Like the Flow of a Great River

God said:

Don’t mind so much when you feel sleepy. Sometimes it’s hard for you to wake up. And sometimes it’s hard for you to get to sleep. Either way you are disgruntled. It is you who sets the clock. What if it’s right when you feel sleepy, and right when you’re wide awake? What if you don’t see either one of these as an awful thing. What if it is perfectly all right to be awake, and perfectly all right to sleep? What would you mind about then?

What if you need all the sleep you crave, and what if you need all the wakefulness? Why do you say one is better one time and not another time? Must you be so regulated? What if everything is all right, just as it is?

As it is now, you fault yourself. I thought you were giving up on faulting yourself. I thought that from now on, you wouldn’t think of fault at all. You would just love yourself. You would love yourself in sickness and in health, in sleepiness and wakefulness. You simply would just love yourself. You have spent too much of yourself thinking that something is the matter, when all is well.

What if you laid off attacking the world for its proclivities and enjoyed the world instead? For all that the world does not offer you, it offers you more. Avail yourself of the world’s gifts. Don’t pout at what you see as lacking in the world. A little boy put his finger in the hole in the dike in Holland, and so saved Holland from a flood. He saw a need and filled it. There is a need for you to no longer foster ill thoughts. Now do something about it. No longer hear them coming in. Fie on the news of the world. Make better news. When there is war, all the more reason for you to make peace with yourself.

Erase war with the power of your thoughts and with the power of your love. If you really don’t want war, stop accepting it, stop believing in it, see through it. At the other end of war, there is, just as with you, a longing for peace. Can you believe in peace rather than war? Can you believe in your capacity to bestow peace?

War is not an absolute. Just as in junior high school, the children are unruly in one class and helpful in another. In one class, the children are seen as tyrants. In another, they are seen as the children they are.

Once and for all, let Me say that your purpose in the world is to give love without effort. If you did not fill yourself up with all the facts that you do, maybe then it would be easier for you to give love. Put fear, distrust, disturbance, despair, anger, hate – put all those things away, and arm yourself with love. The way to disarm your enemy is to make him a friend. If you cannot make him a friend, at least do not make him an enemy.

Abolish the whole idea of enemy. Make no one and nothing your foe. Not one concept your foe. Not one man. Not one country, for when you capture the idea of enemy, you stab yourself in the back.

Make not sleepiness your foe. Make not insomnia an enemy. Make not yourself an enemy but a friend. Be the friend you would like to have. Make friends with yourself. No more debates. Only understanding now, understanding of what it is to really give love endlessly, without a break, like the flow of a great river.

Read Comments

I would Love to have Peace.

I would Love to have Peace. It is great for us & our souls.
BUT how long can I watch people kill woman & children???
How long can I let can I let people kill in the name of their god???
Do you believe prayer will stop these horrorable actions!!!
Sometimes you can not turn the other cheek!!!
War in not absolute, but sometimes a condition people put on you!!!
I hate War & I Love Peace sometimes, I might have to fight to have the latter.
With Hope for the Miserable World, John W. Blalock

I keep meaning to post less

I keep meaning to post less and let other people post more, and then there's a posting that is irresistible -- like yours.

It's so clear that you crave peace, and I thank you for posting from your heart. I am well aware of the goodness that prompts your email. All who read here share your desire for peace. Your intent for peace is very clear.

How can we contribute to peace?

Our words carry vibrations. It is my understanding that even when we don't know the meaning of a word, we catch the vibration. When we say or write the word God, we convey a higher vibration than when we say war or kill. The sound of a word itself -- even when we don't know its meaning, and even when we read it silently -- raises our vibration or lowers it.

That your heart is pure is very clear. At the same time, you have used words that stir anger rather than peace. Words like kill, horrible, hate, fight, miserable, the opposite of what you desire. And when you say "their God" it is with a dismissive tone. Of course, it's not their God, it's their interpretation.

I don't know about prayer, dear John. I like to think that enough people praying for peace will do it. When our lives and our thoughts and our words and actions match our prayers, there's a much better chance prayer will work. .

God in Heavenletters said turning the other cheek means to look at a situation in another way.

I love the story of the woman whose husband was killed during 9/11. Her children were left fatherless, and she felt plenty of anger. She was a widow with children, and insurance provided for her and her children. She realized that wives in Iraq who lost their husbands had to go out in the streets to beg in order to feed their children. She took mercy on the widows of the men who might have been responsible for her husband's death, and she started an organization to help those bereft in what so many think of as an enemy land.

That woman turned the other cheek.

Now I will get off my soapbox. Thank you, dear, for giving me the opportunity.

With love and blessings,



Thank you, I do not want to

Thank you, I do not want to capture the concept of enemy or war. I want to love endlessly. I will not fight my day. I will see all the opportunities to love, all opportunities are to love.

Just show up with compassion, what could be easier or more fun.

Thank you thank you
You speak truth to me
Love Beauty Truth
You are my dear friend
You are the way the truth and the light
You help me see
You help me love
You give me peace

God i love you!!! thank

God i love you!!! thank you for answering all of my questions even when i don't notice. I am looking for so many answers right now and question everything i do but you are so patient and calm and provide me in the time needed the snswers i need thank you lord for pure unconditionnal love. Thank you gloria for heaven letters for they bring so many answers to the heart. The mind questions, but the heart knows the truth.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said in the world
Your purpose is to give love
And to bestow peace

God said do something
With the power of your thoughts
Arm yourself with love

Love, Light and Aloha!

Hi all my Heavenletter

Hi all my Heavenletter friends

BE HAPPY... and don't worry I haven't even had a drop of wine..Honest!
I wish I could express all my Joy
to you today
So I will share it in LOVE
each and everyday
To Bring to you Joy and

Like the peace I have to day
I feel so lucky to be able to say
do not worry
Cease the Striving and the stress
Everything turns out for the Best and
now. To each of you Bless Luv Daisy

Most beloved and beautiful

Most beloved and beautiful Flower of God, many thanks for your love and joy !!

Your joy and peace are

Your joy and peace are contagious, dear Daisy. Thank you so much for sharing it! I now have a big smile :big on my face, am content and ready to share my joy.

Love you too,

Why Thank you! ...and

Why Thank you!

...and Blessings to you too dearest Daisy!


Mary :)

I thought that from now on,

I thought that from now on, you wouldn’t think of fault at all. You would just love yourself. You would love yourself in sickness and in health, in sleepiness and wakefulness. You simply would just love yourself. You have spent too much of yourself thinking that something is the matter, when all is well.
Only understanding now, understanding of what it is to really give love endlessly, without a break, like the flow of a great river.

I love You, so much...


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