What Is Happiness Anyway?
You are My happiness. Have you ever looked at your role in life that way? You tend to be looking for Me to give you happiness. I hear that a lot.
But I ask you, 'Give Me your happiness."
Of course, I am ever serene. I have a great fountain of happiness, and it is called Love.
It is easy to give Me happiness. Just be the Truth of Who You Are, and happiness will rise like roses to sweeten the world.
Of course, I am never ever unhappy. Yet, if you would like to ladle happiness upon Me, even as I don't need it, ladle happiness upon Me. You need it, beloveds. You need your own awareness of your own happiness that you pour upon Me. You need to think in larger terms than you may have been thinking. Widen your circle of influence in the world through the happiness you give. You can't give to Me without giving to everyone, and everyone includes yourself.
Think love. Be love. Love first, not second or third or fourth or last after everything else. Love first. Joy first. Your mission is to give joy. When you take joy in living, you are giving joy. There is no least of Me to give to.
Those who have greater needs than you are a blessing to you, for they point out to you all that you have to be happy for. They are teaching you the happiness you already have.
The fact is that everyone is blessing you. Even those who have hurt your heart deeply have offered you a blessing, unseen as it may be. Their blessing may be taking your ego down a peg or two, yet a blessing nevertheless.
By no means is life all about lessons, yet lessons you do learn. Learn them, and then move forward. Maybe you had to be hit over the head. Maybe next time, you will learn sooner. Whatever else you are doing on Earth, most certainly you are learning. If you are alive, you are learning. Learn well.
Learning is a two-headed nail. You also have to unlearn. This is letting go. You have to let go of the past and unlearn a lot that you already learned, is this not so?
I yearn for your happiness. I can hardly wait for you to bestow your happiness upon Me. You may be sure I welcome you. You may be sure I thank you. You may be sure of My devotion to serving you.
What is this state of happiness that seems to have had a way of stopping in on you and then leaving? Is it happiness that eludes you, or you who eludes happiness? Do you walk right past its door?
Happiness surrounds you, and yet it eludes you. You are standing in a field of flowers and are searching for the field that you are already standing in.
But what is it, happiness? What is it anyway? One day something seems to give you happiness. Another day the same thing does not. Where does happiness abide, and why doesn't it stay up front, you wonder:
"Why can't happiness be in a file drawer under H so I can pull it out any time I want and take it with me? Why can't happiness be On Demand?"
Yes, it can. You stand in a field of flowers. You can look down at your feet and see where you are, and pick all the flowers you want.
Beloveds, where does your happiness lie but with you? Look around, and pick up some of the flowers of happiness and give a bouquet from your field of happiness to the next person you see. What can you do right now to give happiness to someone?
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