View Life Differently
Judith to God:
Dear God, yes, as You say in the August 3 Heavenletter, I feel that I am opening up — somehow. It's my habit to observe and analyze everything. In this opening up, I sense this is the key — to just allow and open my heart to Your Light… I have a picture in my mind of a flower bud opening up to the full sun. I am keeping my heart's attention here.
My mind, however, wants to know things…
I have a question about why You have made it so that there is the You that never changes, and the You that is manifest in an infinite variety, that this manifestation of You forgets, and then remembers that we are You, but only after many, many (infinite) lifetimes? Is this the game that never ends? Are You, the Absolute, "bored" and desirous of entertainment in the form of You, the infinitely interacting Creation?
God to Judith:
There are not two I's, one here and one there. There is only One I, and that One shares. I am here in the total energy of love, and My love goes out in the shape of human beings who think they are separate from Me. You do not think that the waves of an ocean are separate from the ocean, but you think, you fear, you are separate from Me and that I made it so.
I am here, ever still, ever in My wholeness, and you, My thought, are ever here in My wholeness. But you think you are your own thought, and you wander far afield.
Let Me ask you, My beloved Judith, why wander you far afield?
When you, Judith, have a daydream, the daydream does not say to you, Why, oh, why Judith have you put me out here? Your daydream does not think it is its own mover and that it exists apart from you. The daydream does not accuse you of disemboweling it; it knows it is your creation. The daydream knows it is a daydream and will exist in its own pretend world for only a short time until the episodes of it vanish and it will return to you from whence it came. Yet it also knows it does not return, because it has never been away. It could only exist in your presence, and if it is in your presence, how is it away?
But We know, you and I, that I cannot answer your question to your mind's satisfaction.
How would you explain hot and cold to someone who does not recall them? They might ask you, How can cold and hot both be temperature, when one is called hot and the other is called cold?
Are We a scale then that is measured? Are We little lines on a ruler?
A table is five feet long. There is one end of the table here and another there, but the two ends make one table. Is there, in truth, a distance between the ends of the table?
You, of course, have the idea that being in human form is a punishment, for do not My children suffer there, or believe they do?
View life differently.
What if you thought that life were a red carpet rolled out for greatness to walk on?
What if you saw your human life as a walk in the woods, and knew a string connected you to where you began, and so you could never be lost. What if you were really asleep in your bed, and the walk only a dream?
What if you knew that night darkness does not mean that the Sun has disappeared?
What if you considered night darkness as the beginning of sunrise?
What if, in truth, darkness never was. You thought there was because your eyes were lidded.
All you had to do was open your eyes, and nothing was changed.
Oh, but the darkness feels so real. And pain feels strong. And separation wrenches your heart.
You think your little excursion in life is momentous, but it is only an excursion.
At the same time as it is good for you to take life less seriously, I don't want you to think that I am a frivolous Creator. I didn't just toss dice up in the air.
I know an answer often given for the advent of human life is so that you can appreciate the Oneness of life. If you did not pull away a little bit from My heart, how would you then know what love is? If you did not know war, how would you know peace? How would you know near if you did not know far?
I know that an answer often given for the event of human life is that it is like a bath that washes you, cleans you, refreshes you.
But what do I say?
Do you know those toy horn-blowers that are party-favors on New Year's Eve and children's birthdays? You blow into it and part of it rolls out, and then it rolls back. We could say life is like that, made by My breath as I blow it into you, and recalled to Me in the pause between breaths. You are made by my breath, and yet you are My breath.
You are My inhalation and exhalation. You are also My exhilaration. You are My love exhilarated. You are My love swirling around. But you are never not My love. You are never far from Me because you are of Me.
The human mind, the mind that thinks it is somewhere, that thinks time and space exist, cannot fathom human life and why it is and how it came to be.
That you are My love expressed does not answer your question. It does not satisfy. But why, but why, your harried mind asks, for it always wants an explanation. But let Us say that the you who imagines herself an individual wanted to take a walk and see the sights. Let Us say that the you who imagines herself an individual, wanted some drama and made a stage for the play of herself. Let Us say that you, who are an imaginer, wanted to explore imagination. The initial act of creation and its fullsome originating love was so wonderful that you wanted to play with it and in it, and always your heart longs for the moment of its inception and the gloriousness of where it began, and that moment is here and now.
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Chip to Gloria:
Re Bev's letter — nice going. I hope Oprah listens.