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website changed after placing my translation

Hello to you Heaven Admin,

I experienced a strange change on the website of, after I placed a Dutch translation today.
When I surf now to Home on, a Dutch translation of a Heavenletter appears as Today's Heavenletter, and at the bottom of the page is a text in Dutch, apparently coming from a website called :

I will try to make an attachment with an example of what I get when I surf to Heavenletters homepage.

Sure like to hear from you what you make of it ! it's in Open Office, and not in perfect style, but the content is what I get on the websiet

with love,

heaven admin.odt15.37 KB

Thanks to you, Anco, Heaven

Thanks to you, Anco, Heaven Admin did a server reboot, and all looks well now! Much appreciated.

still some difficulty for me with website

hello blessed ones,

Tried again and still having an english/dutch mix up when I open the Homepage on
I know you are doing everything you can, I just want to let you know. Putting dutch translations on the dutch translations forum does not seem to be a problem.
I believe my attachment failed, so I will put the eaxct text of what I get on the Homepage, right here under, without the make up. First part is the same, but when it comes to Today's Heavenletter, I see a dutch translation of Heavenletter 2996. And then again it goes wrong where it says on the Homepage : A Beautiful Story. There I get, in Dutch !, information about Drupal.
So far F5 did not do the job, but I will try again.

love, Anco

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Today's Heavenletter

Onder de Paraplu van Kracht
Heavenletter # 2996 Published on: februari 6, 2009
Wil je wel aanvaarden dat je een sterk menselijk wezen bent, en iemand die bloeit ? Tenslotte ondersteunen jou hart en jouw leven een heel universum. En je steunt Mij. Dit alles is wederkerig.

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A Beautiful Story
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website changed after placing my translation

Hello Heaven Admin,

The problem is solved !!! I was guided to go to User Navigation.
There appeared in the menu User Navigation the choice : uitloggen. That is Dutch for log out. After I did this I had the original homepage of back on my computer again.

HEAVEN sure has it's ways of offering help to the point, I guess. So thank you, Heaven !!!