Hunter of Buffalo

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, not to make excuses, but finding where to send the prison letter seems to be difficult. I seem to find all kinds of articles about prison situations and reform on the Internet but not places to send our inquiry to, not Directors of Rehabilitation or even names of prisons.

I started thinking I should narrow it down to Iowa to start with, that that would be easier, and Nancy O. suggested that maybe at first we should target women's prisons, and that makes good sense, but still I haven't yet been able to make headway on where to send Our letter. I thought of sending it to the Governor of Iowa, and then I thought why not all governors, why limit it to Iowa? Again, what am I preparing for? Or doing it systematically for? Why not shotgun this? But I didn't even find the Governor of Iowa's email address. I find that ideas are easy, writing the letter is easy, and then the details seem to stymie me.

Today I will go to the library and maybe the librarian will help me find places to direct Our letter to.


You feel you are in a maze.

There is no maze, Gloria.


It just seems to me that things should be easier.


It is like this. You want to go from your house to another house. You set out, and finding the house is not easy for you. Maybe you don't know the way. Maybe you have to go through some brambles to get there. But you don't turn around and go back home. You keep walking.

Who said things should be smooth in the relative? The relative is not known for its smoothness.

Are you going to let the relative rule you?

Decide that it is easy to find those to receive Our Heavenletter invitation. That doesn't mean you don't have to look.

In the days when buffalo roamed the earth, a hunter didn't take a few steps outside his wigwam and say: "Where are the buffalo? Why aren't they here? They should be here waiting for me." He went out on a hunt. He tracked and came to the buffalo.

Do you really think that because you are working for Me that you can take one step outside your door and find everything laid out for you?

You are in pursuit of such an easy thing — names and addresses.

The hunters did not run. They walked. They trod the earth. They knew they would sight the buffalo.

Some hunts went easier than others.

But remember they hunted buffalo, not easy hunts.

Yes, you look for easy. That is fine. But don't feel blunted when you do not find easy.


Are there obstacles within me that make detail things hard?


You think it's hard. You say it's hard. Say it's easy. You know all is available. The things you like to do are easy for you — ideas and writing. Research isn't your cup of tea, but you don't have to have your cup of tea — you can also drink water.

When you have a beautiful dress and you are going to go to a ball, you still have to attend to the details of dressing. You have to press the dress. You have to put it on. You have to zip it up. You have to find your shoes, your purse.

You don't think: Oh, so much work getting dressed. Why is it so hard? Why isn't it all easy?

It is all easy if you just don't mind.

Get an easy mind-set. Don't resist the details. Don't resist doing even that which is not most enjoyable for you. Don't resist.

What is frustration but resistance? What is resistance but control?


Dear God, since communicating with You, ideas and writing seem to come more easily than before. I used to have to rewrite and rewrite my personal letters, and now I just rattle them off. I guess I still hold to the idea that doing your work, whatever it is, should be easy.


What you think is hard is hard. What you think is easy is easy. Which end of the telescope are you looking through?

Consider the research for names and places as a walk you take. Be happy when one tree appears. Be happy for sidewalks, the corner store. Be happy for flowers. For all will lead you to Me.

All the articles you find, all the signals, all will lead you to Me. Bear your target in mind. I am your true target. I am what you are finding. Find Me in the myriad articles and information you come across. Be open to finding Me. Find Me even in confusion and frustration, and then there will be no confusion and no frustration. Just keep your eye on Me, dear Gloria. Never mind fumbling or grumbling. Just keep your eye on the star you are following.

You think ease is love, and that lack of ease is non-love. Get over taking personally.

Gloria to Heavenreaders:

Subsequently we found a whole bunch of names of people in prison.