What more can you ask of a world that gives you chocolate?

God said:

What more can you ask of a world that gives you chocolate?

Perhaps this is the whole Heavenletter for today, and I need not say a word more. Truly, what more is there to say when you can acknowledge that you live in a world that has all kinds of chocolate in it! Wondrous smooth melting chocolate, streaming from a spoon, hard chocolate, dark chocolate, light chocolate, sweet and bitter-sweet chocolate. Chocolate in all shapes and sizes. You even have bunnies made from chocolate, and all of this wonder comes from a bush planted for you. There is nothing more to be said. But even so, I will add a few more words.

Beloveds, what more can you ask over what the world has already generously bestowed? What can you think of that I have not?

Would you have thought of sunlight and rain? the Sun and the Moon and the Bountiful Stars? Would you have thought of ocean and fish pond? Would you have thought of fish? Would you have thought of birds? Would you have thought of trees with leaves and trees with flowers and trees with fruit? All the marvelous colors and shapes enough to fill a crayon box and a coloring book? Would you have thought of twigs that snap?

Would you have thought of the five senses? When would taste and smell and sight and sound and texture have occurred to you? Would you have thought of music, even one kind? Would you have conceived of the textures and shades of life?

A Human Being created velvet as an expression of texture. But texture was a tool already presented.

A painter depicted a scene of life with the most beautiful colors imaginable, and yet the scene and the colors were already provided.

You have been given all the makings of language. Speech and words are still rampant.

Man discovered fire, but it was always his to discover.

And yet you grumble. The food put in front of you may not quite be up to your standards.

You may love the music of life but not the orchestration. Put your attention now on the beauty and marvels of life. When the world seems amiss to you, will you remember chocolate? Will you think to yourself: “What wonderful God loved me so much He conceived even of chocolate? If chocolate exists, what wonder cannot? What wonderfulness is eager today and waiting to manifest?”

It would seem that illness is discussed more than health. Surely there is more health in the world than illness. Surely there is more freedom from pain than there is pain. Surely there is more peace than war.

Consider that your thoughts are nutritious and that what you think about, you are feeding it. Your thoughts do not manifest only for yourself. Your thoughts go out everywhere, and a composite of them is made and made evident in the world.

Picture this: Every day you have a round bushel basket to put your thoughts in. Every day you fill this basket. What will you fill it with today? What will this basket of your thoughts contain?

At the end of the day, your baskets are distributed. Consider that they are delivered to a supermarket of the world, and these baskets of your thoughts are put out up front under an awning for everyone to pick through like tomatoes.

You want to send only the best tomatoes to market.

No sour cherries, please. There are already cartons of them in stock.

Bring in fresh produce, newly grown, newly sown. No stored produce. None with bruises. No seconds. Bring in only the prime, those which you would like to give with your name and presented to Me in appreciation for all that has been given you.

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2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said to pick through
Bring in only the prime thoughts
No sour cherries

God said that surely
What wonder cannot exist
If chocolate is

Love, Light and Aloha!


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