Wanting Good for Others

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Nancy L. to Heavenletters:

A while back, I asked about my husband's excema, and God suggested that my husband should ask himself. I told my husband that, and he said forget it!

Then I thought I would show him Hans' question (which had motivated me to ask about my husband's excema) but I goofed and printed out Hans' second question where he asked for clarification. I didn't realize until I found it in the wastebasket later.

My husband said he was afraid to ask God because God might ask him to do something that he couldn't do. He referred to all the things that God suggested for Hans, and he thought they were flowerly. I told him I did not think that God would ask him to do anything that he couldn't or didn't want to do. But that is the way it is right now and he can't ask.

I think I am too anxious for my husband to communicate with God, and he is just not ready. I think it is good that God asked him to write his own question, and maybe someday he will. Thanks.

God to Nancy L.:

With all the goodness of your heart, you want your husband to have all the gold that you have. And that wanting is a form of control, dear one. It is very hard for My children to back off from their loved ones' lives. But you are learning that, dear Nancy. You are learning that there is your husband and there is I, and no one breeches between your husband and Me. You cannot breech a gap for him. Nor is it his desire that you do.

Your husband does not have to want to ask Me a question. He does not have to want to hear My answer. He does not have to want to follow My answer. Whatever you or anyone thinks of it, these are all within his domain. That is what free will means.

I do not interfere. I watch over your husband as I watch over you, but I do not interfere. You are moved to come to My embrace when you are moved to come to My embrace. My embrace is always waiting for you. I am receptive, but I do not interfere.

Your husband probably doesn't like the word surrender. Surrender is putting your arms around Me. That's what surrender is. Simply wanting to ask a question of Me is a form of surrender. Printing it in Heaven is another layer of surrender. But surrender is not obligation. Surrender comes when you want.

Surrender has connotations that are not pleasing. A giving up. A giving in. Conceding defeat. Conceding that you are not on top of things; and how manly being on top of things may seem.

A time of surrender comes when you see what is and no longer hold on to an illusion.

Time and time again this happens. Waves of surrender. Waves of Reality.

In truth, surrender is the surrendering of illusion. It is coming down to basics.

Your husband well knows that he cannot pretend surrender. Your husband has an integrity. He will not fool with Me. He will come to Me when it is his truth to do so. He will slide over. And when he does, it will be his will, not yours.

Of course, it is totally My Will, but My Will unimposed. My Will silently waits for what it knows is to come.

Love as I do love, dear Nancy.

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NOTE: My following question was written over three weeks ago, and definitely does not apply at this time! Sign of growth. — Gloria

Gloria to God:

Dear God, when trial subscribers write wonderful comments about Heavenletters, when they volunteer so much appreciation, when they seem to eat it up and then choose not to subscribe, I find myself feeling puzzled and annoyed and hurt somehow. When someone writes that Heaven didn't speak to them and they're not going to subscribe, I just shrug my shoulders and forget about it. Do I get upset with the appreciators because I have a hard time dealing with mixed messages?


You have a hard time dealing with mixed messages, but your distress is because you want to control. You easily let go of those who do not subscribe when they don't appreciate Heavenletters, but you can't quite let go of those who do appreciate it and don't subscribe. Gloria, you have two boxes to check. One says Subscribe. The other says Remove. There are no other boxes for you to check. There is no box for "appreciates but…" Reasons people give do not matter. Nice words people say don't matter. That they subscribe or not does not matter. You are an impartial box-checker. That is your task. No more.

Subscribers' hearts are My concern, not yours.

Let go. Check boxes. Be neutral.

Keep your energy with Me. Spend your energy well, not foolishly. Foolish means futile. It is futile to spend your energy trying to second-guess other people. That is why you merely check the boxes. You have received an answer, and now you let go. Let go by coming with Me.

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Joyce M. to Heavenletters:

I want to tell you how much I enjoyed Elsie's question and God's answer in the August 6 Heavenletter on nonattachment. "Nobody loves their alarm clock!" How true! Maybe that's my favorite Heavenletter so far.

Joel to Heavenletters:

Yes, Gloria, I've waited until I've received all of the Heavenletters to respond.

A comment. The writer of these letters has tremendous empathy and an excellent grasp of the spirituality behind the problems that prompt the individuals to write. The advice does seem to come from a dimension outside of ourselves.

Are you the Writer/Author known as 'God'? Bravo! You have found your calling, Gloria. Thank you!

As for me and the letters, I'm not sure. Some of them seem rather distant. Maybe those are not for me. Others seem to address problems and situations that are more relevant, like 7/29 (source of money), 7/24 (God and Christ), and 7/31 (prejudice). And Elsie (8/06) on attachment — yes, it's true. Very logical and very clear, and very close to my heart. But how in Heaven's Name do we put it into ACTION? Seems I've been stuck on that for years.

And, yes. you may print my comments. Thank you for the support.

Tahmi to Heavenletters:

Thanks for putting me on your trial list — this is wonderful! I feel very strongly that happy glow inside that I use as a barometer for Truth. Everything in today's (8-4) Heavenletter spoke strongly to me. In fact, I feel like I have a smile permanently stapled to my face! I too believe that there are no accidents, so I'm quite happy that the time finally came for me to encounter your ministry!

And don't worry about bombarding my email box — I can definitely make time to read these! When is your next Godshop? I'd be very interested in participating.

Thanks again, and good night!

Gloria to Tahmi and other local Heavenreaders:

The next beginning Ask God workshop is set for Sunday August 20 and Sunday August 27. Come and receive your own divine messages from God.

Incidently, the next Heavenpetals, the newsletter of Heavenreader's own Godwriting, comes out August 14. Watch for it!

Elsie to Heavenletters:

Thanks sooooo much. I loved God's answers to my two questions, August 6 and 7. I hope to have another question for God before I leave for Vermont. It is stewing and will be manifest soon.

It is enormously satisfying to read these answers. Though I don't necessarily totally grock on all levels everything that God said, it certainly gives me something to chew on, and it is a lovely gift. I think that I will take a batch of the letters to read to my Mom who is sick. It will be interesting to see her response. Particularly the letters on pain are appropriate. They are really beautiful.

The idea that one can ask a question of God and get a response is totally cool. I can ask questions myself, and get an answer, but it doesn't come so fully and I don't experience quite the love that is expressed in these Heavenletters. So, thanks again.