There Is Oneness

God said:

What would prevent today from being one of the loveliest in your life? Would you not want it to be? What prevents it then? Perhaps you condemn outside events and people and say they ruin your day, and yet they cannot. Only you can. If you were not so swayed about the events of the world and the people who disturb you in it, would not your day be lovely?

I will ask you a question you have asked: "Why cannot life be lovely? Why must it be filled with hassles?" Why indeed, I ask you. And I add, Beloveds, who is it that has the power to make your life more lovely?

When you want your life to budge more, perhaps you are the one who has to budge. Perhaps you smash into walls when you can as easily go around them. You scuff your shoes kicking at something when you could pick it up and go on your way. Must occurrences have such great impact on your life? Must they wrack you? Bend a little, and their impact will be less. Do not be taken aback. Stand back a little. Object less and fight less. Expend more energy for that which gives you joy rather than battle. What is your stance in life, Beloved?

Perhaps you have been raised to enjoy friction, a good fight, a good anger, the vanquishing of an imagined foe. You may be good at getting a rise out of yourself. Battle may be the steam that runs your engine, but at what cost? Look for less costly fuel.

You tear out your own hair, and you clench your fists, and to what avail? to what avail?

Your hands were not made to make fists of. Your hands were meant to be open. Open, your hands receive. Open, your hands offer. A handshake is a lovely thing. It is a symbol of Oneness. What does a fist betoken?

It would seem that in the main you put up your fists or you hold your hands up in dismay or you run away, as if those were the three major alternatives in your life. Certainly they are popular ones.

Consider taking a different position in life today. Consider yourself a turnstile rather than a barrier. Be a posture of openness. If the world is a hula hoop, then be the one who gyrates within it. You do not need to demolish that which distresses you and which you would prefer to be without. Just be without it.

Anger and agony are two swords you carry, ever ready at attention. Put down your swords. They weigh heavily on you. Why on earth choose swords when stars shine on you, and there are galaxies of light awaiting a glance from you? With a sword in hand, it's hard to look up. You drag a sword around, or it drags you. Lay down your swords, and lift your eyes and lift your heart. Place on the ground all that which you need to step over, and you will be lightened. Your heart will be lightened.

There is no territory in life. There is not a line to step over. There are no lines except those made with a stick. Of what merit are they? Step over the imaginary lines in your life. Without lines, there are no sides, no angles, and, therefore, no sharpness.

You live on a circle of life and love called Earth. Circles are round and have no corners. There is no up and there is no down. There is no before and there is no after. And there is no in between. There is Oneness.

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1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said you live on
A circle of life and love
Make your life lovely

Love, Light, and Aloha!