Three A's
Tina to Heavenletters:
I think that the July 1 Heavenletter about the Adam and Eve story, and the way the interpretation lifts our minds out of the quicksand of believing that God has been eternally punishing humans for the original sin, should definitely go in the upcoming book.
All the uplifting I feel is really coming from the increased trust I am placing in God. Every day that I read Heavenletters, I am more certain of the safety in giving up my illusions of control. It is like testing solid ice by walking out on it. The assurance is a given, once I allow myself to experience the initial, imaginary risk.
Now that I am healed of the hope that my former husband Robert and I will ever get back together, I am consciously staying out of trying to find a suitable partner. This is very new for me. My new thinking is very freeing and it all comes from trusting in God, and in the self-worth that He says we all have. Now, when I find myself thinking about a man, my internal dialogue goes like this:
"I don't have to do a single thing to be attractive. I don't even have to go out looking for ways to have contact with someone. God can bring the perfect mate right to me. I don't have to look at each new person I meet and wonder if he might be the one. I don't have to behave in any special way 'just in case'. If and when a Mr. Right walks in, I won't have to do anything special in order to attract him. So, I can enjoy myself each day, without any worry of what anyone's opinion of me is. All I have to do is celebrate the fact that God loves me just the way I am, and all is truly well — without any extra effort or control on my part. And besides, if I am not hiding behind any masks, trying to be acceptable, Mr. Right will be able to recognize me much more quickly since I'm not disguised."
And the best part of this whole new way of thinking and feeling good enough is that I'm having so much fun being myself that I don't even have any holes in my days which are creating a wanting for a Mr. Right. I'm having so much fun starting to believe and remember that God is my constant sidekick. I'm starting to feel like a kid on Christmas Eve for huge parts of everyday! And new friends are coming out of the woodwork!
Thanks to everyone in Heavenletters and to God for all the pieces that make it possible for me to have such wonderful reminders to read every day.
God to Tina:
Appreciation and awareness. The two A's. And A for the absence of attachment, past or future. Expectation is attachment ahead of time, is it not? Expectation is future attachment.
Now here is an interesting thing. As you released your former husband from your grasp, you also released your hold on a man in the future. A rope slips through all of your life. A magic trick has been accomplished. Untying in one place unties in others.
You untied your mother, Tina, as We saw in a previous letter from you.
But whom have you really untied but yourself? You have freed yourself. And you have engaged a Sidekick, a Buddy, a Friend, a Companion, an Advisor. We walk side by side, you and I, casually as it were, holding hands with a light grip as it were, no grip at all. Pure pleasure of nearness. Pure pleasure of association. Truly company for one another. Sharing Our walk through life. We hold hands, but We do not hold on. It is Our hearts that beat together. We do not HAVE to hold hands. That physical hold is minor next to the pure Oneness of Our being.
Nothing has to be maintained about Our love. It is. It is not a bond; it is the lightness of love. Eyes and hearts meet. What even has to be said? Tina and God take a walk together. Who else walks along with Us, whoever comes and goes, comes and goes, but We continue Our walk together. The scenery changes. The cast of characters changes. But We are together in the charm of our Beingness.
You are an ode to love, Tina.
I wrote a poem, and the poem is you.
The poem is called Tina.
Tina writes herself.
She doesn't write others' scripts.
She writes her own.
She writes My story.
Her life is an ode to Me.
Her life.
Whose life is it?
Shall We not call it My life, for I gave it.
To whom do you belong if not to Me, your Creator?
Whose child are you?
Whose Father am I?
The Father makes the child, and the child makes the Father.
Creator and createdness are the same.
As a poem is a lovely thought written down,
so is My child My expression manifested,
written down as it were.
Yes, I wrote you into existence on a page of paper called life.
I dreamed you.
My dream came to life.
You are My life.
You are My life manifested.
You are My cheerleader, and I cheer you on.
As Godwriting writes itself, as the hand that holds the pen stays out of it, and lets the words unfold, so will My children do in their lives. Your lives are like My Godwriting. Listen and let Me move through life. Let Me be the Writer of your life. Listen.