When Your Heart Leaps

God said:

Come over here. Come near where you can hear Me, feel Me, know Me, and know Me to be your Self, for you were made in My image. How can you know the meaning of this until you know Me? Certainly you are not that disconcerted image who runs around unsure of himself. The ordinariness that you have known your physical self to be certainly is not My image. My image is far greater than that, and so are you far greater than the body that sits and ponders or runs away from pondering.

You must know that there is more to yourself that what you see in the mirror. You must know that there is something more to you than what you have given yourself credit for. Yes, there is something more to you than the drawing of yourself you have made. You are a personification of Me. You are a logo of me, so to say.

There is more than one way to know that you are more than what meets the eye, that you have a depth unexcavated, that you have a depth as deep as the deepest ocean, that you have a height that reaches to Heaven, that you are a Divine Being dressed in a human body with all its accoutrements.

One way you know Who you are is from your knowing what you are not. You are not your money nor are you your lack of money. You are not your car. You are not the individual who walks a certain way or who can do calisthenics. You are not your family. You are not the oldest or the youngest.

There is a part of you that even observes your etched self as you go about your day. You are your own observer. Who is observing you? It is a part of you other than your personality, other than your personhood, other than the name you go by. You are the observer. I am not talking about the critic in you that you picked up along the way of life. I am talking about the Silent One within you who observes and who is not emotionally involved. This observer of you is not outside you. Within yourself, you observe yourself.

Another way you know, or have an inkling of your Greatness, is that when you read fine words, look at art, hear beautiful music, when you meet a High Being, you feel something. You feel a stirring of your Higher Self. How would you recognize a higher vibration unless you were reverberating to it? This Higher is already within you.

When you read My words here and your heart leaps even a little bit, you are recognizing more of yourself than what you see in daily life. You are getting a glimpse of the Greatness of Who you really are. Gravitate toward this Greatness, beloveds. Start thinking of yourself as Higher than you ever dreamed of. The Greater You is always present waiting to embrace itself. The Greater Being you are is already within you. Start paying attention.

You are a Divine Being housed for a while in a human body. That makes you a human being. Remember that you are Being. You are not limited to being a Doer. The world might say your worth is according to what you accomplish. I say you are Being, and that Being is worth everything.

There is that within you that longs to see the light of day. Let this longing within you rise to its full height. Come, sit down with Me.

Read Comments

How to know who you are.

In summary, God presents here five ways to know who we are.

1) KNOW WHAT YOU ARE NOT. Is it not the most fundamental step to take if we want to understand the rising of awareness in this period of great cosmic shift? The theories that try to explain differences or multiplicity are agonizing because it is old thinking. It has become old thinking to try to explain why a personal self wants a personal explanation to its special traits and predestinations in order to validate itself as real.

There is no answer to that. Or we could say that since multiplicity is globally an illusion, the only plausible answer is that any attempt to give a specific explanation to a specific difference is meaningless.

I cannot see, hear or feel God if my standpoint is the personal self. The mind does know only itself. God knows only Himself. Does the personal mind knows only itself? In a way, yes, but since illusion doesn't have any existence, the personal mind cannot know itself because it does not really exist and, above all, does not know that it does not exist. The personal mind is definitely a dead end. The personal mind is a little like a black hole in the mind through which the Truth is reversed and inversed into the illusion of multiplicity of forms.

2) YOU ARE YOUR OWN OBSERVER (the Silent One within you). We could also call this Silent Observer the Inner Teacher. Our Higher Self observes our personal self's way of thinking and behaving and if we ask for Its help, It will translate our thoughts of multiplicity into thoughts of Oneness. Our Higher Self is our Teacher of the Truth. And what is essentially Truth if not One and Only One?

3) FEELING YOUR GREATNESS THROUGH MUSIC, ART, etc. "How would you recognize a higher vibration unless you were reverberating to it? This Higher is already within you." This says it all.

4) READING GOD'S WORD THROUGH HEAVENLETTERS which helps us to gravitate towards our Greatness.

5) "You are not limited to being a Doer. The world might say your worth is according to what you accomplish. I say you are Being, and that Being is worth everything." This is the most difficult one to achieve individually and collectively because Being doesn't seem yet to be as a viable economic incentive as Doing.

How I love what you write.

How I love what you write. You have an eagle eye's view, Normand. How your mind works.

You help me to comprehend the totality of Heavenletters™. How little comprehensive understanding I have. It is a mystery that Heavenletters come through me.

How happy they make me!

Thanks, Normand.

You really must write that book soon.

Dear Gloria, your comment is

Dear Gloria,
your comment is to me more precious than gold. "Totality" is the golden word you used.
How happy can you feel to transmit God's words. And how happy I feel to expand them. As God said before, you are the donkey and I am the window cleaner and (I add this one) the Indian Ocean is our path!

I love it, Normand, the

I love it, Normand, the Window-Cleaner!

I like to think of the Indian Ocean as our path, yet I suspect it is a star, and, of course, beyond that, God Himself.

Normand: Do write the book as Gloria suggests.

God and i agree with Gloria!


Normand, now you've done it, you made me want to be you!

Holy Smoke! I just learned from you that I am you. That's why we love you so!

George in agreement with Gloria and all the others.

That is a good way to

That is a good way to discover self love indeed, George. Loving you because you are really you so really me. Holy smoke! I love that merry-go-round.

If i were made in Gods

If i were made in Gods image, How would i make myself more like him ? How can i spiritually raise to my higher self ?

This is no if! You are a

This is no if! You are a reflection of God. Your heart, your soul.

It comes from inside, not outside. Desire it, Robbie. Intend it. Be it.

I think we're all in the same boat.

Get closer to God

Dear God, please help me be more confident of myself, help me to not be nervous when i talk in front of my class, help me to be a better person.

How beautiful and simple is

How beautiful and simple is your plea, beloved Afrim. You are everyone.

And how wonderful that you just subscribed to Heavenletters™ yesterday, and already you are posting on this forum!

You know, it seems to me, that a teacher's nervousness may be a good thing. It shows how much you care, how much you want to be a great teacher for the good of the students before you.

What do you teach? What age group? How long have you been teaching?

love and ligth,

dear god heavenley father,
thank you so much your masseges today, when am read your words,
am stand -up from my chir and goout of my door and thinking your words,
i understand very well what you main, yes i make form to my body dress,,
and also my tought the have more than that what i can see my self,
and am happy for that, because of my awarnes of my consciose,
its always in my heart and my tought and mind,
thank you dear God of your beauteful masseges,,
Lov and lightl

Carmen tells us how to see TRUTH and Love

Carmen you make us love you.


"Come over here. Come near where you can hear Me, feel Me, know,

This is a unique Heaaven Letter that tells us who we actually are, now, then, forever. The FATHER tells us how he sees us:

"You are a Divine Being housed for a while in a human body. That makes you a human being. Remember that you are Being. You are not limited to being a Doer. The world might say your worth is according to what you accomplish. I say you are Being, and that Being is worth everything."

Read this until your heart accepts it and you know it's true on the inside.



Yes Gloria, I have to remember the number of this H.L., when or if it comes to pass you fall into poor little me again. I only have to think of all the people that know me and love me, that I am something special. Well O K I can Live with that and am happy. Simple Oh how I lone simple things Love to all Jack

Hello George...

Yes, yes, yes, We are primarily beings! And as this being we primarily receive and extend Love. So easy to leap frog over beingness into doingness...instead of embracing our essence as beingness and allowing doingness to softly and seamlessly arise from us. Beingness is our anchor and as such we are gently moored in the harbor and heart of God. So honored to know you George. Much love to you and all. Jim.


The observer observes even the person wondering about being the observer. It is not the person that is the observer, the person is watched. I used to believe that I am this person, but I can see now that I have been observing all along. Even the recognition that I am the observer is observed. I cannot become what I already am. As I am writing this, it is being observed. The observer is not writing this. These are thoughts flowing down on the page being observed. The Watcher is inescapable. It is all observed.

Thank You God for showing "me" "my" true place - I love Myself. Even though there is no "I" separate from Myself for there to be love between Us. I can see this, but it has not been completely accepted yet. It is not fully felt yet. Who has not accepted it? Isn't this one observed?


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