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What to do today?

Gosh, let's see, water the garden...actually may rain today... God will take care of that. Do this, do that...No God will do it. Worry about this, worry about that. No...I give my woes to God. Woes just slow me down!

So what to do today...for each and every moment of the day? Love! Allow Love to come to me and pass through me. Allow Love to be me!

Everything else is superfluous...and will actually get taken care of in miraculous ways. Did not God say that all of His children were living, vibrant miracles? (Or something to that effect?) Ha ha! yippee! Nothing to do doday (I like that doday...that's what everyone this, do that...all day long, everyday and then you die!) Why not change "dodays" into bedays? Do nothing...but be love and then see what happens.

Being Love today...and automatically, seamlessly, Love loves You! Jim and Jimi.

It just started to pour as I finished writing this! Thank you watering today!

I love bedays !! thank you

I love bedays !! thank you God for raining this love on us, it is soooooo refreshing !

Infinite rain drops of love to Jim and Jimi

Love is raining...

Thank you Berit! Raining love on the outside...raining refreshing love on the inside. In and out rain...everywhere love is raining and reigning. All is love. What a lovely day today and all days are. What a lovely and loving moment right now and forever. Always loving, Jim and Jimi.