Heavenly Healers
Bev to God:
Dear God, there have been times in my Godwriting, when I have asked you about my mother or friends who were having physical problems, and You have said to call on "the Heavenly healers" or the "host of healers" etc. I never questioned it before. I just went ahead and asked for their help and guidance. But it just occurred to me to ask — who are these beings and what is their relationship to You? Why do You sometimes say to ask them for their help rather than to ask You directly?
God to Bev:
I am stillness and I am energy. Angels are certain ribbons of My energy. Healing angels are certain ribbons of My energy. My energy streams to earth like ribbons.
It is not that I delegate, dear Bev, or pass your dear prayers off to someone else. It is more that I hear your prayer and I send out the troops.
We can compare it to an earth question you want help with, and you ask your teacher. Your teacher says go to a certain section in the encyclopedia. You zero in on a particular section. A section is part of the whole.
"Heavenly healer" is a word for My light. It is a figure of speech. A host of healers means many Heavenly healers.
If I am the All That there is, then I am Everything.
You can think of Me as Great Light. Great Light can only give you light. What else can I send you? I send My light to My light, for you are also My light. Oh, the connection that We are. We are Light answering each other, playing off each other, sparkling back and forth.
When you ask for healing, you are asking for your light to be sparked. When you ask for healing for others, you beam My light to them.
You are always free to ask Me.
I will not put you off.
I will always hear you.
I will always answer.
I am here.
My light is My light. Everything I have is yours. I give unto you. You are My light shining on earth, reflecting My love. You heal the earth. Yes, you, Bev.
Dear God, I read about another animal abuse episode in Iowa this week, and I felt intense anger for the perpetrator. A few hours later, as I was leaving for lunch, I was surprised to realize that I was able to ask from my heart that this person feel Your presence and Your love for them in their life. I asked and still ask that their life be transformed. I honestly don't feel love for them myself, but I want them to see themselves through Your eyes. Is this what You mean when You tell us to extend our hearts to the "hurters" in the world? How do we do this? What should we ask for? Please guide us to create a tidal wave of love and balance in nature.
You sent My love to this hurter of animals. Well sent.
His pain causes one such as he to inflict pain. He wants his pain out. It is too much for him. His pain distorts his heart and mind. He feels very much at the mercy of others. He feels he has no power and he looks for someone more helpless than he to inflict his pain on.
Beverly, you express beautifully a way for My children to express My love even to those whose actions they abhor. Yes, desire that an unfortunate one such as he feel My presence and My love. That will be transforming.
It transformed your energy of righteous anger into the energy of a request for peace. You filtered your energy of hurt and anger and reprisal down to My love. That freed you, dear Bev. You found a way to express compassion for one who had no compassion.
When there are enough Bev's who send My love and My vision to those less fortunate, My love will take over. A hurter will no longer hurt so much, inside or outside. He will not know what has hit him. He will not consciously know it is My love, but something will change in him. When something changes within, a life is transformed.
Some may say that he repents. Repentance is not what people think. Repentance is really seeing differently. It is not bemoaning the past. A new light comes in, and Whose light could it be but Mine?
Send it, send it, send My light.
Otherwise, you return hate for hate, anger for anger, and you become a perpetrator of that negativity. You perpetuate the energy that the hurter of My sentient creatures gave out, and you harden his stance. You become a silent perpetrator. No matter how justified your judgment, judgment disassociates you from another and him from you.
Who needs My light more than one who inflicts pain on innocence?
With your insight and ability to wish My love on the hurters, you have repented. You have repented his pain and your indictment of it, and you have freed each from the other.
You also make clear, dear Beverly, that the love We are talking about here is not a pat on the head. It is not an attempt at love. It is not feeling sorry for the perpetrator. It is not even feeling kindly toward him. It is a bigger vision.
It is an honest sharing of My light. That sharing of My light raises you. That sharing of My light allows others to sing a higher note with you.
It is clear that this is done in silence. A loud proclamation is not the same as giving My light. To give My light, you give it.
The newspapers print infractions of the law. They tend to print stories of notoriety like the one you read. Dear Bev, this story pulled you down. In time to come, more and more, papers will print stories of heroism and upliftment. Get those stories out to the world. Such stories will do much to banish cruelty from the earth.
For the present, perhaps it will be better for you not to read the newspapers. Better to keep your attention on your goodness of heart and all the beautiful people who adore My sentient creatures and bless all life.