Beyond Manifestation

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Elsie to Heavenletters:

Dear Gloria, I am very glad to have the Heavenletters to add to my life. It is a joy, and I am sharing it with my friends.

And, as well, I do have a question I would like to ask of God. In the March 31, 2000, Heavenletter, He says that we do not want to learn nonattachment, and yet, we all feel the pain of our attachments every day.

What is attachment, that it can make us so miserable, and yet we don't want to be rid of it? This makes us not very smart, but I am always hoping that it is just because there is something I have not understood. I would like to be nonattached, but I don't know how to get there, and it doesn't seem like the path is very comfortable, perhaps because I can't see the way. Would God please give some clarity on this?

Thanks so much!

God to Elsie:

Dear Elsie, Beloved.

Attachment brings its pain, but you think it brings you happiness. You don't feel attachment as pain. You feel it as love.

You look for your security where it is not. You look for it in other human beings who can only fail your expectations sooner or later, even if only in the one thing you call death. Better not to have expectations. Expectations limit your life.

Attachment is holding on for dear life to that which cannot be held on to. Life moves. It cannot be kept in one place. My children look for nonchange where it is not.

Expectations, attachment, control are little things that persuade you that you know what life is all about and that you are supposed to maneuver and manipulate it. My children like to think it is their place to direct life, not only their own life, but everybody else's!

Ego wants you to think you are the ruler of the universe.

Ego wants you to think there is no God, only ego.

But ego does not tell truth.

You, My children, live with illusions until something wakes you up.

Death wakes you up. Bankruptcy. Illness. Accident. Losing your job. A boyfriend. Something in the world lets you down. Does it not always? Does anyone really live fancy-free? How much energy do you consume holding on to the unholdable?

All the time you hold on, all the time you kid yourself, you know the truth but won't look at it. You know you don't own anyone. You don't own your life. You don't own events. You don't own your children. You do not own the course of your life.

You love to sleep. You love to hold on to your illusion. Attachment of itself is not unpleasant to you. You like it. So long as nothing wakes you up. The pain comes later.

No one loves their alarm clock.

No one wants to let go of anything they believe is how it is supposed to be. Pain is when something is wrenched from you that was never yours in the first place.

Be attached to Me. We are inseparable. Everything else in the world is separable.

Now, let's draw back a little.

You believe in lack and loss. If you did not, you would not attach yourself. You believe that something can be taken away from you, and that's why you hold on. You think you can be less than whole.

You can never be less.

All is yours. All is Ours.

The manifestation is not IT.

What is behind and beyond the manifestation is IT.

All that is yours, you can never lose. In life or in death, you are whole with Me. Elsie, you are whole with Me.

You are here on earth to learn that you never were apart from Me.

You are here on earth to learn to not hold on to what is not real in the first place.

You are here on earth to learn to let go of what you have held on to through fear.

You are here on earth to let go of fear.

Your worth is not based on who or what is around you.

Your worth is based on Me.

Love can never be held on to in the first place. Love, of its very nature, is free. It must flow. Holding on blocks it.

Letting go of attachment does not mean that you sell or give away your worldly goods. It means you see them for what they are.

Tokens. Gifts along the way.

Your loved ones? Gifts also. In human form. Or pet form. But the gift is not the form. The gift is the love.

Even answers can't be held on to. Even My answers are not a manual. You cannot live life holding on to an instruction book. Read the book. Listen. And let go, and be unselfconscious about your life. Don't strain to be unattached, for then you are attached to strain. Don't strive for perfection, for then you are attached to perfection. I love you as you are. Let your life be. Let it alone a little. Let it unfold.

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Barbara to Heavenletters:

What a great asking from Judith, and what a great answering from God in yesterday's Heavenletter. I love it when God just blows my mind! Thank you.