Money Comes from God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Annette to God:

Dear God, thank you once again for Your beautiful reply on July 14. It is wonderful to know that You are free. It may take me a little while before that really sinks in. In the meantime I have more questions.

God, You said to put more of my attention on the joy of earning wealth and to find work that I enjoy. You also said that if I were truly going back to school to increase my income potential, I would be studying accounting or computer science. Furthermore, You said my course is to find fulfillment for my heart.

But what if I want to both make money AND follow my heart? You know that following my heart means to me studying art, literature, and languages, which are areas that don't usually pay much. It means finding or creating my own ideal business or profession, doing something meaningful to me, something to uplift the world, where I am my own boss, work outdoors year round in a beautiful climate, laugh a lot, and feel so inspired that I can't wait to get out of bed in the morning each day and begin work. It would be a labor of love for an occupation, and I would use all my natural talents and learn new skills, new knowledge, and grow very fast. But it would also pay well and enable me to both pay off our debts and live comfortably at the same time, and still have enough left over to travel as often and as much as I please.

That's my dream job. I can see how computer science and accounting could be a part of this, but not a major part. Those are not fields that get me excited, God.

I just hope that at this stage of my life, it's not already too late. Dear God, You say anything is possible with You, so this must be possible too, even if it takes some time to manifest. I realize, of course, that in the meantime I may have to do something less than my ideal. That wouldn't be hard if I were a lot younger.

Now, I want all of this for my husband, too, but he says his heart is to stay where he is forever, that is, working for the same employer, who does not pay adequately for his hard work. He seems to value his employer more than he values himself or his marriage. I don't like that. I want him to be happy. He insists that this is his happiness, but I don't feel any joy in the way he says it. I don't see how he can be happy when he also says he wants lots of money. How does he think he's going to get it by staying where he is? Like me, he isn't being realistic. I feel he is severely limiting himself the same way I have limited myself all my life so far. But I can't persuade him to change anymore than anyone could have persuaded me. I didn't desire differently until my job situation became unbearable. I don't know that the same will ever happen to him. He sees things a lot differently than I do.

Please, God, help me deal with my frustration with the stubbornness of my darling husband. And tell me how I can both earn lots of money and follow my heart at the same time.

God to Annette:

Align with Me.

Don't go it alone.

You are not the hunter.

When the American Indians hunted buffalo, they were aware that I provided the buffalo. They knew it was beyond their human effort to provide their food and well-being. They knew from where all comes.

You think that money comes from your own effort, particularly a painful effort. You think it is like gold hidden deep in a mountain, and that you have a little hatchet and must dig long and arduously to ever reach the gold, and may indeed never reach it, fearing it takes too long and you are so late. It is night, and you still hammer away. Give Me the opportunity to dig for you. There will be no night.

I created you. Certainly I can create a little thing like paper rectangles printed in green.

Money comes from Me, Annette, from Me to you.

Of course you want income and to do what you love to do at the same time. That is no surprise. Who said that you could have only money or joy? Who said that was the choice?

Remove your belief that money is an obstacle.

What did I just say?

You have an ingrained belief that money holds you back from Me.

You think you have a choice of being practical (some kind of torture) or having joy.

When will you choose your life if not now?

Pursue things for the right reasons. The heart is right. Choosing something for any other reason than love usually leaves you high and dry. A diploma in computer science would not bring you wealth, Annette; it would bring you pain. It would be punishment for you. Leave computer science to those who love playing with it. Who would tell those people to become artists? Would you? And why should they try to be something that is not their truth? And why should you? But be sure you are honest with yourself and do not make up reasons to satisfy the world.

Now, of course, I am not telling you or anyone to stay in bed all day and eat bonbons. I do not encourage anyone to indulge himself. But I do tell you to relax, and how you do that is by giving over to me.

Try this. Whatever you are doing, do it for Me. Do it with Me in mind. Do it to help express My universe.

Know that wealth will come to you. Do not ferret it out. Consider wealth like love. Love came to you, did it not? You did not spend your life looking for a husband, and yet a beautiful husband came to you. You lived your life before your husband and now you live it with a husband. So you live your life with less money than you want, and you will live your life with all the money you want. Accoutrements and other human beings are not your life.

Do you remember how you took your trip and you ate the food that came along? You didn't have to know ahead of time what it would be, whether it would be fried or baked, vegetarian or meat.

Treat life the same way.

Do not become so embroiled in outcomes.

Bear in mind, what could be too late for me to do?

Begin to feel that abundance is yours.

Put your dear husband in My light.

Put yourself there.

Make the receipt of wealth easy, not hard.

Make earning money joyful not painful.

Above all, keep your eye on Me, dear Annette. On Me.

Have I answered everything?

Come back if I haven't.

Come back to Me in any case.

Who else is there to go to?