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mailing list management
Posted March 9th, 2009 by Matt
Hello, I have a question for you. I am a subscriber and I also have a blog. I am wondering what software you use to create and manage your email subscriptions and how you send each Heavenletter. By sending each Heavenletter, I mean do you have a service you subscribe to, or just software you host, if so which software or which email marketing company? Thank you so very much for your help. We hope to spread the light greatly, as you all are doing.
Blessings, Matt
Beloved Matt, Heaven Admin
Beloved Matt, Heaven Admin can answer this best. I believe it is Drupal, but, you know, it is all pretty much laid out for me. I know that Heaven Admin picks out only the best. Hang on, and he will get back to you. Thank you for your confidence, Matt, and thank you so much for subscribing.
Dear Matt, please excuse the
Dear Matt, please excuse the late response.
The web development company that I work in, has developed a custom solution using the open source CMS (Content Management System) Drupal ( and a closed source proprietary software platform called OEM ( for distributing Heavenletters. An average of 1.7 million (and growing) Heavenletters are sent out successfully every year, using this system. There are a few subscription based companies that provide this service, but due to the quantity of emails we send out, it was more cost effective to develop our own system.
We are working on making this service accessible to individuals and organisations who wish to regularly publish email newsletters to subscribers.
Thank you very much! Please
Thank you very much! Please let me know when your company has the software ready for the public! I can see how you needed to develop your own system. That's a bunch of emails! Thanks again, Matt
Beloved Heaven Admin, your
Beloved Heaven Admin, your response to Matt reveals so well how you are a bright example of the world to come where sharing will be the natural thing for all, and selfishness won't even exist.