When your loved one’s primary interest is no longer on you

God said:

One mode of giving is allowing. It is a great gift when you allow another freedom, when, on all levels, you let go of control. It is one thing to keep hands off, and a greater thing to keep your heart off. Your heart’s attachment can keep another back. Attachment grows tentacles.

You say you love. If you truly love, then respect another’s will and truly unhand him or her. If a romantic interest tells you it’s time to move on, believe him. When someone’s life once rose and shone on you, you like to believe that it must continue to do so. You insist that life return as it was. You feel that, because you desire something so much, it has to come true. In this case, beloveds, how considerate are you being to another? How considerate are you being to yourself?

You are not to be a beggar of love. When another means much more to you than you to him, how can you ignore his wishes? How can you put your wishes before his? Beloveds, when was it admirable to be attached? Attachment isn’t love. Attachment is attachment. You really love when you do not demand, even silently, that another conform to your will. No matter how worthy your desire, it is not loving of you to override another’s freedom. Do not put a stranglehold on anyone. Let My people go!

When it comes to affairs of the heart, My children often hang on to their dreams as if their dreams were gospel. Beloveds, when another’s attention dwindles, announced or not, then you too must move on, and allow their will free rein. Because it once was true that you were everything to another, that doesn’t mean it has to be true now. No one is obligated to continue adoring you. You, however, are obligated to let go. You must let others be free. I will make this a commandment: Let My people go!

Even when on the surface, you withdraw, you may yet hold tight to your dreams concerning another Human Being. You remain faithful to your own wishes. By so doing, you discount another’s. You continue to insist in your thoughts that this particular person’s attention return to you. You continue to insist, despite all evidence, that all you have to do is to hold on, and all will be well. Beloveds, you have to let go, and then all will be well.

Beloveds, why hold on to a past love who has let go of you? Why such devotion to a dream past its prime? Can you not let life be? Do you have to resist the flow of the tides?

Often I have said to you to never mind about outcomes. There is no greater occasion for never minding about outcomes than when a man or woman’s primary interest is no longer on you. They do not have to be what you want. They have to be what they want.

You say you love this other person more than life itself. It would seem you love your dream more than life itself, for, when you love, you let go and allow another’s good. Holding on is not love. Holding on is attachment. Holding on is an infringement against love. Would you really chain another to you by dint of your will?

Let life happen. Let life be free. Who said life has to fit your picture of it? Accept the possibility that you have to change your picture of life. What is so hard about allowing life to be? Although you create your life, you are not the boss of it. Do not try to hold life in tow. Ride the boat of life. You may have wanted to stop at a certain port, but the boat simply isn’t stopping there. The boat has already past that port.

Read Comments

Dear Gloria Wendroff, I

Dear Gloria Wendroff,

I occasionally read your letters and have found some of them very inspiring and beautiful.

I just got your letter "When your loved ones primary interest is no longer you," and although I believe your intentions are good, I don't think it is helpful. I am going through a case where I have been engaged to someone who I've been with for a year and a half, and it was a truly enlightened relationship in many ways, and a very deep and beautiful love that inspired everyone around us. He has recently come against some trials in himself that have caused him to pull away so we are no longer together and I don't know that we ever will be. I have no choice but to let him be free, and no choice but to try to set my mind on other thoughts for my future. However, other than the truly self-realized masters, I know no one who does not form attachments in love and I know no one who can lovingly let their beloved go without anger and hurt and pain. The most I can do is allow it to be there and not resist it so that I can start to heal one day. Resisting makes things persist. Again, I know it was not your intention, but for people who are actually going through some such hardship, the letter can feel disrespectful. I am behaving in such a way as to respect my loved one's desires, but I have too much deep shock and pain to feel like I'm "lovingly letting him go," and I have been trying very hard and praying and meditating on it all the time. Perhaps you are different, but the other people in my life who have given others such advice were never able to do it on their own when they were deeply in love and hurt. What is so hard about allowing life to be? If we knew that we would all be immediately enlightened. I believe we need to have compassion and give ourselves credit for doing the best that we can

Thanks for sharing.

In the name of love and truth,


Dearest Miki, I am very

Dearest Miki, I am very sorry for the difficulties you are facing right now and I think I can understand you feelings because because I went through something very similar, a part from many other problems I'm facing and trying to handle at my best. I'd like to say just a few things.
Heavenletters aren't just letter's that Gloria does write to us, Heavenletters are Love Letters from God directly which Gloria receives in her heart and whole being and which she writes down (Gloria Angel, pls correct me if I left something important out). Gloria is a most sweet instrument of our beloved Father and our divine Mother. These are divine messages directly from THE VERY CREATOR. It is clear to me that I'm far from enlighted or perfect, and the more I love these Love Letters of God. They are most lovingly and sweet guidance to me and they help me to stay connected to the divine.
We are all different and we try to live up our own spirituality and to our own divinity at our best I think, to compare with one another doesn't bring much I think, we are here for our specific lessons to learn. Heavenletters are never meant to be disrespectful dear Miki, could God be disrespectful with His beloved Children ? He is a God of Love and He is showering His Love on us.

I think that one of the things that makes live difficult is for example our great longing for feeling loved and accepted by our near and dear ones and by our friends ecc. Far from being perfect dear Miki, I experience love and calmness and peace when I'm in my heart, when see God in my favorite form and talk to Him or when I write letters to Him. For reasons which we don't understand things happen to us, but faith and love in God and in our divinity, being God's Children, can help us. Nothing of what we face happens just for harming us but for our best, although we might not be able to see what our best is. Maybe you were meant to meet only for this time and then each one is to go on with his life. I don't have the answers, I have only my love and faith in God.

I send you all my love, and I hope I have not distrubed you in any way with my personal opinion, it was not my intention. May God hold you tight in His loving arms dear Miki, hope to read more from you.

Hugs, love and blessings.

Letting Go

Thank you God for the Earth Angels, who share and shine the light ever
so bright before us that we may find our path...
I had tears reading all this....why can not explain...I am learning
through the experience of others.....We are all Angels reminding
each other we have wings....now I smile


Beloved Miki, It is very

Beloved Miki,

It is very hard. It is devastating. I do know what you are going through. And I’m sure God does do, dear one.

We do the best we can.

You, unlike many, it seems to me, do know that it’s better to let go. You, unlike many at this stage, as difficult as it is, do accept that it is over. You would like to get over the grief and hurt and come to the point where you can wish your former love well and mean it.

A Heavenletter comes from a greater Source than me. As I write to you now, I cannot speak for God.

However, I am certain that God is not telling you to fake anything, Miki. I think God is saying: “Get over it. Don’t hang on. Let go."

I know a couple of women who hang on and on, mentally and emotionally, for years and years, as if it is God-intended that their former love come back, as if the former love is obligated to return because it is their desire and their belief that he must, as if he has no right to live his life as he sees fit, right or wrong, and as if his life belongs to them and is meant to be under their control.

I looked high and low and couldn't find you as a subscriber. I invite you to subscribe and read Heavenletters every day. Just from reading, little by little,our perceptions change, and our lives get better. There is a link at the bottom of this page that says Subscribe. It's easy to do it. .

Miki, many many Heavenletters have to do with letting go. As best I remember, God made a suggestion that goes something like this:

Mentally walk with your loved one to the edge of his own spotlight of God's light and love.

When you get there, you leave him at the edge. He can enter the spotlight as he chooses. He can stay on the edge. He can tiptoe in. He can go right to the center. It's up to him.

Now you back away and turn around and find your own spotlight of God's light and love.
You, too, are free to walk in to the center.

May this little exercise ease your beautiful heart.

Please know how sorry I am for your heartache.

God bless you, Miki.

On this day, my birthday, I

On this day, my birthday, I opened Heavenletters and found the perfect lesson laid out for me. I thank you for giving such guidance. Your message clarifies where I stand here and now. I have been resolutely denying this lesson by trying to hold on to my family that I had made my life's work. That part of my life is over. Thank you for helping me see more clearly. Bless you.

Dearest Margaret, I'm glad

Dearest Margaret, I'm glad this Heavenletter is such a blessing. Divine timing always !
Love and blessings

Your comment is

Your comment is irresistible, Margaret. This whole topic is.

Yes, we have to let our children go, too. Is that what you meant?

What a red-letter birthday this is for you. And how open you are to change.

Happy happy birthday, dear Margaret.

Every day I vow I am going to spend less time on the forum and leave it to all the beautiful people who post so remarkably, and then there is your comment, and the one above from Miki, and I don't live up to my vow.

I believe I have to become less attached to the forum, though I sure do enjoy it.

The forum is in very good hands with all who post.

With blessings and love,



May your special day be filled with love and laughter!


sneaking in from

:blushing: sneaking in from work....it's going to be a long weekend without a home pc and no Heavenletters! :Criying:

Just had to throw my two cents in with this Heavenletter....this is a lesson that took sometime for me to come to terms with and actually find the love within myself to let go of those who felt our time together should end. It's natural to want to hold on to someone we've loved and been with for so long but it's not fair to each party involved to hang on.

As the saying goes, "if you love something set it free" for me that's where the saying stops. I know it goes on to say "If it comes back to you, it's yours. If it doesn't, it never was."

We do not possess anything in this world, least of all other people. We only imagine that we do. Our friends, our lovers, our spouses, even our children are not ours; they belong only to themselves. Possessive and controlling friendships and relationships can be as harmful as neglect.

For me I am sincerely thrilled that I was able to enjoy others companies and maybe even work out some of the things I am here to work on. Doesn't mean that I don't miss nor ever think of those that have moved on either through death or breakup -- whatever! To try and hang on to a relationship that has ended almost seems like trying to find your approval through others yet that approval really needs to start from within. Love, accept and honor yourself first then move on to sharing your beautiful soul with others.

That all I have to say about that.


You are so wise, Callen. You

You are so wise, Callen. You are really doing it!

Now, let's desire a home computer for you because we cannot permit you to go even one weekend with your Heavenletters!

Loving you,


2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said allow love
And allow their will free rein
Then all will be well

God said to let go
For when you love you let go
Let My people go

Love, Light and Aloha!


Thank you this is so beautiful.....
