You Are on Time
Listen to Me when I say that everything is on time. If you never gave credit to Me until today, you are on time. And if you dillydally about serving Me, that doesn't take away from your serving Me. Of course, serving Me is serving All. You serve on time.
Arbitrary Time
Time is so unreal and fleeting that you do not experience its passage nor can you remember it. You remember events, expressions, people, evidence of time, but time itself you cannot remember. It is so nonexistent that you don't experience it. You never did. You sometimes feel that time races or it goes slow, but time itself never is, beloveds. It is a mirage. It is a word. It is a concept. It is nothing but an idea. What are these supposed annals of time and where do they reside?
In the Vastness
Let Us take a breath today and not ponder anything. Let's just stroll through a park or a fairy garden or lie in a field or on a raft on a lake and look up at the sky. Let Us truly be at ease like on a lazy summer day, and not think and wonder at all. Let's just look up at the sky and feel its beauty and move into its Vastness and allow Ourselves to stay there. Let Us not wander further than Vastness. Let Us just enjoy Vastness and take it for Our own. Let Us do nothing today but loll about in love, loving where We are and Who We are and Everything.
Being of Eternity
This day of newness is a day like any other day except you have marked it on your calendar as a day of renewal for the universe. A New Year can only mean a universe new to your eyes. There is no other meaning. The rebirth of the world today is your rebirth as well. The rebirth comes from you, beloveds.
How Quiet the Ocean You Paddle On
You have been locked in time, and, therefore, bounded. Everyone on Earth lives in a time warp. That's just how it is on Earth, and, yet, it is possible to be less locked in. Perhaps do not hurry so much trying to keep up with time. Beloveds, time is much more agile than you. Cleverer too.
Time has given you the idea that it is your master. Why, the clock ticks every minute, as if time is not letting you forget its mastery. Even on vacations, you don't escape time. It is still the metronome running your life. You even have loud clocks that tell you when to wake up.
Take Your Time
Sometimes the thing to do is to lay back. Sometimes you want to give yourself a mini-vacation, be it a week, a day, or an hour.
You know, beloveds, there is no law that says you have to accomplish everything you have set out to do. I do not rate you on how much you get done. Of course, I don't rate you at all. You rate yourselves, as if the meaning of life is how much you get done.
Do you really think you are better or worse if you make your bed every day or if you don't?
This Year of Days
There is no such thing as a New Year. You know that. Where is the beginning of a circle? A circle doesn't begin nor end. Or the beginning can be wherever you say it is, and ending will be there too. The organization of the world is arbitrary, and, yet, great arbitrariness is accepted. Well, certainly, consensus saves trouble. You even set your thoughts by it.
The Book of Life
Beloveds, life as you live it is not orderly, and you cannot make it so. You cannot pinpoint life. You cannot make a map of it to follow. You can't even really trace past events and determine how you got to where you are, even if you do know where you are now. There is so much conjecture.
Day by Day
How do you get out of the ravages of time when the world you live in is timed to the second? The clock ticks, and you must be somewhere. The clock tocks, and you must get back. Clocks seem to rule the world. Of course, you are going to go along with the times, and get to work on time and pick up your children on time. Obeisance to time can be considerate.
Love Abounding
A New Year does not arrive, nor does a last year leave. This is all a game of time. Time can only be a game. It cannot be real, for it is a made-up thing. By consensus, time forms a pattern of days and nights and arbitrary things like minutes and seconds. Time is short or time is long irrespective of the measures you assign to it. Even so, right now, have the time of your life.
The time of your life means joy, and joy is real.