What Are Your False Idols?
Perhaps you think so many thoughts in order to keep yourself from thinking. What is it that you crowd out with your many thoughts and enterprises? Is it your physical mortality?
Are you perhaps still attached to the sinews and bones that support your body? Are you perhaps still attached to that which is the least of you, this temporary building called your body?
Certainly your body demands a certain amount of your attention. Like a car you ride in, you take care of it, and it gives you good service. Or your body is like a wooden swing on your porch that you swing in. You sit in it, and you swing. The swing doesn't move without you. It is nothing without you. You are the mover of the swing. And you are the mover of your body. You are not dependent upon it; it depends on you. Your body grew up around you, but it is no more you than a grain of sand at the beach. The grain of sand is as much you as your body is. Perhaps a grain of sand is more you than your body because you can easily pick up a grain of sand and not be attached to it. You know your life is not dependent upon it.
All the things you think your life is dependent upon, it isn't. Your life is dependent upon nothing. You have life. You can't get rid of it. You can't stop your existence. Use all the ploys you want, you live with or without a hapless body. What did you think eternal meant? Eternal means you are forever. The form you take changes, but you cannot be undone.
You are a traveler. On a beach or on a mountain, you move. Your surroundings are background. You are the star. A star is not a victim. Only your body can be kept captive. Boundless, bound! Leap! Your body knows bounds, but you are irrespective of them. You are. You can only be. You are eternal. You are infinite being. Leap.
All of you is contained everywhere, but you are far beyond containment. Any limits you have set are false. Limits are your false idols. Certainly, if you are eternal, you are limitless. Certainly, if you are infinite, you are limitless. Contrary to what you have been taught, you cannot be hemmed in.
You are free to soar.
Nothing can stop you. It is inevitable that you soar. Only you can stop yourself, and only then for a while. You are fated to soar. Whatever boundaries you may set, you will get past them. Nothing can be in your way except what you put there. All the reasons in the world are no reason.
What do you think potential means? Potential means all is contained within you. You are the holder of limitless existence.
Can you imagine that a star tells itself: "I am only a little star up here. My light cannot go very far. I'm really nothing up here, or, if I am something, I am not much."Do you think a star relegates itself to time and space? It knows it is light, and therefore it shines. You are no less than a star.
And your light which is a reflection of Mine is My light. You are in possession of My light because I gave it to you. I shined it on you, and you became it. At the very moment of existence, you were My light. And you existed long before this present body of yours appeared. There never was not a time when you were not, nor can there ever be. With or without physical body, you are My light. That is all you are, and that is enough. Accept that which you already are.
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