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Heavenletters YouTube Channel

Hello dear Gloria & Santhan & everyOne!

I've just had an idea about spreading HL further afield...

Have you considered taking out a YouTube Channel for Heavenletters?

It doesn't cost anything to join, and you don't even have to create videos yourself either.
You could upload all of the videos that Marlene and I have created already, and any others that I may not be aware of.

If you were to initially take out the channel Santhan, in your role as Heaven Admin, you could also (if you wished) share your YouTube password with Marlene and I, so that we could upload our videos directly into the HL YouTube Channel, so all you'd have to do is oversee the admin side of things.

Just a thought for you to consider.

Love & hugs
Mary :)

Thank you so much for your

Thank you so much for your beautiful idea! You, Marlene, and Heaven Admin are now, of course, working on this. Some exciting discoveries have been made in this joint venture!

Mary, It's an awesome idea!


It's an awesome idea! I have already written to the person who registered a Heavenletters channel asking for it to passed over to us. If I do not get a response, then we can always register a variation of Heavenletters.

One Love

How exciting Santhan! Yes,

How exciting Santhan!

Yes, it will all work out just perfectly!!!

Keep me posted!

Love & hugs
Mary :)

Hi Gloria,Santhan,Mary, -I

Hi Gloria,Santhan,Mary,

-I would love to see HL Subscribers post videos
in their voice on youtube of any of their Fav HL's.
It will be fun to see people from different
countries speaking and of course it
is going to raise the vibration of the world
waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up:)


HL YouTube Channel

Now that's a novel idea Shahid!

Any news on the HL YouTube channel yet Santhan?
Did you get a response from the lady you wrote to?

Love & hugs to everyOne
Mary :)