Yard Sale

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, You are definitely my peace. I come to you in Godwriting. I come before you in Godwriting. You do not come to Me. I acknowledge You in Godwriting. Godwriting is my offering to You.

Particularly, when opening myself to You for an answer to another's question, I vanish. I become Your pure thought — awfully close to that. When Godwriting appears, there is nothing but You. There is nothing but what You are saying. I am immersed in Your thought as a receiver and as a witness. I become an impartial discoverer. I do not know what I will discover, but the act of discovering and receiving quickens my heart. I swim in joy. I do not know joy greater, God. I am in constant amazement. Waves of You wash over me. There is a wave of a thought, and then another wave, and another, and I splash in Your thought. Is Your thought You?

God to Gloria:

You are My thought.


Is Your thought You?


Yes. My thoughts are I, and yet I am more than My thoughts.

We could say that My arms are that which embrace all thought.

We could say I am the Power of thought.

I am the Wave of thought again and again.

And I am That from which the waves comes.

And I am That which thought goes to.



This morning it is like writing to You and hearing from You is uncontrollable. I have to keep going. I wrote Your answers to John M.'s question, and then Judith's question, and now it's still going on with my own question, and I think I would be happy all day writing to You and hearing from You, and yet I think there is an intensity that perhaps I cannot sustain, and then I think of all I have to do and also the possibility of going to yard sales! How can I think of going to yard sales when I am having the privilege of this wonderful time with You?


Perhaps I like looking around at yard sales. Perhaps I like going places.


You would like to go to a yard sale?


Why not?

We could say that all of human life is nothing but a huge diverse yard sale, the milling around, the picking up in the hand of this or that, the purchase perhaps, and then going to another yard sale location.

If I am with you always, and I am, then I am not less with you at a yard sale than in Godwriting.


But I am with You more in Godwriting than at a yard sale.


In Godwriting I am your focus. At a yard sale, the material is your focus. Let it be. And then let your focus hop over to Me. Know I am there. It is all right for your attention to be on the yard sale. Know I go there with you.


So You don't want me to spend more of my time Godwriting?


It is My time you spend. It is My infinity you spend. So long as you are in a human form, you cannot only Godwrite. You need experience from your senses to know Me more. The outside also brings you greater awareness of Me. Just because you cease Godwriting does not mean that you cease associating with Me. That never ceases. Only your attention. Practice Me at garage sales as well as in Godwriting. So now I release you to a day of human life with Me as your loyal Companion. I am your entourage. I will follow you wherever you go. I am content wherever We are in the physical realm. I only know My love for you wherever We are.


Dear God, I feel like I am on a roll this morning.


Be on a roll throughout your day, not solely in Godwriting. I give you permission to enjoy your day whatever you are doing. Give Me your hand. Stop typing, and go about life with Me.

* * *

Diane to God:

Dear God, in response to your Heavenletter to John M. on HEAVEN 25, yes, singing! I am doing the sermon at church in August entitled "How can I Keep From Singing" or "What If the Hokey-Pokey Is What Life Is All About?"

Singing has become an hourly part of my life. I feel my divinity when I sing. I also feel that I am singing Your praises. And singing with others — what ecstasy!

God to Diane:

Yes, all is praise to Me, My beloved. Sing for Me and to Me of Me, and you hear the echo come back so you have sung for your ears. All applause is for Me. All books are written for Me. All is for Me, about Me, to Me. The more you sing My praises, the more you sing your own.