Throw the Small Fish Back into the River

God said:

You are all on one continuum. Your thoughts travel and return to you. A word you use today, someone else uses tomorrow. Silently they heard you without knowing it. And so you have heard others’ thoughts, unaware that you have. The upliftment you give others will return to roost in you.

It is as if with every thought and motion, you are waving a baton that conducts the world. Your wielding of the baton is mighty. You may think that your vote doesn’t matter, but be aware how much your thoughts do matter.

You walk down the wedding aisle of life. Let your thoughts be flowers that you strew. Strew not weeds and nails or dirt from the ground. Pick the flowers you will strew. You have picked them from a thriving planet, and you have picked them from your heart. Your heart is happy according to what you pick from it.

When you wash strawberries, you focus on the ones you want to go into the shortcake and cast aside those that are not quite suitable. This is not a big deal.

Or it is like fishing. The small fish you throw back into the river. The ones worth frying you take home with you.

And so, with so many thoughts to pick from, pick those that are worth picking.

You tend to think that you are at the mercy of your thoughts. Certainly they crowd their way in. Well, then, you can be the one who sorts through, lets some into the party and others not. There is not room in the universe for all your thoughts to enter.

You can only drive one car at a time. Even if you have ten cars, you can only drive one right now. So even from your best thoughts, you can only use one at a time.

The energy of your thoughts comes from Me, but your thoughts you have selected. Sometimes it feels like thoughts have come uninvited, that they forged their way in. Then take by the arm those guests you would choose, and get on with it. Take your thoughts in a direction you would like to go. You are the host of your thoughts.

Why would anyone keep thoughts that are not beautiful? Why would you then comb their hair and take them everywhere with you? Even if thoughts foist themselves on you, take your pick. Like at a dance, you can’t dance with everyone.

Or consider that you are making a stew. You do not take all the ingredients that are in your cupboard and toss them in. You take some spices and leave out others. Thoughts are ingredients in the cupboard of your life.

Thoughts are like magnets. Or, if your thoughts are like flies, swat some of them away.

Thoughts give you energy or they deplete it. You cannot eat only junk food. You also eat fruit and vegetables. You also peel fruit when it is advisable. True, your thoughts are slippery, yet still you make of them what you will.

The closer your thoughts are to Me, the more you are indemnified. My thoughts fill you with the energy of love. My thoughts lighten you. Just the thought of Me does wonders for you. Just think of it. In your repertoire of thoughts lies the thought of Me. Your mind is a case of jewels. Some are paste, and some are true gems. Today pick out the bright pearl, perhaps tomorrow the emerald. Shine those beautiful jewels, for they enhance.


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