Trust in God
Lauren to God:
Dear God, I am feeling so much weight on my shoulders right now. I am feeling that I cannot bear it one second longer. I am feeling that I will never have help or support or have someone tell me not to worry, that they'll handle it for now.
I want to have my awareness on You, God, and the beauty of your creation. I don't want to feel pressured and burdened any more. I know that You are all that I should need but it seems like money is what would solve my problems, God, or money would at least give me the freedom to work on other issues. I don't know how to keep my eyes up to Heaven when I am worrying about bills and money.
I want to run away, I need some help. I feel that I have too much on me at home and at work. It's too much. I'm not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I am seeing pressure and burden and lack in my present and future.
I want so much to see the good, the positive, the beautiful — to focus on my blessings not my burdens. I need a hand up, God. I need help now.
God to Lauren:
Ask and ye shall receive.
Part of asking is like a delivery. When you deliver a message, you leave it. You do not stay with the message. You do not hover over it.
Tenseness has no value. Burden is the weight you assign something. Reassign it. Does the world truly have the power to make you tremble? Are bills your lord and master?
I know it is uncomfortable not to be on top of things, Lauren. It is not enjoyable to have creditors and to have your sense of debt weighing heavily upon you. And I know you have generously assumed financial responsibility for Heaven Ministry and for your mother and that you feel stretched beyond endurance, that you are giving and giving, and your heart aches in asking, "When does the world give to me?" You weep at the disparity.
Lauren, what if you did know that in a month or two weeks, all your bills would be paid? The bills would be the same now. They would not be paid yet, but you would know they would be. The bills the same, but the weight less, is that not true? Would you breathe a big sigh of relief, and all your concern melt?
I tell you now to let go of the tension. The tension keeps you where you are. Leave the tension. Step out of it. You know the tension does not help, and yet you have learned well that you should be mightily upset with unpaid bills.
For the moment, pay something on each bill, and you will feel some relief.
Lauren, the bills are an idea in your mind. They are only pieces of paper that come in envelopes through the mail. There is no monster on the other end. There are people. The bill is not a black X and skull and crossbones like in Treasure Island that mean you are marked for a terrible end. An unpaid bill means that there is something more for you to do. And you will do it, and your bills will be paid. You will not starve, and you will not be thrown in the street.
Once you are caught up, live within your means. Live within your means now.
If you do not believe that I will support you, will you at least accept that I will support your mother? And that you will not have to worry about her any more?
How much will you trust Me? 50%? 40%? 30%? 10%? None at all? Proportionate to your trust, your sense of burden will decrease.
Your sense of burden is your sense of burden. You carry a box on your back. You think it is full of heavy iron. It is actually empty, but it feels so heavy to you because you believe it is filled with heavy weight. The weight is in your attention and perception.
Restructure your thinking and angle of seeing.
See this for what it is. It is not calamity. It is not disaster.
It is being in debt for a time.
The burden is in your thinking, My dearest Lauren.
You are not powerless.
You are a strong lady, but you do not hold the world up. That is in your mind.
I hold the world up.
I hold you up.
Let yourself know that it is I Who upholds the universe.
Ask, and ye shall receive.
Let go, and you will accept.
Asking is accepting.
Letting go enables the world to come to your feet.
Look for signs of My having heard you.
Look for signs of My having answered you.
Please do not hold on to the solutions so hard.
There is a vast universe and a multitude of ways to let go of debt. I am here to help you. Look. Listen. See and hear. And know the comfort of My love, My love for you, Lauren.
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Ruth to Heavenletters:
Dear Gloria, I have a friend who would like a two-week trial subscription to Heaven. When she wants to continue, let me know and I will treat her to it!
Thank you very much.
I just want to add that whatever you talk to God about is always applicable to all of us so don't worry about not having questions.