Will You Accept That You Are Loved?
There is no room for debate when it comes to My love for you. If you feel denied of My love, you are the one denying it. You want proof of love, and you make demands. Truly, make fewer demands of Me. Scout for My love as one who is sure to find it. Do not demand a particular form for My love to appear to you in. When you demand, you are setting boundaries for love, and love, My love, your love, all love is boundless.
Do you think I don’t love you because you are having a hard time about one thing or another? Because you lost your job or something fell through, do you think that means I don’t love you? Because of anything, do you really think I don’t love you with all the love of the Universe? You make conditions. And then you jump to conclusions. And, oh, the conclusions you jump to. Your conclusions are off-base.
Never am I a question of this or that. I am this and that. I am That.
Never am I a question of if, as in if I love you. I love you. End of story. You are My beloved. When will you believe Me? When will you accept that you are loved, no more, no less, than anyone else I love. I do not know a lesser love. I only know total ever-embracing love. I am a Servant of Love. The path I walk on is love. I do not think about love. I simply give it for all I’m worth. Of course, you have no idea how much I am worth. You measure Me in teaspoons. I am the Ocean, and you, My beloved, measure Me in teaspoons.
But even if you measured Me in barrels, it would take too long. You would never finish anyway because I am beyond measure. I am immeasurable. You are too. Why try to measure anyway? What difference does your measurement make? Love is not an illusion. That you can measure My love is an illusion. It is an illusion extraordinaire! You would imprison love if you could. You would hog-tie love if you could. You would tar and feather love so it would stick around if you could. The fact is that love has nowhere to go because love thrives everywhere. Never mind what you see. Don’t refute what I say to you. Don’t think you know more than I do. Surely you know better than that.
There is nothing I have forgotten. You cannot say that about you. In fact, you clamor for Me because you have forgotten Me. Remember that I am within, within you. I am perfectly happy in your heart, yet I want you to know Me there. It cannot be that I will be happier, for My happiness is infinite right now, and yet your happiness means a great deal to Me, and I know where your happiness lies. It really doesn’t lie outside you, although you are convinced it does. Will you at least admit that the Source of your happiness lies within? Surely it gets triggered by outside events, and you are elated. How long does the elation last?
There is an-even tempered happiness within you that is simply there. It needs no triggering. It needs your awareness. Awareness is not participation really. There is nothing for you to do but to be aware. Awareness is not an action. Your ever-still awareness waits for you. The only thing that can be lacking in your life is your awareness. Today I ask for your greater awareness of Me and of you and the love that is, not between Us, but of Us. Become aware of Our Oneness.
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