You Are More Important Than Time

God said:

Go at the pace that is yours. Someone will tell you to hurry up. Someone else will tell you to slow down. I tell you to go at your own pace.

Time altogether is a great distracter in the world. Hurrying seems to be a factor in modern life. You are often rushing from one thing to another. I might ask you to slow down a little bit. Not really to slow down, but to follow your own inner pace. Everyone has an inherent rhythm of life, and it's best to let it be what it is.

What is the sense of your wishing one person to hurry and another to slow down? Are you the metronome of the Universe that you would try to make everyone dance to your tempo?

Let yourself be, and let others be.

The sun doesn't listen to you. It takes all the time it needs. The moon takes its own sweet time. Stars light up according to the rhythm of the Universe. Sun, moon, and stars don't shake you by the shoulder and tell you how fast or how slow to go. If it is time for you to get out of bed, the sun wakens you. It nudges you. The sun doesn't go out of its way, and it allows you to pull the covers back over your head if you want, and the sun keeps going on its own schedule. Of course, the sun isn't thinking of schedule or meeting a deadline. The sun just moseys along. The sun doesn't go fast, and it doesn't go slow. It goes just right, even when it's a different just right for summer and winter. How accepting of itself is the sun! And how accepting of yourself will you be.

Make peace with yourself. Come to terms. You are tall or you are short. You are what you are. Fast and slow are relative terms. To someone, you move quickly. To someone else, you move slowly. When you listen to everyone, not knowing whether you are fast or slow, you will make yourself edgy. What is the possible gain anyway in meeting someone else's expectations?

As for you, beloveds, neither be a pusher of quickness nor of slowness. Accept that others are on time, and that you are as well.

If someone zooms by, maybe it is right at this time. If someone dawdles, maybe that is right too.

Of course, it would be a lovely world if no one had to rush and no one had to slow down.

I suggest that you not hurry yourself and not slow yourself down. Move as you move, and rest when you rest. This is another way to say to just be. Be, beloveds.

You are not in the military where you must follow the pace that is set for you.

In life, what are you going to catch when you hurry, and what are you going to miss when you slow down? What are you hurrying for, and what are you slowing down for?

It seems to Me that you are to enjoy every moment of life, just to enjoy it. It is not a race you run nor do you have to wait for a signal before you can go forward. Easy now.

A horse does not always gallop. Nor does a horse always stomp in place. Anyway, you are not a horse. You are a free Being, and I ask you to be free from the timing outside you. You are more important than any running or slowing down.

Read Comments

thank you

just what i needed this morning and probably every other morning just did nt realise it.these letters got me from here to there,so highly recommended , got me through a bad time.thank to all the staff and volunteers who run the site,kindest regards.and enjoy your day and remember keep smiling x

just what i needed this morning

You know what I needed this morning, Joseph? Simple, heartfelt words of appreciation like yours. No matter what, specifically, a note of appreciation is for, the words are so refreshing, uplifting, relaxing. Thank you!

Dear Jochen, as you are been

Dear Jochen,

as you are been for me much times inspirer, as I want give you this morning my appreciation for every single word you post here. I don't know you, but I think you have be a fantastic person. Words are often disclosers, and yours are always so beautifull!!

Good Sunday, my friend, I know everyone think like me.

Much light in your day.


Grazie, cara Pitta. The same

Grazie, cara Pitta. The same applies to you. My Sunday is truly breathtaking. Air as clear and crisp as the most delicate blown glass, not a speck of cloud in the sky. May your Sunday be as beautiful in Piemonte.

Joining the train of appreciation...

...which stopped by Amanzimtoti, South Africa and added a fresh sprinkle of brilliance to the day. All aboard!

Time, time, always time.

Time, time, always time. Tyrant time. There is no enough anyway.
There are too much things to do during our short time, too much things we want to do to feel ourselves alive. We have the sensation if we don't do much things we lost time. The world outside urge us to do much things and more again. It seems without way out.
But if you calm yourself and breathe with your mind, really with the mind, it is possible find a new way to think about world' things. Look, there aren't so much things very important, mostly are convention without weight in our life. We can left them without debt. The conventions would us prisoners with our mind full of silly thoughts. It's a game, we have to decide what team stay with.
God often tells us the importance of the word "Yes"; but I think the same is the word "No", perhaps followen with "thanks". Often say "No" demand more bravery for we have the feelling to expose us to the judgement of other people. It could seem there is nothing to do with time, but no so. We are who create our time in our own life. Everyone creates one own's time. Time and its perception are different to everyone.
"Make peace with yourself "

Easy now.

Along with Joseph's comment, this Heavenletter is what I have hoped for and longed for this morning without knowing I did. Dawning together with this day and the last several ones is a sense of just be as this Letter has it. Imagine, just being, no deadlines, no pushing nor pulling, no trying to meet expectations, just following your own inner pace. Trying to think of a word that captures all of this, it's "ease". Easy now. When a sense of ease is tentatively beginning to spread in your heart, there can be no more deeply inspiring promise than this one:

How accepting of itself is the sun! And how accepting of yourself will you be.

My own pace

I feel I am quite good today at what You recommend. Sometimes I am even too good at living outside time as it happens to me to forget my own age!
Jochen, I like so much your mind and your heart. After God's words I am always delighted by yours.

You are more important than time!

Yes, Yes, beloved Maestro and Creator God!!! we SHALL go at our own pace, each of us,
we shan't listen to people who love to be "pushers of quickness" "hey you, hurry up or
we'll be too late", we shall take our own sweet time. I LOVE the reminder that YOUR sun
doesn't go fast and it doesn't go slow. Your beloved creation, the Sun, doesn't shake
us by the shoulders and say, "hey, get up NOW!" she doesn't care if we want to pull the
covers up for a little bit longer. The beloved old sun, as the song goes, "has nothin' to do
but roll around Heaven all day" And she just follows her own bright and sunshiny schedule.

A delicious lesson to learn and love.

You Are More Important Than Time

About twenty years ago I read a book called Time Is An Illusion by Chris Griscom, and it changed the way I look at time forever. I haven't thought of that book for a while until just now. Thank you for this beautiful and touching reminder that my time belongs to me and that I decide how I shall spend it, use it, ignore or cherish each moment. This is my life and each moment belongs to me. Don't push me, people. God has ordained this day to be my day and it is always today.

Thank you
I love you


1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said to enjoy
Every moment of your life
Make peace with yourself

Love, Light and Aloha!


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