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Trouble with subscription since moving
Posted August 17th, 2009 by lpaul819
We recently moved to a new home and my email provider (Earthlink) terminated my email account instead of transferring it! I've got my email back up and running, but am not receiving my daily dose of Heaven! I thought perhaps my subscription had been canceled because of the glitch, but when I tried to re-subscribe, I got the message that I am already subscribed. Please help!
Beloved lpaul819, we're so
Beloved lpaul819, we're so sorry you're not receiving Heavenletters. Above all, we want you to receive them. Would you kindly email me your email address and name so I can make sure you are in the data base properly? gloria [at[ heavenletters [dot] org I will take care of you right away.
And thanks for posting this so we know.
Enjoy your new home, dear one.
With love and blessings,