Wielder of Miracles

God said:

If all things are possible, then there is the corollary that nothing is impossible. Do you believe this? I know you want to believe this, but I think you scoff at it.

Strike the word "impossible" from your vocabulary. If the word did not exist — if the thought behind the word did not exist — you would be a stand-up inviter and wielder of miracles. You would be an unfurler of miracles. Miracle would be your name.

There is nothing in this Creation that is not possible. There are no limits except those set by the world. The world set up limitations to honor conformity to the perceived past. The world drew lines around you, but those lines do not serve you, and they do not have to stop you. Even barbed wire does not have to stop you. Where is there that your mind and heart cannot go? Where is there that My Will is not?

Begin to accept that love is everywhere, no matter how sheathed. If love can be sheathed, it can be unsheathed. And is not love the miracle, the hand behind the throne of miracle?

What cannot love do? What cannot your love do?

There are no trespasses. There is only love tamped down, withheld, pushed beneath the ground. Yet, even if beneath the surface, love is still there. Love cannot be undone. Your love cannot be undone.

But love can be hoarded, and the flow of miracle can be stemmed — for a time but not forever. No dam blocks a river forever. The force of nature rises. Love will surface, and miracles will sweep across the face of the earth.

There is no big nor small when it comes to miracle. A miracle is nothing more that what is true made evident. A miracle is nothing more than truth being seen.

Be a see-er of truth. Your eyes will reveal miracles. And you will find that miracles are ordinary events going on right before your eyes.

The wonder would be if there were not miracles.

Miracles are a mirror of you.

Let go of tragedy and misdemeanor, and you will see what is left. Mere miracle.

Today, honor the truth of miracle.

Look not for the cause of miracle. I am the Cause. Look not for the worth of miracles, for they are not on a scale. Miracle is miracle, a force of love and events that sparkles the world like stars.

You cannot count miracles any more than you can count the vastness of stars or the love that resides in Heaven and on earth. Miracle is a non-count noun. In a sense, there are not miracles. There is miracle.

Where you are, there is miracle. And yet there is none. All is miracle, yet nothing is. But there is no lack of miracle in the universe. My love and thought reach everywhere, so where is miracle not? Miracle is a concept, and lack of miracle is a concept. Conceive of miracle.

Is it not miracle that Our love and thoughts are shared? Is it not miracle that love abounds? And yet love is no miracle at all for it is the very fiber of creation.

Your whole existence is miracle. And all that is before you is miracle. Miracle is not spectacle. Miraculous is not spectacular. It is run of the mill. There is nothing else.

Miracle is only light, and you are a shedder of light. You are a miracle of light. You are My miracle on earth, and you are the beholder of miracle as well. You are My beloved. Be a miracle today. Bestir the love in your heart.

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If all things are possible

This is a Heavenletter on love and not on power, although love seems to be the secret of doing what we all agree is impossible.

Anyway, have you ever read something like this?:

There is nothing in this Creation that is not possible. There are no limits except those set by the world. The world set up limitations to honor conformity to the perceived past. The world drew lines around you, but those lines do not serve you, and they do not have to stop you. Even barbed wire does not have to stop you.

This must be one of the most powerful sentences I ever read: The world set up limitations to honor conformity to the perceived past. Wow. I do not even want to think about the implications now.

Dear Jochen, yes it is one

Dear Jochen,

yes it is one of the most powerful messages of God I have ever heard.

What will do with it now ? honour it ? Take God at God's Word once and for all ? Now, right now, can miracle mindedness be embraced and lived ?

thank for this amazing gem !!
much love


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