Indescribable Loving God
Elsie to God:
Dear God, I have always just related to a Being called God — That would be You, right? How are you different from the infinite unbounded impersonal God? And how does one make the differentiation? How does one relate to the Creator? You are the Creator, right? How are you different from Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, and the aspects of Mother Divine?
I am asking because I would like to know that I am praying to a being that cares, rather than to the impersonal, unmoving God, which seems very much like praying to nothing. I have always prayed to You, God, just like that, nothing more, and then it was said that to pray to God in that name is just praying to the impersonal God, and that that Being isn't available to respond or give support.
However, to me, to pray to Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, or to the Divine Mother seems very strange because I have never done it. Not that I don't believe in those aspects of Your creation, i.e. the creating, maintaining, or destroying aspects of creation, or in the case of Mother Divine, the female aspect of those aspects. I do believe that they exist and, even have some feeling for who they are, but I don't feel to break You into pieces, which praying to one of them feels like. Will You explain how this works to me?
Thanks so much, and all love, and I am working on all devotion.
God to Elsie:
My dear divine Elsie, there is no impersonal God, unless you call a God Who shares His heart with all as impersonal. I am personal to everyone. What could be more personal than a God who knows you so well and loves you so much? Who could be more intimate than I?
I reside in your heart. I blossom there. I pull your heart strings up high.
I am Wholeness, but you can look at one side of Me or another and give it a name. That is called personification, to take an aspect and give it a human name, to have that aspect represented as a Human Being God, one who walks and talks and handles certain projects.
Words cannot describe Me. Names cannot encompass Me. But you can tell My story in words and name me however you will. Whatever name you call Me by does not change Me. I may be all colors or I may be none, but you can call the blue sky Sky and the white moon Moon and the yellow sun Sun, and they are all shades of Me as well. You can call earth Mother and Heaven Father. You can call Me Gott or Dieu. You can call this aspect of Me Shiva and another aspect Vishnu. You can call one aspect of Me Thor, and you can tell stories that stir hearts and bring out wonder.
If I am a Sun, I am many-rayed. You can weave certain threads of My rays and call them Brahma. You can weave the woven.
What words feel good to you, surely you can use them.
Or if you are deaf, dumb, blind and have not words, you have Me contained in your heart just the same. I am no less without words.
You do not need words to know Me. Wordless, you can know Me. No words describe Me in any case. I am forever yours. Even as I am yours, yours irrevocably, you cannot bind Me into words or a name. You just do the best you can to describe what is indescribable. Call Me the Indescribable. Call Me the Word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.
Try to catch Me if you can. You cannot catch what you already have.
I am in your very breath, dear Elsie of My heart.
I move you.
I authored you.
I uphold you.
You are My fancy, but I am your Real.
Certain families have certain names for certain things. A baby bottle may be called Baba. A grandmother may be called Nana or Granny. A father may be called Dada, Dad, Pop, Pa, Daddy. A mother may be called Mom, Mama, Mommy. In fact, My one child has many names like Elsie and Gloria. Names differentiate. But know that truth is One and differentiating is the telling of a story, and there are many stories told about Me. Pick the stories and the names you like. Pick Me however you call Me. I will hear you. I will hear you call My name however you pronounce it. I hear the beat of your heart. I hear your intention. I hear your soul's longing, and My refrain, again and again, is I am here. Here I am. And you are here with Me as well. Feel Me. Feel My heartbeat. It is yours.
Yes, yes, I am personal to you.
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Karen to Heavenreaders:
I just want to make a comment of truths on how we all as a group of souls affect the universe as we learn to grow and heal with God.
I appreciate all the time and efforts of all those who participate in working and making Heaven be. All your interests of God and self-growth have helped God touch many around the world. To be open and share the feelings and questions of our inner self with many allows all of us to grow in God.
We are a group of souls that will always live the truth of God in all ways of our lives. We have the contact of this pure love that we know God has provided for every part of our lives. And, yes, it is Heaven and the souls that are part of Heaven that are conduits of God.
We do affect the universe. We do affect all living vibrations of God.
We are a part of God in all parts of our lives.
All souls are chosen by God when they allow this to take place. And Heavenreaders have made the way so that others will also have the chance to learn the way of God.
Thank you all for sharing and leading the way.
Love and appreciation.
God to Karen:
And so you appear here, too, a beacon of My love, shining My light on all. And, for that, I thank you.