music to use on the
background while reading out a HL?Youtube usually
deletes your account if you use copyrighted music,
so we got to be careful:)
Pls let me know if I can do it and I encourage
other subscribers around the world to make
a youtube channel and read out atleast 1 or
as many HL's they can in their own language.
Peace and Joy,
Beloved Shahid, I think it's
Beloved Shahid,
I think it's a wonderful idea for you to read what you want to from your heart. I think that is excellent.
From my side, dear one, we would never want a professional actor to read a Heavenletter. We would want only someone who loves and cares about Heavenletters to read them. I would think that the person who thought of this (you!) would be excellent to read it.
Any chance you could find a favorite Heavenletter, translate it into Hindi and read that too?!!!
Right now, Santhan is waiting patiently for me to find my microphone and make use of the sound card he kindly sent me so that I can read Heavenletters out loud for the website!
I would think that the more people reading Heavenletters out loud the better. And, of course, yes, the more subscribers the better too.
God bless you.
With love,
And the next thing I knew,
And the next thing I knew, you had already made your Youtube reading. You not only did it! You did it magnificently. I am amazed. I didn't know anyone could read a Heavenletter so well. Bravo!
Here's the link for everyone:
Heavenreaders, you have a treat ahead of you.
And please leave a comment for Shahid on Youtube and here too, for the rest of us, if you like!
Dearest Angelic Soul
Dearest Angelic Soul Gloria,
Thank you for the compliments.I have got a few positive
comments on that HL Youtube video I did.
All the Compliments should actually go to
God and You.What I have done is nothing.
In fact I want other HL Subscribers to
post atleast 1 video on youtube of their
Fav HL's-Will they do it?I hope so:)
With Gratitude,
Dear Shahid, here is the
Dear Shahid,
here is the exact source of what you read on Youtube:
Affirm Reality
Heavenletter # 1109 Published on: November 4, 2003
Your presentation is fun to watch. Thank you.
Hi Jochen
Dear Godsoul Jochen,
Warm Namaste.
How are you today?:)
First of all Thank you for taking the time
to look for the HL and send me the link.
But may I humbly say that the link you sent me
is of some other HL and not the one I read,
my friend.
If you have a youtube account,I would be glad
to add you as a friend:)
Would you like to read your Fav HL also and post it on
Youtube?The more,the Merrier:)
Peace and Joy,
This is really odd, dear
This is really odd, dear Shahid, because what I hear you speak on Youtube is the text of this Heavenletter. Well, some explanation will turn up....
Beloved Jochen and Shahid!
Sri Shahid, to me too, at first the Heavenletter Jochen named didn't seem like the one you read! Then I opened your exquisite Youtube presentation and followed along in the book as you read. It is the same one! Page 229. #80 in the book! So far as I could tell, it is word for word!
And yet I wonder why to both of us the Heavenletter itself at first seemed to be a different Heavenletter!
Maybe you didn't read it, beloved Shahid. I wouldn't be surprised but that God was reading it through you. I'm serious! Who could do such a great reading by himself!
Anyway, will you kindly get back to us here and confirm Affirm Reality as the right Heavenletter! I included it below.
I sure do like the title given in the book better!
You know how the more you do, the more you are asked to do? So which one is next, beloved Shahid? And I think reading Heavenletters from the book is a great idea.
With love and blessings,
P.S. It is possible that this HL in the book was slightly abridged. I'm not sure.
Affirm Reality
Heavenletter # 1109 Published on: November 4, 2003
God said:
Announce to yourself that you are releasing yourself from the past. You are freeing yourself from attachment to the past. As you recede the past, you accelerate forward.
Announce to yourself that you reclaim the accessibility of your power.
Announce to yourself that you are cleansed from the past. You have dived deep into the Ocean, and now you resurface bright and sparkling new.
Splashing from the depths, you rise to the Sun. You have the energy of the Sun. Announce to yourself that you have the energy of the Sun.
Announce to yourself that you now reflect the Light of the Sun on the many moons around you.
Announce to yourself your new freedom. You are free from everything that once kept you captive. Nothing now can keep you from your destiny, for you are freed from the past.
The past was not your destiny. The past was your thralldom.
Announce that you are meeting your destiny now. You have a tryst in the meeting-place called Earth. You will be in the right place, and you will be joined by many, and you will be joined in the union of love.
Announce to yourself that you are love incarnate. You are its embodiment. You are surely that. Say this in a loud clear voice. Say it three times.
Announce to yourself that you will see with new eyes every day.
Announce to yourself that you will breathe with new breath, with new lungs, with new posture. You cannot walk the same. You cannot speak the same. Now you will announce yourself.
Announce to yourself that you are My treasured Being. Say loudly that you are the holiness of My eyes, you are the holiness the earth has been waiting for. All whose eyes fall upon these words, I am speaking to you.
Announce to yourself that you are entering Truth. Once entered, you will be incapable of leaving it. You cannot abandon it. Where could you leave Truth once found? Where does Truth belong if not within you. No longer capable of non-truth, not to yourself or anyone else, you are only capable of Truth in all its forms of love and beauty and exquisite Beingness.
No longer can you put yourself down or anyone else who co-exists with you on the planet you find yourself on, for you, who are an embodiment of Truth, are a proclaimer of Truth as well.
Announce yourself into the chamber of My heart. I have been waiting for you to announce yourself. You have always been here. All that was missing was your declaration. This is your declaration of independence from burdens of the world.
No longer will you carry heavy things, for they are of the past. Now you carry love, and love is very light.
In your new state, you will dislocate from your former vocabulary. Words like burden will no longer exist for you, for you are a Light Speaker as well as Light Giver.
I am teaching you to reach into the fountain of yourself and splash the world with light.
You, whose electricity is turned on, cannot keep it to yourself. This is how you light the world. You cannot help it.
This is the emergence of your True Self.
This is your identity. Only now you are past identity. You are in a new realm where words like thou and I are immaterial. They do not represent Truth. They represent illusion. And you are a purveyor of Truth. Truth will be known, and it will be known through the illusion of you
Permanent link to this Heavenletter:
My Mistake....
Oops my mistake.
Sorry,Sorry,Sorry Jochen and Gloria,I just listened
to my video again and the HL you sent Gloria
and they are the SAME:)
Funny How the first time it seemed different.
I AM Baffled,How did this happen.......
I have already picked a HL from the website
and will be doing that next so that there is no
confusion again.I shall also include the
reading link of the HL I read in the video
description, for people who prefer to read
rather than watch me speak:)
I cannot imagine anyone who
I cannot imagine anyone who would not like to hear you read, Shahid!
And so the mystery is solved. It is baffling, how you and I both had the same reaction!
Link Added
I have also put in this link in the video description
area of my present youtube video,
for those who may wish to read it;