The Heart, the Heart
The stepchild heart is nevertheless heard. Try as you may, it will not be swayed. The heart cannot be false. It cannot fake its sense of things. You may try to ignore it, but soon or late, your heart catches up to you. It will be heard.
Your heart speaks for life. Your heart that I speak of is not a selfish heart. It is not ego I speak of but of your heart, that thermometer in your chest that beats and beats, does not rest, except between its spectacular beats. This honest heart will not let you alone. The silent recesses of your heart will tug at you. You cannot keep your heart quiet forever.
Your heart is very polite. Sometimes it waits until you are alone before it tells you the depths of what it feels, of what you feel, for you are not, I repeat not, you are not separate from your heart.
Sometimes you sail along, feeling happy, only to find out you have diverted yourself from unhappiness and, for one reason or another, called it other names, perhaps ambition, perhaps necessity, perhaps anything at all.
Your heart falls and rises, and sometimes you do not pay proper attention. "Wait," you tell your heart. "Later. Right now I'm busy. I really don't want to hear what you have to say. I don't want to listen. You may dissuade me from the course I have taken."
And so you persuade yourself. You talk yourself into other things, and meanwhile your heart beats.
Do not quell the longings in your heart. Your heart is on your side. It wants only good for you. It wants only Truth for you.
Perhaps much of your life is spent trying to convince yourself that you are upright, staunch, and happy. Perhaps much of your life is spent racing ahead of your heart, ahead of its beat, trying to outdistance it. But your heart will catch up to you. Your heart surpasses you now.
Perhaps true happiness exists for you only in the pauses between the beats of your heart. There is great power there. Perhaps, by the same token, the static of your many thoughts tries to block out your heart. Perhaps truth lies in between your thoughts and your words and all your ploys.
Do not submerge unhappiness. It will lead you to your heart.
Jog along in life according to the tempo of your heart. Hold your heart out in front of you. Remember it. Adjure to it. Recognize it. Heed it.
The world speaks of right and wrong. I speak of truth. Your heart speaks of truth as well. It is not your heart that tells you to take advantage of anyone or anything. It is the beguiling mind that thinks you lack something and therefore must have whatever it is that it tells you you must have.
But your heart is telling you truth. Anything less than truth is not truth. And anything less than greatness is not the truth of you.
You are the possessor of great wealth. You have great wealth of heart. Your underlying heart will not steer you wrong. It can only be truthful. Your heart is the Knower. Do not keep your heart a secret from yourself.
Your heart is the fulfiller of all your dreams. Your heart makes your dreams and therefore knows how to fulfill them. The heart looks long and deep. Your mind flickers and flits, alights on one thing or another and gets distracted, while your heart is one-pointed. Your heart loves, and it loves you. Your heart loves, and your mind thinks. Love more, think less.
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