You Are on Time
Listen to Me when I say that everything is on time. If you never gave credit to Me until today, you are on time. And if you dillydally about serving Me, that doesn't take away from your serving Me. Of course, serving Me is serving All. You serve on time.
Librarians may say you are late or overdue, but I say there is no early and there is no late. There is no overdue. What can I mean but that everything is on time whenever it is? Whatever it is occurs right now. The past, long or short, disappears. Everyone starts anew. Everyone starts even. There is really no catching up, and there is really no getting behind.
When may be an exigency in the world. However, whenever you take action, beloveds, it is the moment you do, and that moment is now.
What you did then or didn't do then matters not because there is no then or when.
All that you have to bear to the world, you bear it now. You bear and you deliver. There is no other cusp of timelessness to do it in.
Now is not a time, you understand. It is a point of energy. It is a point of love. It is a dot of eternity. There is no racing to meet it. There is no missing it. What you accomplish, beloveds, is yourself. That is all there is for you to do, to be yourself. At any one moment, you can't be someone else, and yet you can bring to the table of life what you never have before. You can serve yourself as you never have before. If you were selfish, you served yourself nothing. Everything you have given away, you have kept. You stored yourself in someone's heart, and so you are wherever they are. You cannot be lost. You have cast bread before the waters. When you cast yourself, you are found. When you withdraw yourself, you are hungry.
Can you imagine a standoffish God? Can you imagine My thinking of Myself and Myself alone? Of course, when I do think of you, and I am thinking of you all the time, I am thinking of Myself. Let's face it. There is nothing to think of but One, and there is no time at all to think of One in.
You take an expedition, and you march in place.
There is no place that you have not been, and yet you discover it anyway. You are on the frontiers of yourself, your Self. And yet you already know every curve and every light. You discover what you already know and never didn't know. You are wise beyond memory.
You are the vast territory before you. You exist in a maze of mirrors, and you see yourself everywhere. Sometimes you don't recognize yourself, and yet you are certainly looking right at yourself. You come in and out of view. You figure out a math problem which is not a problem at all. You solve nothing and know everything.
Nothing has to be solved. If you think there are problems to solve, dance on top of the problems instead. Bounce up and down on them. Leave them and come back, and by then, even though there is no then, the problem won't be there. It will have resolved itself. Instead of frowning, do cartwheels. Do handstands. Turn yourself and the world upside down, and then maybe the world will be right side up.
What is topsy-turvy and what is not? How do you know that when you are standing up that you are not lying down? How do you know that when you are lying down that you are not standing up? How do you know anything when you know nothing. And yet, when you know nothing, you know everything.
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