Glorious Are the Wonders

God said:

Change is the name of the game, beloveds. Be ready to change directions at a moment’s notice. More than flexibility is required. You will have to become free-flowing water and be affable whatever direction you go in. In Truth, you are an all-directioned Being.

Did you know in advance where you would happen to be right now? Did you know that you would be sitting in this chair in this location facing south or east or north or west?

Why, then, beloveds, are you so sure you know where you should face next? Why are you so certain that one choice is optimum and another is not? Why turn your nose up at one idea and embrace another? Is it not possible that you can embrace them all and be happy whatever number comes up?

When you are so certain what life should be, you get stiff-backed. For you to have a comfortable back, you are required to be supple. Be supple in life, and your back will follow.

Have you thought you knew how your life would turn out? Do you have the illusion that your life has turned out and is glued to where it seems to be now? Better to think your life is moldable, and it is being molded now. Not even brick will keep you fenced in any longer.

The choices are infinite, as infinite as you. You are multi-dimensioned. Did you really think your life would go on one track, and one track only?

Now you may well veer in life. Be ready for sudden turns. Be ready, and there will be no whiplash for you when the car of life takes a sharp turn, for you are like the willow tree and not the mighty elm.

One way or another, you are going to swim in the ocean of life. You will go from raft to raft. There is no telling which longitude and latitude you will find yourself in next.

Aren’t you really deep-down glad that life, your life, is not measured and allocated to certain points, glad that your life is new? Be ready for newness because it is ready for you. You are going to pirouette in life. You will be swift of movement, and ready to accept life at every turn, ready to accept what you think of now as future. Your future is assured, and that it will catch up to you – that also is assured.

You are assured that you will move in life. Life is not at a standstill. There may be mesas every now and then. You may have dug yourself in, and you will be called on to dig yourself out.

Glorious are the wonders I have stored up for you. When you run to meet your future, you will catch it on the run, and you will have adventure right and left. You are going to have the ride of your life, and all it takes for you is to be ready to get on. The taxi of life will stop for you, but only for a moment. The more readily you jump in, the more comfortable seat you will have for however you long you have it. This taxi may be a jet, or a rocket ship, or a comet, or a Ferris wheel. You can know it will be something. It will really be something. Would you really hold back the dawn? Wouldn’t you like to see the sun coming over the horizon, and be ready to hop on, ready for the ride of a lifetime, ready to take off at a moment’s notice, wouldn’t you like to?

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said be ready
Your choices are infinite
Whatever comes up

Love, Light and Aloha!

Just a few further thoughts

Just a few further thoughts
I don't think it is a case of leaving one talent or skill for another
It is a case of spreading our wings of trying out new things
Sometimes we have to use talents and skills in conjunction with one another sometimes, we have to move to new different projects in order for us to learn and grow.

Sometimes God wants us to learn new things so we can find and grow in confidence that we learn from teachers who can help us to be the people we deserve to be, we can be enthusiastic, and happy in life because as we realise we can accomplish somthing new, we can share these new skills and talents with other people to bring them joy, and love.

When the taxi or the limousine comes by I shall be the first to jump in for the ride,
we can rest assured knowing God is there to keep us safe on the journey and we can come home again and rest in the Loving arms of God... For God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Even though we go on a journey or taxi ride we can be ready at a moments notice. We can be ready to carry out Gods Plan for us... we can be proud of who we are and where we come from to be able to hold our heads up high.. and shine out light beacons... Luv Daisy.

so personal, so

so personal, so inter/multi/beyond even dimensional...thank You soooo much...mike


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